PoE 3.25 New Gems Items, New Support Gems Settlers of Kalguur Skills

PoE Settlers 3.25 New Gems

Autoexertion Autoexertion

Tag: Warcry, Trigger, Spell. Level: (1–20). Cooldown Time: 0.60 sec. Cast Time: Instant.

Requires Level (24–70), (58–155) Str.

Reserves mana based on the supported warcries to cause those warcries to be repeatedly triggered.

  • Supported Warcries will Trigger when their Cooldown is over
  • This Skill's Mana Reservation is the total of the Mana Reservations of Supported Skills, and cannot be further modified

Autoexertion Support

Reservation: 15% Mana. Cooldown Time: 0.20 sec.

Supports warcry skills. Cannot support retaliation skills or modify the skills of minions.

  • Supported Skills have (0–19)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
  • Supported Warcries are Triggered when their Cooldowns are over
  • Supported Skills' Base Mana Cost is 10
  • Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to You or Allies
  • Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Crushing Fist Crushing Fist

Tag: Attack, Slam, AoE, Retaliation, Melee. Level: (1–20). Cost: (8–14) Mana. Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: (1004–2194)% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (1004–2194)%.

Requires Level (4–70), (16–155) Str.

Retaliate against a blocked hit by calling forth a huge armoured fist to slam into the ground in front of you as you do the same, dealing weapon damage in an area.

  • Cannot be used by default
  • Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
  • Can't be Evaded
  • 60% less Damage with Ailments
  • Base radius is (2–2.8) metres
  • Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Eviscerate Eviscerate

Tag: Attack, AoE, Retaliation, Physical, Melee. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–10) Mana. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (675–1345)%.

Requires Level (16–70), (26–98) Str, (18–68) Dex.

Retaliate against a blocked hit with an arcing slash that releases two waves of force. Enemies close in front of you can be hit by both waves. Requires a Sword or Axe and a Shield.

  • Cannot be used by default
  • Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
  • Can't be Evaded
  • Base wave length is 10 metres
  • Base wave width is (2.8–3.2) metres
  • Causes Bleeding
  • Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Swordstorm Swordstorm

Tag: Attack, AoE, Retaliation, Melee. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–10) Mana. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (124–247)%.

Requires Level (16–70), (26–98) Str, (18–68) Dex.

Retaliate against a blocked hit with a hail of blades that rains down in front of you, repeatedly dealing the damage of both your weapons combined. Requires Dual Wielding Melee Weapons.

  • Cannot be used by default
  • Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
  • Can't be Evaded
  • Base radius is (1.8–2.3) metres
  • Damages Enemies 8 times
  • Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Vengeful Cry Vengeful Cry

Tag: Warcry, AoE, Duration, Retaliation. Level: (1–20). Cost: (15–19) Mana. Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec. Use Time: 0.80 sec.

Requires Level (24–70), (58–155) Str.

Retaliate against a savage hit with a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user. The user and nearby allies gain a buff which grants rage and prevents rage from being lost.

  • Base duration is (2.5–3.4) seconds
  • (0–38)% increased Warcry Speed
  • Cannot be used by default
  • Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you take a Savage Hit
  • Counts total Power of Enemies in Range
  • Buff grants 3 Rage per second per 5 Power, counting a maximum of 25 power
  • Buff grants +25 to Maximum Rage
  • Buff prevents inherent loss of Rage
  • Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Glacial Shield Swipe Glacial Shield Swipe

Tag: Attack, AoE, Cold, Physical, Retaliation, Melee. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–11) Mana. Cooldown Time: 3.50 sec. Attack Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%.

Requires Level (16–70), (18–68) Str, (26–98) Dex.

Retaliate against a blocked hit with a sweep of your Shield, unleashing a wave of ice in a cone in front of you.

  • (78–607) to (117–911) Base Off Hand Physical Damage
  • (17–29) to (25–43) Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Cannot be used by default
  • Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
  • Always Freezes enemies
  • Can't be Evaded
  • 50% less Damage with Ailments
  • Base radius is 8 metres
  • Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Puncture of Shanking Puncture of Shanking

Tag: Attack, Melee, Strike, Duration, Physical. Level: (1–20). Cost: (8–14) Mana. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: (170–438)% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (170–438)%.

Requires Level (4–70), (10–98) Dex, (7–68) Int.

Punctures enemies, causing a bleeding debuff, which will be affected by modifiers to skill duration. Puncture works with daggers, claws or swords.

  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • (80–118)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies
  • (30–49)% more Damage with Bleeding
  • Causes Bleeding
  • Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–20)% more Damage with Bleeding

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Divine Retribution Divine Retribution

Tag: Spell, AoE, Lightning, Physical, Retaliation. Level: (1–20). Cost: (9–23) Mana. Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 390%.

Requires Level (16–70), (18–68) Str, (26–98) Int.

Retaliate against a blocked hit with a surge of divine power, causing multiple waves of lightning bursts to expand outward from a targeted location. This skill cannot be Triggered or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.

  • Deals (57–1745) to (86–2617) Physical Damage
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Cannot be used by default
  • Becomes Usable once for 2 seconds when you Block a Hit
  • Burst Base radius is (1.2–1.6) metres
  • Each wave has 6 Bursts
  • Causes 4 Waves
  • Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Expert Retaliation Support Expert Retaliation Support

Tag: Retaliation, Support. Level: (1–20). Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%.

Requires Level (31–70), (33–70) Str, (23–48) Dex.

Supports retaliation skills.

