Diablo 4 Heir to the Sea

D4 Heir to the Sea

Name Icon Description
Heir to the Sea
Not long after the Lady set her minions to the shores of Sanctuary, there arose a hero, a follower of the old ways, to help protect nature and the lands of the living.
A power vast as the sea.
Series: Prestige Equipment Cosmetics

You can purchase this item from the Diablo 4 Shop in the game.

Name Icon Description
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Tide-Walkers
Mantle of the Deep
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Mantle of the Deep
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Pincers
The Heir's Crown
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: The Heir's Crown
Breaker of Waves
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Breaker of Waves
High Tide
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
The Great Below
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Piscine Totem
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Charybdis
Maelstrom's Weight
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Maelstrom's Weight
Series: "Heir to the Sea"
Item: Scylla

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List of D4 Items Explained