Diablo 4 Letter

D4 Letter


It it a Lorebook.

  • Letter: Helda, I’m sorry I left so quickly. Father said such awful things, I couldn’t bear it. Don’t fret over me. I’m safe. I fled to the ruins we thought deserted and was shocked to find there a group of kind folk who offered me food and lodging.
  • Letter: I hope you’ll come too. I’ll admit I was scared at first. Hard living has made them...strange looking. But they feed me quite generously. For once I have some fat on my bones in this frigid wasteland!
    -Love, Edeljen

It it a Lorebook.

  • Letter: Dearest daughter,
    My ancestor’s call rang clear. If I give my life to free him from his salt prison, he can protect our people. Protect you. In the end, it is no choice at all.
  • Letter: Weep not for my death, as it is something I give freely and joyfully. I watched my grandchildren grow. I end my life with a smile, knowing they will be free from the horrors we survived.
    -Your loving father, Davan

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