  • Supported Retaliation Skills become Usable for (20–39)% longer
  • Supported Skills have (40–78)% more Cooldown Recovery Rate
  • Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% more Cooldown Recovery Rate

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

More Duration Support More Duration Support

Tag: Support, Duration. Level: (1–20). Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%.

Requires Level (31–70), (52–111) Str.

Supports any skill with a duration.

  • Supported Skills have (30–39)% more Skill Effect Duration
  • Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% more Skill Effect Duration

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

Overexertion Support Overexertion Support

Tag: Warcry, Support, Melee, Attack. Level: (1–20). Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%.

Requires Level (38–70), (63–111) Str.

Supports melee attack skills which can be exerted. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Vaal skills and channelling skills cannot be exerted.

  • Supported Attacks deal (12–18)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them
  • Supported Attacks deal 10% more Damage if Exerted
  • Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Attacks deal (0–20)% increased Damage if Exerted

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

Rupture Support Rupture Support

Tag: Attack, Physical, Critical, Support. Level: (1–20). Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%.

Requires Level (38–70), (27–48) Str, (40–70) Dex.

Supports attack skills.

  • Critical Strikes with Supported Skills that inflict Bleeding also inflict Rupture
  • Targets take (20–29)% more Damage from Bleeding per Rupture on them from Supported Skills
  • Bleeding expires 25% more quickly per Rupture from Supported Skills on targets
  • Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–20)% increased Critical Strike Chance

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.

3.25 New Gems Items 3.24 3.23 3.22 3.21 3.20 3.19 3.18 3.17
3.16 3.15 3.14 3.13 3.12 Starter Requirements Supports Triggerable  

PoE Settlers of Kalguur 3.25 New Items

  • Added a new Strength Skill Gem, Crushing Fist: Retaliate against a blocked hit by slamming a huge armoured fist into the ground in front of you.
  • Added a new Strength Skill Gem, Vengeful Cry: Retaliate against a savage hit with a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user. The user and nearby allies gain a buff which grants rage and prevents rage from being lost.
  • Added a new Strength Support Gem, Overexertion: Supports melee attack skills which can be exerted, causing them to deal more Damage for each Warcry exerting them. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Vaal skills and channelling skills cannot be exerted.
  • Added a new Strength/Dexterity Skill Gem, Eviscerate: Retaliate against a blocked hit with an arcing slash that releases two waves of force. Enemies in front of you can be hit by both waves. Requires a Sword or Axe and a Shield.
  • Added a new Strength/Dexterity Skill Gem, Swordstorm: Retaliate against a blocked hit with a hail of blades that rains down in front of you. Requires Dual Wielding Melee Weapons and deals the damage of both Weapons with each hit.
  • Added a new Strength/Dexterity Support Gem, Expert Retaliation: Supports Retaliation Skills, causing them to have more Cooldown Recovery Rate, and become usable for longer.
  • Added a new Dexterity/Strength Skill Gem, Glacial Shield Swipe: Retaliate against a blocked hit with a sweep of your Shield, unleashing a wave of ice in a cone in front of you.
  • Added a new Dexterity/Strength Support Gem, Rupture: Supports attack skills. Critical Strikes which inflict Bleeding with Supported Skills also inflict Rupture.
  • Added a new Intelligence/Strength Skill Gem, Divine Retribution: Retaliate against a blocked hit with a surge of divine power, causing multiple waves of lightning blasts to expand outward from the target location. This skill cannot be Triggered or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.
  • Added a new Arsenal of Vengeance Keystone Passive Skill to the south-west of the Duelist's starting location. Arsenal of Vengeance provides "Damaging Retaliation Skills become Usable every sixth Hit from Enemies instead".
  • Added 60 new armour base item types: 18 Helmets, 18 Body Armours, 12 Gloves, and 12 Boots. These can be found in the endgame.
  • The following Uniques have been added to the core drop pool: Grattus Signet, Nevalius Inheritance, The Hand of Phrecia, and Veruso's Ambition.
  • Added 15 new Uniques.
  • Added 5 new Divination Cards.
  • Added 72 more foiled Unique Item options that the Voidborn Reliquary can yield.
  • Added 179 more foiled Tier 17 Valdo's Map options that the Valdo's Puzzle Box can yield.
  • Introduced the Maven's Chisel of Avarice, a currency item that improves the quality of a map enhancing Currency found. Replaces other quality types.
  • Introduced the Maven's Chisel of Divination, a currency item that improves the quality of a map enhancing Divination Cards found. Replaces other quality types.
  • Introduced the Maven's Chisel of Procurement, a currency item that improves the quality of a map enhancing Item Rarity. Replaces other quality types.
  • Introduced the Maven's Chisel of Proliferation, a currency item that improves the quality of a map enhancing Pack Size. Replaces other quality types.
  • Introduced the Maven's Chisel of Scarabs, a currency item that improves the quality of a map enhancing Scarabs found. Replaces other quality types.
  • Introduced the Prismatic Oil, which can be used to anoint special Passive Skills not on the Passive Skill Tree otherwise. We've also added many more Passives to this pool.
  • Added 3 new Grandmasters to the Hall of Grandmasters and replaced 2 others.
  • Added icons to monster health bars to display whether or not they are armoured. We've also taken the opportunity to examine the armour of different monster types to make sure they're appropriate.
  • Creating a Solo-Self Found character no longer requires you to have previously freed the Scion on your account.
  • Added a slot for Stacked Decks to the Currency Stash Tab.
  • Added a number of new small improvements and surprises to the Campaign.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.

