PoE Evolving Hives 3.25

Evolving Hives Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Evolving HivesNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 3 additional Rare Monsters
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 30% increased Magic Monsters

Related Atlas Passive Tree

1Probing for WeaknessesNotable
  • Your Maps have +20% chance to contain Breaches
2Breach Magic Monster ChanceNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 8% increased Magic Monsters
1Evolving HivesNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 3 additional Rare Monsters
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 30% increased Magic Monsters
2Breach SpeedNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps open and close 4% faster
1Breach Magic Monsters and ChanceNormal
  • Breaches in your Maps spawn 4% increased Magic Monsters
  • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain Breaches