PoE Additional Blight Chest Chance 3.25

Additional Blight Chest Chance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
2Additional Blight Chest ChanceNormal
  • Lanes of Blight Encounters in your Maps have 10% chance for an additional Reward Chest

Related Atlas Passive Tree

1Blight Chest Chance and Lucky ChestsNormal
  • Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in your Maps are Lucky
  • Lanes of Blight Encounters in your Maps have 5% chance for an additional Reward Chest
2Lucky Blight ChestsNormal
  • 8% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward
  • Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in your Maps are Lucky
2Additional Blight Chest ChanceNormal
  • Lanes of Blight Encounters in your Maps have 10% chance for an additional Reward Chest
  • Varieties of Items contained in 3 Blight Chests in your Maps are Lucky
  • Blight chests in your Maps have a 20% chance to be openable again
50Scarab Drop ChanceNormal
  • 3% increased Scarabs found in your Maps
34Adjacent Map Drop ChanceNormal
  • 2% chance for one Monster in each of your Maps to drop an additional connected Map