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Skill Gem Changes

# Description
1The Divine Blessing Support has been removed, and existing versions of this item will be deleted upon logging in after the launch of 3.25.0. Existing Forbidden Shako items will have this Support replaced with Rupture, while existing Hungry Loop's will be replaced with Eternal Blessing. March of the Legion is unaffected by these changes, and is now the sole source of this Support.
2The following Skills no longer have the Physical tag: Blade Flurry, Blade Flurry of Incision, Cleave, Cleave of Rage, Cyclone, Cyclone of Tumult, Lancing Steel of Spraying, Perforate, Perforate of Duality, Shrapnel Ballista, Split Arrow, Sweep, Vaal Blade Flurry, Vaal Cleave, and Vaal Cyclone.
3Multistrike Support and Awakened Multistrike Support now describe that they cannot support Travel Skills, rather than every Travel Skill stating they cannot be supported by Multistrike. They also now describe that they cannot support Retailation Skills.
4Some attack skills that can be used ranged or melee have had their weapon requirements split between the base Gem and their Transfigured Gem.
5The Frenzy Skill Gem now requires a Bow or Wand, while Frenzy of Onslaught requires a Melee Weapon or Unarmed.
6The Elemental Hit Skill Gem now requires a Melee Weapon, while Elemental Hit of the Spectrum still requires a Bow or Wand.
7The Puncture Skill Gem now requires a Bow, while the new Puncture of Shanking Transfigured Gem requires a Dagger, Claw, or Sword.
8The Elemental Arrows fired from Prismatic Blink or Mirror Arrow clones now correctly use skill damage conversion (100% Fire, Cold or Lightning). This means that with other sources of non-skill conversion such as Unholy Might, the Elemental Arrows deal entirely 100% Elemental Damage, instead of 50% Elemental + 50% Chaos Damage (assuming using a physical bow and no other sources of flat added damage).
9The Elemental Arrows fired from Prismatic Blink or Mirror Arrow clones now only deal damage of the chosen element (similar to Elemental Hit).
10Absolution: Now has 180% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 200% at gem level 20 (previously 200% at all gem levels).
11Absolution of Inspiring: Now has 180% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 200% at gem level 20 (previously 200% at all gem levels).
12Ancestral Cry: No longer grants a buff which gives you bonus armour and melee range. Instead, the user and nearby allies gain a buff that grants elemental resistances. The buff grants +5% to all Elemental Resistances per 5 power and +1% to all Maximum Elemental Resistance per 10 power, and can count a maximum of 30 power. Now has a base duration of 2.5 seconds at gem level 1 (previously 4), scaling up to 3.4 seconds at gem level 20 (previously 4.9).
13Armageddon Brand: Now has 180% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 200% at gem level 20 (previously 200% at all gem levels).
14Armageddon Brand of Recall: Now has 270% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 300% at gem level 20 (previously 300% at all gem levels).
15Armageddon Brand of Volatility: Now has 330% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 370% at gem level 20 (previously 370% at all gem levels).
16Artillery Ballista: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
17Artillery Ballista of Cross Strafe: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
18Artillery Ballista of Focus Fire: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
19Bane: Now deals 59.3 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 45.7), scaling up to 1075.5 at gem level 20 (previously 895.6).
20Bane of Condemnation: Now deals 59.3 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 45.7), scaling up to 1075.5 at gem level 20 (previously 895.6).
21Barrage: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
22Barrage of Volley Fire: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
23Battlemage's Cry: No longer grants a buff which boosts critical strike chance and allows attacks to benefit from increases to spell damage. Instead, the user and nearby allies gain a buff that boosts critical strike chance. The Buff grants +0.5% to Critical Strike Chance per 5 power, and can count a maximum of 25 power. Now has a base duration of 2.5 seconds at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 3.4 at gem level 20 (previously 5.9).
24Berserk: No longer provides more Damage with Attacks, more Attack Speed, more Movement Speed, or less Damage Taken. It now provides 40% increased Rage Effect at gem level 1, scaling up to 59% at gem level 20. It also no longer increases the size of your character.
25Blade Flurry: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 61% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 32%), scaling up to 111% at gem level 20 (previously 49%). Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 6 at gem level 20 (previously 4 at all gem levels).
26Blade Flurry of Incision: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 58% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 32%), scaling up to 99% at gem level 20 (previously 49%). Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 6 at gem level 20 (previously 4 at all gem levels).
27Bladestorm: Now has a Mana cost of 10 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 159% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 105%), scaling up to 291% at gem level 20 (previously 150%).
28Bladestorm of Uncertainty: Now has a Mana cost of 10 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 189% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 347% at gem level 20 (previously 180%).
29Blast Rain: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (unchanged).
30Blight: Now deals 5.9 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 3.9), scaling up to 351.9 at gem level 20 (previously 284).
31Blight of Atrophy: Now deals 5.9 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 3.9), scaling up to 351.9 at gem level 20 (previously 284).
32Blight of Contagion: Now deals 9.7 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 8.5), scaling up to 704.3 at gem level 20 (previously 612.2).
33Bone Nova, granted by the Uul-Netol's Embrace Unique Axe: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage (previously 100%).
34Boneshatter: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range. Now has 231% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 200%), scaling up to 338% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
35Boneshatter of Carnage: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). Now has 336% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 620% at gem level 20 (previously 275%).
36Boneshatter of Complex Trauma: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). All gem levels now deal 8% more Damage per Trauma, up to 200% (previously had no cap). Now has 231% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 200%), scaling up to 338% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
37Burning Arrow: No longer has Added Fire Damage to Attacks against Ignited Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 280% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 200%), scaling up to 420% at gem level 20 (previously 300%). Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 12).
38Burning Arrow of Vigour: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 12).
39Call to Arms: Has been renamed to Autoexertion. It now reserves 15% Mana per Supported Warcry to cause those Warcries to be repeatedly triggered. Autoexertion Support can now support multiple Warcries, and no longer causes Warcries to share Cooldowns. It now grants Supported Skills 0–19% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 30–11% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate), and now has "Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to you or Allies". It also now cannot support Retaliation Skills. Quality now grants Supported Skills 0–10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 0–5%).
