Diablo 4 Scrap of Paper

D4 Scrap of Paper

Scrap of Paper

It it a Lorebook.

  • Scrap of Paper: HERE LIES ROWAN

    My dear child. I’m so sorry. I should’ve been a better shepherd. I should never have shunned you.
  • Scrap of Paper: I tracked you here. Found your corpse. Wept, grieved. My heart stopped when your eyes opened. But it wasn’t life that moved you.

    The unholy beasts that dwell here raised your body with a magic so foul.
  • Scrap of Paper: I killed them. I had to kill you. But I tried to give you a death more painless than your first. Wherever your soul is now, may the Light protect you the way I couldn’t, my child.
Scrap of Paper

It it a Lorebook.

  • Scrap of Paper: I have come to these caves to be in service for my master. He has promised me both life and blood, resilience as the world crumbles. I crave such stability, such…STRENGTH.
  • Scrap of Paper: I was born weak into a world that has no tolerance for it, and I continue to be weak to feed my master.
  • Scrap of Paper: But I know that one day soon I will be reborn anew, his equal and his ally and his kin. This day will come. This day will come!
Scrap of Paper

It it a Lorebook.

  • Scrap of Paper: They brought Eriman today. Either the luck of the Zakarum is truly something, or someone finally gave him up. Can’t ask what this means for those of us being held prisoner now. It isn’t for us to question Akarat’s will... or so they say.
  • Scrap of Paper: It was supposed to be me on the pyre tonight, but they’re eager to learn if Eriman truly is the witch they’ve been hunting. I can only hope his is the last flesh that burns.
Scrap of Paper

It it a Lorebook.

  • Scrap of Paper: Rasav, last warning. Quit pissin’ outside the latrine. Reeks bad enough for us, but you know how it riles the snaky bastards. No chance we’re finding that ritual tome without ‘em. If you ruin it now, after we’ve slogged all over Sanctuary and back, all ‘cause you couldn’t be bothered to step outside, well. The tribe will want answers.
  • Scrap of Paper: Think of the morrow. Untold power, bountiful flesh. We’ll crush every other clan in the Steppes. We can have it all—or I can kill you. You choose.

Scrap of Paper

It it a Lorebook.

  • Scrap of Paper: Something in the fort has followed us inside these awful tunnels. Or been here for long ages and is now newly woken.
  • Scrap of Paper: I thought to flee—to abandon my fellow crusaders, to think for myself for once. It will no doubt spell my doom.
  • Scrap of Paper: I can smell death in the air. It will come for me soon.

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