PoE Breach Splinters from Monsters and Clasped Hands 3.25

Breach Splinters from Monsters and Clasped Hands Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1Breach Splinters from Monsters and Clasped HandsNormal
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters found in Breach Hands in your Maps
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps

Related Atlas Passive Tree

1Breach Splinters from Monsters and Clasped HandsNormal
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters found in Breach Hands in your Maps
  • 10% increased Quantity of Breach Splinters dropped by Breach Monsters in your Maps
1Call of Xesht-UlaNotable
  • Breaches in your Maps have 1% chance to contain Xesht-Ula, the Open Hand
  • Breaches in your Maps have 15% chance to contain a Hand of Xesht-Ula

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Xesht-Ula can drop Breachstones of every Breach type)
  • (Hand of Xesht-Ula can drop Breach Splinters of every Breach type)