40Caustic Arrow of Poison: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 72% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 55%), scaling up to 91% at gem level 20 (previously 70%).
41Chain Hook: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 8 at gem level 20 (unchanged). No longer grants "Gain 1 Rage if this Skill Hits any Enemies". Instead it now has "Gain 2 Rage on Attack Hit". Now has 171% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 115%), scaling up to 393% at gem level 20 (previously 169%).
42Charged Dash: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 6 at gem level 20 (previously 4 at all gem levels). Now has 143% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 95%), scaling up to 264% at gem level 20 (previously 121%).
43Cleave: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 179% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 511% at gem level 20 (previously 237%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
44Cleave of Rage: Now has 179% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 180%), scaling up to 511% at gem level 20 (previously 300%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). No longer grants "Gain 1 Rage if this Skill Hits any Enemies". Instead it now has "Gain 2 Rage on Attack Hit".
45Cobra Lash: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 125% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 75%), scaling up to 205% at gem level 20 (previously 125%). Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 8 at gem level 20 (previously 7).
46Cold Snap: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 320% at gem level 20 (previously 320% at all gem levels).
47Cold Snap of Power: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 320% at gem level 20 (previously 320% at all gem levels).
48Consecrated Path: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 227% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 150%), scaling up to 417% at gem level 20 (previously 230%).
49Consecrated Path of Endurance: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 166% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 305% at gem level 20 (previously 180%).
50Crackling Lance: Now has 120% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 165% at gem level 20 (previously 165% at all gem levels).
51Crackling Lance of Branching: Now has 190% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 260% at gem level 20 (previously 260% at all gem levels).
52Crackling Lance of Disintegration: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 300% at gem level 20 (previously 300% at all gem levels).
53Creeping Frost: Now has 90% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 130% at gem level 20 (previously 120% at all gem levels).
54Cyclone: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 61% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 44%), scaling up to 111% at gem level 20 (previously 59%). Now has a Mana cost of 2 at gem level 1, scaling up to 3 at gem level 20 (previously 2 at all gem levels).
55Cyclone of Tumult: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 61% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 44%), scaling up to 111% at gem level 20 (previously 59%). Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 6 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
56Defiance Banner: Is no longer a Reservation skill, and has none of its previous stats. You must gain Valour from melee combat to use this skill, which will consume all Valour to place a banner with an aura. The aura will be larger and more powerful the more Valour was consumed. The banner lasts for a duration, but will end early if you leave the aura, or use the skill again while it's active. While you have no placed banner, you can gain Valour. Now has a base duration of 10 seconds, and a base radius of 2.4 metres. Provides 5% more Area of Effect and 5% more Aura Effect per Valour Consumed at gem level 1, both scaling up to 10% at gem level 20. Banner grants 8% increased Movement Speed, +8% chance to Suppress Spell Damage to You and Allies. It also grants -5 Damage taken from Suppressed Hits to You and Allies at gem level 1, scaling up to -12 at gem level 20.
57Desecrate: The maximum level of Corpses spawned is now level 20 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 80 at gem level 20 (previously level 100).
58Determination: Now provides "You and nearby Allies gain 90 additional Armour" at gem level 1 (previously 179), scaling up to 1026 at gem level 20 (previously 2051).
59Dominating Blow: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 249% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 165%), scaling up to 458% at gem level 20 (previously 238%).
60Dominating Blow of Inspiring: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 249% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 165%), scaling up to 458% at gem level 20 (previously 238%).
61Doryani's Touch, granted by the Doryani's Fist Unique Gloves: Now has a Mana cost of 14 at level 20 (previously 8). It also now has 1000% Effectiveness of Added Damage (previously 600%).
62Double Strike: No longer has Physical Damage added against Bleeding Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 143% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 91%), scaling up to 409% at gem level 20 (previously 140%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels).
63Double Strike of Impaling: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). Now has 104% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 91%), scaling up to 409% at gem level 20 (previously 140%).
64Double Strike of Momentum: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). Now has 69% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 60%), scaling up to 196% at gem level 20 (previously 95%).
65Dread Banner: No longer has the Physical tag, is no longer a Reservation skill, and has none of its previous stats. You must gain Valour from melee combat to use this skill, which will consume all Valour to place a banner with an aura. The aura will be larger and more powerful the more Valour was consumed. The banner lasts for a duration, but will end early if you leave the aura, or use the skill again while it's active. While you have no placed banner, you can gain Valour. Now has a base duration of 10.00 seconds, and a base radius of 2.4 metres. Provides 5% more Area of Effect and 5% more Aura effect per Valour consumed at gem level 1, both scaling up to 10% at gem level 20. Banner grants +4% Chance to Block Attack Damage to You and Allies. The Banner also causes you and Allies to Recover 9 Life when Blocking at gem level 1, scaling up to 34 at gem level 20. Now has a Mana cost of 15 at gem level 1, and 19 at gem level 20.
66Dual Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). Now has 155% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 442% at gem level 20 (previously 244%).
67Dual Strike of Ambidexterity: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). Now has 126% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 360% at gem level 20 (previously 244%).
68Earthquake: Now has a Mana cost of 10 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 143% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 85%), scaling up to 229% at gem level 20 (previously 150%).
