Diablo 4 Letter to Exalted Lazira

D4 Letter to Exalted Lazira

Letter to Exalted Lazira

It it a Lorebook.

  • Letter to Exalted Lazira: Your highness. We have come to the grotto as instructed. Your fears have been proven correct. A horrible corruption, both of the spirit and of the flesh, has infiltrated this once tranquil space. The garrison has encountered corpses that walk and wail, as well as other forms of demonic creatures too terrible to describe.
  • Letter to Exalted Lazira: We are down to only a few men; the rest now shamble the sands like empty human husks hungry for a taste of life. A life I can feel slowly draining away.
  • Letter to Exalted Lazira: I have sent a runner to dispatch this note, I pray he makes it out alive.
    -Your Captain, Munaz

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