Diablo 4 Charred Journal

D4 Charred Journal

Charred Journal

It it a Lorebook.

  • A crumpled page out of a charred journal
  • Charred Journal: The Cathedral of Light ordered us to cleanse Fort Eridu. At first, I thought this was a mistake. There wasn’t anything in the old fort, but we started to lose our men. We found them torn apart and barely recognizable.
  • Charred Journal: Death was granted for a lucky few, the other rose as shambling corpses. The trail of bodies led us to the demon infestation in the lower reaches.
  • Charred Journal: No wonder this fort was left to rot. It’s sitting on cursed ground. I won’t lose any more knights. Tomorrow, I’m ordering my regiment to destroy this vile building and hopefully seal these demons inside. I pray they never escape.

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