69Earthquake of Amplification: Now has a Mana cost of 10 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 143% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 85%), scaling up to 229% at gem level 20 (previously 150%). Aftershock now deals 5% more Damage with Ailments per 0.1 seconds Duration (previously 6%).
70Earthshatter: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 171% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 393% at gem level 20 (previously 200%).
71Earthshatter of Fragility: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 136% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 314% at gem level 20 (previously 150%).
72Earthshatter of Prominence: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 150% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 346% at gem level 20 (previously 170%).
73Elemental Hit: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11). Now has 26 to 49 Added Fire Damage, 21 to 40 Added Cold Damage, and 4 to 80 Added Lightning Damage at gem level 1 (previously 22 to 40, 18 to 33, and 3 to 67 respectively). These scale up to 748 to 1389 Added Fire Damage, 609 to 1133 Added Cold Damage, and 118 to 2287 Added Lightning Damage at gem level 20 (previously 480 to 891, 391 to 726, and 75 to 1467 respectively).
74Elemental Hit of the Spectrum: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11). Now has 6 to 12 Added Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 6 to 11). Now has 182 to 337 Added Fire Damage, 148 to 275 Added Cold Damage, and 29 to 555 Added Lightning Damage at gem level 20 (previously 166 to 309, 136 to 252, and 26 to 590 respectively).
75Enduring Cry: No longer grants a brief burst of life regeneration, or a buff which grants resistances and physical damage reduction based on your endurance charges. Instead, the user and nearby allies gain a buff that grants life regeneration. The Buff grants 2% of Life Regenerated per second per 5 power, and can count a maximum of 25 power. The base duration is now 2.5 seconds at gem level 1, scaling up to 3.4 at gem level 20 (previously 2 at all gem levels). Additionally, nearby allied players are now granted Endurance Charges as well as the user.
76Ensnaring Arrow: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (unchanged). Ensnared Enemies no longer always count as moving.
77Essence Drain: Now deals 12 to 18 Chaos Damage at gem level 1 (previously 9 to 13), scaling up to 776 to 1164 at gem level 20 (previously 644 to 966). It now deals 42.2 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 31.2), with values of 1818.1 at gem level 20 (previously 1509.4). Now has 160% Effectiveness of added Damage at all gem levels (previously 140%).
78Essence Drain of Desperation: Now deals 12 to 18 Chaos Damage at gem level 1 (previously 9 to 13), scaling up to 776 to 1164 at gem level 20 (previously 644 to 966). It now deals 91.6 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 67.7), with values of 3959.4 at gem level 20 (previously 3287.2). Now has 160% Effectiveness of added Damage at all gem levels (previously 140%).
79Ethereal Knives: Now has 190% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 220% at gem level 20 (previously 220% at all gem levels).
80Ethereal Knives of Lingering Blades: Now has 190% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 220% at gem level 20 (previously 220% at all gem levels).
81Ethereal Knives of the Massacre: Now has 190% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 220% at gem level 20 (previously 220% at all gem levels).
82Explosive Arrow: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (unchanged).
83Explosive Concoction: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (unchanged). Now has 116 to 173 Added Fire Damage at gem level 1 (previously 96 to 145), scaling up to 1203 to 1805 at gem level 20 (previously 1003 to 1505). Now Deals 45 to 68 Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask at gem level 1 (previously 37 to 57), scaling up to 466 to 707 at gem level 20 (previously 389 to 589). It also now deals 10 to 104 Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask at gem level 1 (previously 8 to 87), with values of 105 to 1083 at gem level 20 (previously 88 to 903).
84Explosive Concoction of Destruction: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (unchanged). Deals 36 to 54 Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask at gem level 1 (previously 30 to 45), scaling up to 372 to 564 at gem level 20 (previously 310 to 469). It also now deals 8 to 83 Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask at gem level 1 (previously 7 to 69), with values of 84 to 864 at gem level 20 (previously 70 to 719).
85Exsanguinate: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 270% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).
86Fireball: Now has 260% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 370% at gem level 20 (previously 370% at all gem levels).
87Firestorm: Now has 60% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 80% at gem level 20 (previously 80% at all gem levels).
88Firestorm of Meteors: Now has 280% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 370% at gem level 20 (previously 370% at all gem levels).
89Firestorm of Pelting: Now has 95% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 120% at gem level 20 (previously 120% at all gem levels).
90Flame Dash: Now has 80% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 140% at gem level 20 (previously 140% at all gem levels).
91Flame Dash of Return: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 270% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).
92Flamethrower Trap: Now has 15% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 30% at gem level 20 (previously 30% at all gem levels).
93Flesh and Stone: No longer causes Nearby Enemies to be Blinded while in Sand Stance, or causes you to take less Damage from Attacks from Enemies that aren't nearby while in Sand Stance. It also no longer causes Nearby Enemies to be Maimed while in Blood Stance, and no longer causes Enemies Maimed by this Skill to take increased Physical Damage. It now has "Nearby Enemies take up to 10% more Physical Damage from Hits while in Blood Stance" at gem level 1, scaling up to 20% at gem level 20, and "Take up to 10% less Damage from Nearby Enemies while in Sand Stance" at gem level 1, scaling up to 19% at gem level 20. These effects are strongest on enemies closest to you, and scale down to no effect on the edge of the Aura.
94Flicker Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 8 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 177% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 142%), scaling up to 408% at gem level 20 (previously 210%).
95Flicker Strike of Power: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 8 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 177% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 142%), scaling up to 408% at gem level 20 (previously 210%).
96Freezing Pulse: Now has 250% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 330% at gem level 20 (previously 330% at all gem levels).
97Frenzy: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels).
98Frenzy of Onslaught: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 162% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 115%), scaling up to 353% at gem level 20 (previously 135%).
99Frost Blades: No longer has Added Cold Damage at all gem levels. It now has 143% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 409% at gem level 20 (previously 225%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
100Frost Blades of Katabasis: Now has 143% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 409% at gem level 20 (previously 225%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
