1 | Casing the Joint | Notable | - Smuggler's Caches in your Maps have 100% increased chance to drop Blueprints
- Blueprints that drop in your Maps have 10% chance to be fully Revealed
3 | Additional Smuggler's Cache Chance | Normal | - Your Maps that contain Smuggler's Caches have a 10% chance to contain an additional Smuggler's Cache
1 | No Honour Among Thieves | Notable | - Smuggler's Caches in your Maps have 10% increased chance to contain Blueprints for each Smuggler's Cache opened in the Map
- Smuggler's Caches drop 10% more Rogue Markers for each Smuggler's Cache opened in the Area
- Your Maps that contain Smuggler's Caches have a 5% chance to contain 6 additional Smuggler's Caches
3 | Heist Blueprint Chance | Normal | - 8% increased Blueprints found in your Maps