PoE Harvest Chance 3.25

Harvest Chance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
7Harvest ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +10% chance to contain The Sacred Grove

Related Atlas Passive Tree

2Harvest Monster Duplication ChanceNormal
  • Plants Harvested in your Maps have 3% chance to spawn duplicated Monsters
6Additional Lifeforce from HarvestNormal
  • Harvest Monsters in your Maps drop 3% increased Quantity of Lifeforce
1Bountiful HarvestNotable
  • Harvest Monsters in your Maps grant 200% increased Experience
  • Harvested Plants in your Maps have 10% chance to spawn an additional Monster
7Harvest ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +10% chance to contain The Sacred Grove
1Bumper CropNotable
  • The Sacred Grove in your Maps has 50% chance to contain an additional Harvest