Diablo 4 Blood-streaked Diary

D4 Blood-streaked Diary

Blood-streaked Diary

It it a Lorebook.

  • Blood-streaked Diary: Same dream as always. Serpent eyes in the darkness. Shadow slithering through the grass. I shed the skin from this old dying form. Then I am adorned in scales. Free from pain.
  • Feverish. Maddened.
  • Blood-streaked Diary: In the scales are reflected faces I know. Villagers who scorned me. Cursed me. Laughed at me. Tongues flick in the darkness. Hear their words in my thoughts.
  • Blood-streaked Diary: Each life is a sacrifice for us. Each life is a scale for your rebirth.

    I awaken, and a snake is at my feet. Waiting.

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