101Frost Bomb: Now has 170% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 310% at gem level 20 (previously 310% at all gem levels).
102Frost Bomb of Forthcoming: Now has 170% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 310% at gem level 20 (previously 310% at all gem levels).
103Frost Bomb of Instability: Now has 140% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 260% at gem level 20 (previously 260% at all gem levels).
104Frostblink: Now has 180% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 250% at gem level 20 (previously 250% at all gem levels).
105Frostblink of Wintry Blast: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 200% at gem level 20 (previously 200% at all gem levels).
106Frostbolt: Now has 250% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 360% at gem level 20 (previously 360% at all gem levels). Quality now provides "Projectiles that have Pierced deal 0-20% more Damage" (previously 0-20% increased Cold Damage).
107Frozen Legion: Frozen Sweep now has 194% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 332% at gem level 20 (previously 281%).
108Frozen Legion of Rallying: Frozen Sweep now has 108% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 80%), scaling up to 184% at gem level 20 (previously 135%).
109Galvanic Arrow: No longer has Added Lighting Damage at all gem levels. It now has 92% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 80%), scaling up to 113% at gem level 20 (previously 99%).
110Galvanic Arrow of Energy: No longer has Added Lighting Damage at all gem levels. It now has 201% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 175%), scaling up to 241% at gem level 20 (previously 210%).
111Galvanic Arrow of Surging: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 92% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 80%), scaling up to 113% at gem level 20 (previously 99%).
112Galvanic Field: Now has 60% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 100% at gem level 20 (previously 100% at all gem levels).
113Galvanic Field of Intensity: Now has 190% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 320% at gem level 20 (previously 320% at all gem levels).
114General's Cry: Supported Skills now deal 60% less Damage at gem level 1 (previously 45%), scaling to 51% at gem level 20 (previously 36%).
115Glacial Cascade of the Fissure: Now has 110% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 130% at gem level 20 (previously 130% at all gem levels).
116Glacial Hammer: No longer has Cold Damage added against Chilled Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 165%), scaling up to 622% at gem level 20 (previously 269%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range. This is a buff.
117Glacial Hammer of Shattering: No longer has Cold Damage added against Chilled Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 165%), scaling up to 622% at gem level 20 (previously 269%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range.
118Grace: Now provides "You and nearby Allies gain 136 additional Evasion Rating" at gem level 1 (previously 227), scaling up to 1545 at gem level 20 (previously 2575).
119Ground Slam: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 11 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 132% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 115%), scaling up to 356% at gem level 20 (previously 188%).
120Ground Slam of Earthshaking: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 241% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 210%), scaling up to 688% at gem level 20 (previously 340%).
121Hatred: No longer has causes you and nearby allies to deal more Cold Damage. You and nearby allies now gain 30% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 16%), scaling up to 39% at gem level 20 (previously 25%).
122Heavy Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels). No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range, or Knocks Enemies Back on Hit. Now has 224% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 195%), scaling up to 552% at gem level 20 (previously 313%).
123Herald of Ash: Buff no longer grants more Spell Fire Damage. The buff now grants 15% of your Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 20% at gem level 20 (previously 15% at all gem levels).
124Hexblast: Now has 300% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 340% at gem level 20 (previously 340% at all gem levels).
125Hydrosphere: Now has 65% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 110% at gem level 20 (previously 110% at all gem levels).
126Ice Crash: Now has a Mana cost of 10 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 332% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 230%), scaling up to 611% at gem level 20 (previously 350%).
127Ice Crash of Cadence: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 11 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 249% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 458% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
128Ice Nova: Now has 200% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 230% at gem level 20 (previously 230% at all gem levels).
129Ice Shot: No longer has Added Cold Damage at all gem levels. It now has 149% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 130%), scaling up to 200% at gem level 20 (previously 174%).
130Ice Shot of Penetration: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 12).
131Ice Trap: Now has 230% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 290% at gem level 20 (previously 290% at all gem levels).
132Ice Trap of Hollowness: Now has 280% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 340% at gem level 20 (previously 340% at all gem levels).
133Icicle Burst, granted by the Cameria's Avarice Unique Mace: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage (previously 100%).
134Infernal Blow: No longer has Added Fire Damage at all gem levels. It now has 164% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 104%), scaling up to 377% at gem level 20 (previously 166%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
135Infernal Blow of Immolation: No longer has Added Fire Damage at all gem levels. It now has 164% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 104%), scaling up to 377% at gem level 20 (previously 166%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
136Infernal Cry: No longer covers enemies in ash, causing them to move slower and take increased fire damage. The user and nearby allies now gain a buff that grants a portion of their physical damage as extra fire damage. The Buff grants 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage per 5 Power, and can count a maximum of 25 power. Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 15), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 19). It has a base duration of 2.5 seconds at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 3.4 seconds at gem level 20 (previously 5.9). Combust now has 136% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 234% at gem level 20 (previously 158%).
137Intimidating Cry: No longer grants a buff which lowers the effect of enemy physical damage reduction against your hits. The user and nearby allies now gain a buff that grants movement speed. Buff grants 3% increased Movement Speed per 5 Power, and can count a maximum of 30 power. It has a base duration of 2.5 seconds at gem level 1 (previously 4), scaling up to 3.4 at gem level 20 (previously 4.9).
138Kinetic Blast: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 15), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 16). Now has an Attack Speed of 115% of Base (previously 100%). It also now has "Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 200% of their Value".
