Diablo 4 Caretaker's Memoirs

D4 Caretaker's Memoirs

Caretaker's Memoirs

It it a Lorebook.

  • Caretaker's Memoirs: For forty-three years, I have swept the floors, lit the candles, and welcomed the faithful here to the tomb of our Saint Ilenora. May she rest in the Father’s glory.
  • Weary. Reverent. Name pronunciation: "ill-ih-norra"
  • Caretaker's Memoirs: But the faithful have stopped coming. I hear their horses thunder by on the road to Scosglen, charging headlong into the wild to serve the Father.
  • Weary. Slight sadness.
  • Caretaker's Memoirs: The lucky few may earn a tomb of their own … and perhaps an old monk to care for them while the world forgets their names.
  • Weary. Resigned. A joke on his own foolishness.

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