PoE Otherworldly Artefacts 3.25

Otherworldly Artefacts Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Otherworldly ArtefactsNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps have 20% increased Monster density
  • Breach Monsters in your Maps have 50% increased chance to drop a Breach Unique Item

Related Atlas Passive Tree

3Breach Monster SplintersNormal
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
2Breach Monster DensityNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps have 5% increased Monster density
1Breach Density and Monster SplintersNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps have 3% increased Monster density
  • 8% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
1Otherworldly ArtefactsNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps have 20% increased Monster density
  • Breach Monsters in your Maps have 50% increased chance to drop a Breach Unique Item