139Kinetic Blast of Clustering: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 15), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 16). Now has an Attack Speed of 115% of Base (previously 100%). It also now has "Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 200% of their Value".
140Kinetic Bolt: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 6), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 10). Now has 160% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 140%), scaling up to 220% at gem level 20 (previously 175%).
141Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 6), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 10). Now has 60% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 55%), scaling up to 85% at gem level 20 (previously 70%).
142Lacerate: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 171% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 393% at gem level 20 (previously 154%). Now has a Mana cost of 10 at gem level 1, scaling up to 17 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels).
143Lacerate of Butchering: Now has a Mana cost of 16 at gem level 1, scaling up to 25 at gem level 20 (previously 12 at all gem levels). Now has 273% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 200%), scaling up to 629% at gem level 20 (previously 310%).
144Lacerate of Haemorrhage: No longer has Physical Damage added against Bleeding Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 150% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 80%), scaling up to 346% at gem level 20 (previously 120%). Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
145Lancing Steel: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 110% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 63%), scaling up to 175% at gem level 20 (previously 106%). Now has a mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10).
146Lancing Steel of Spraying: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 260% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 160%), scaling up to 360% at gem level 20 (previously 220%). Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10).
147Leap Slam: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 136% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 314% at gem level 20 (previously 150%).
148Leap Slam of Groundbreaking: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 286% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 210%), scaling up to 660% at gem level 20 (previously 320%).
149Lightning Arrow: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 149% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 130%), scaling up to 177% at gem level 20 (previously 154%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
150Lightning Arrow of Electrocution: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 75% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 65%), scaling up to 87% at gem level 20 (previously 75%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
151Lightning Spire Trap: Now has 65% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 85% at gem level 20 (previously 85% at all gem levels).
152Lightning Spire Trap of Zapping: Now has 80% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 100% at gem level 20 (previously 100% at all gem levels).
153Lightning Strike: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 198% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 135%), scaling up to 237% at gem level 20 (previously 163%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels)
154Lightning Strike of Arcing: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 164% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 377% at gem level 20 (previously 200%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
155Lightning Tendrils: Now has 70% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 130% at gem level 20 (previously 130% at all gem levels).
156Lightning Tendrils of Eccentricity: Now has 30% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 60% at gem level 20 (previously 60% at all gem levels).
157Lightning Tendrils of Escalation: Now has 80% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 150% at gem level 20 (previously 150% at all gem levels).
158Molten Burst, granted by the Ngamahu's Flame Unique Axe: Now has 170% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage (previously 115%).
159Molten Shell: Now has a level requirement of 16 (previously 4), and a Strength requirement of 41 (previously 16) at gem level 1, and is unchanged at gem level 20. As a result of this level requirement change, the Buff now grants +115 to Armour at gem level 1 (previously +50), and is unchanged at gem level 20.
160Molten Strike: No longer has Added Fire Damage at all gem levels. It now has 126% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 329% at gem level 20 (previously 185%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). No longer has +0.2 to +0.6 metres to Melee Strike Range.
161Molten Strike of the Zenith: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 92% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 85%), scaling up to 239% at gem level 20 (previously 130%). No longer has +0.2 to +0.6 metres to Melee Strike Range.
162Orb of Storms: Now has 80% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 110% at gem level 20 (previously 110% at all gem levels).
163Penance Brand: Now has 470% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 570% at gem level 20 (previously 570% at all gem levels).
164Penance Brand of Conduction: Now has 95% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 110% at gem level 20 (previously 110% at gem level 20).
165Penance Brand of Dissipation: Now has 45% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 50% at gem level 20 (previously 50% at all gem levels).
166Perforate: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 155%), scaling up to 622% at gem level 20 (previously 265%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
167Perforate of Bloodshed: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 87% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 60%), scaling up to 245% at gem level 20 (previously 85%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
168Perforate of Duality: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 155%), scaling up to 622% at gem level 20 (previously 265%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
169Pestilent Strike: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 257% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 472% at gem level 20 (previously 160%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
170Poisonous Concoction: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (unchanged). Now has 30 to 44 Added Chaos Damage at gem level 1 (previously 26 to 39), with values of 716 to 1073 at gem level 20 (previously 622 to 933).
171Poisonous Concoction of Bouncing: Now has 30 to 44 Added Chaos Damage at gem level 1 (previously 26 to 39), with values of 716 to 1073 at gem level 20 (previously 622 to 933).
172Power Siphon: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 11). Now has an Attack Speed of 115% of Base (previously 100%). Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage now also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 150% of their value.
173Power Siphon of the Archmage: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 11). Now has an Attack Speed of 115% of Base (previously 100%). Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage now also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 150% of their value.
