PoE Deadly Prey 3.25

Deadly Prey Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Deadly PreyNotable
  • Beasts in your Maps have a 50% chance to break free Beasts which break free in your Maps gain Bestial Rage Defeating Beasts grants Hunters' Cunning per Bestial Rage on the defeated Beast

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Hunters' Cunning grants less damage taken from Beasts, increased damage against Beasts, and increased Quantity and Rarity of items found from slain Beasts)

Related Atlas Passive Tree

1Deadly PreyNotable
  • Beasts in your Maps have a 50% chance to break free Beasts which break free in your Maps gain Bestial Rage Defeating Beasts grants Hunters' Cunning per Bestial Rage on the defeated Beast

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Hunters' Cunning grants less damage taken from Beasts, increased damage against Beasts, and increased Quantity and Rarity of items found from slain Beasts)