Diablo 4 Dusty Slip of Parchment

D4 Dusty Slip of Parchment

Dusty Slip of Parchment

It it a Lorebook.

  • Dusty Slip of Parchment: Work Order – Deliver to Mason

    Head of the house wants a hole in the cellar bricked up. Passage runs higher and wider than other hallways in the keep. Eh, must’ve been around much longer.
  • Dusty Slip of Parchment: Limestone. Quarter shipment. Two hands should cover it. One good day’s work.
  • Dusty Slip of Parchment: I, uh, should mention, you’re the second crew we’ve asked. First backed out after they saw the hole. I won’t deny, the damn thing raises the hackles. But Donan’s offering twice your rate to keep this quick and quiet.

    What say you?

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