174Puncture: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 168% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 135%), scaling up to 205% at gem level 20 (previously 165%). Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels).
175Purifying Flame: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 300% at gem level 20 (previously 300% at all gem levels).
176Purifying Flame of Revelations: Now has 140% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 190% at gem level 20 (previously 200% at all gem levels).
177Rage Vortex: Now has 42% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 40%), scaling up to 70% at gem level 20 (previously 62%). Ragestorm now deals 10% more Damage per 1 Rage Sacrificed at all gem levels (previously 5%).
178Rage Vortex of Berserking: Now has 42% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 40%), scaling up to 70% at gem level 20 (previously 62%).
179Rain of Arrows: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
180Rain of Arrows of Artillery: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
181Rain of Arrows of Saturation: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
182Raise Spectre of Transience: Can no longer use Spectral Corpses.
183Rallying Cry: Buff now grants Added Attack Damage equal to 3% of the Damage of your Main Hand Weapon per 5 Power, counting a maximum of 30 power (previously up to a maximum of 20% of Main Hand Weapon Damage). It has a base duration of 2.5 seconds at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 3.4 at gem level 20 (previously 5.9).
184Reap: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 210% at gem level 20 (previously 210% at all gem levels).
185Reave: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 232% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 534% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
186Reave of Refraction: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 232% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 534% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
187Rolling Magma: Now has 230% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 280% at gem level 20 (previously 280% at all gem levels).
188Scourge Arrow: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 117% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 90%), scaling up to 162% at gem level 20 (previously 125%).
189Scourge Arrow of Menace: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 39% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 30%), scaling up to 52% at gem level 20 (previously 40%). Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 12).
190Seismic Cry: No longer grants a buff which makes it easier for you to stun enemies. The user and nearby allies now gain a buff that increases their armour and stun threshold. Buff grants 5% more Armour per 5 Power and 15% increased Stun Threshold per 5 Power, counting a maximum of 25 power. Exerted Attacks now have 50% more Area of Effect (previously 30% increased, and 30% increased Area of Effect per previous Attack Exerted by this Warcry). Now Exerts the next 6 Melee Slam Attacks you perform (previously 4). It has a 2.5 second duration at gem level 1 (previously 4), scaling up to 3.4 at gem level 20 (previously 4.9).
191Seismic Trap of Swells: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 240% at gem level 20 (previously 240% at all gem levels).
192Shattering Steel: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 170% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 265% at gem level 20 (previously 159%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 9).
193Shattering Steel of Ammunition: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 170% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 265% at gem level 20 (previously 159%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 9).
194Shrapnel Ballista: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 46% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 38%), scaling up to 53% at gem level 20 (previously 44%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
195Shrapnel Ballista of Steel: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 60% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 50%), scaling up to 69% at gem level 20 (previously 58%). Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
196Shield Charge: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has a level requirement of 4 at gem level 1 (previously 10), and a Strength requirement of 16 at gem level 1 (previously 29). Now deals 9 to 13 Base Off Hand Physical Damage at gem level 1 (previously 12 to 18), scaling up to 252 to 378 at gem level 20 (previously 134 to 200). It has 3 to 5 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield at gem level 1 (previously 3 to 4), scaling up to 8 to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 5 to 7).
197Shield Crush: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). It now has 4 to 6 Base Off Hand Physical Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), with values of 300 to 450 at gem level 20 (previously 172 to 258). Now has 3 to 5 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield at gem level 1 (previously 3 to 4), scaling up to 8 to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 5 to 7).
198Shield Crush of the Chieftain: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 15 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). It now has 6 to 8 Base Off Hand Fire Damage at gem level 1 (previously 5 to 7), with values of 389 to 583 at gem level 20 (previously 222 to 334). Now has 7 to 10 Added Fire Damage per 15 Armour on Shield at gem level 1 (previously 6 to 8), scaling up to 13 to 20 at gem level 20 (previously 8 to 12).
199Shock Nova: Now has 140% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 190% at gem level 20 (previously 190% at all gem levels).
200Siege Ballista: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1 (previously 6), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
201Siege Ballista of Splintering: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1 (previously 6), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
202Smite: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 225% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 196%), scaling up to 488% at gem level 20 (previously 273%).
203Smite of Divine Judgement: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 201% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 369% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
204Snipe: Now has a Mana cost of 4 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 6 at gem level 20 (previously 5).
205Spectral Helix: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (unchanged). Now has 120% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 180% at gem level 20 (previously 150%).
206Spectral Shield Throw: Now has 56 to 84 Base Off Hand Physical Damage at gem level 1 (previously 47 to 70), scaling up to 243 to 364 at gem level 20 (previously 203 to 304). It also now has 3 to 5 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield at gem level 1 (previously 3 to 4), with values of 5 to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 5 to 7).
207Spectral Shield Throw of Shattering: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 12). It now has 69 to 103 Base Off Hand Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 57 to 86), scaling up to 297 to 446 at gem level 20 (previously 248 to 372). Also now has 4 to 7 Added Cold Damage per 15 Evasion Rating on Shield (previously 4 to 5), with values of 7 to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 7 to 9).
208Spectral Throw: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 8). Now has 100% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 80%), scaling up to 150% at gem level 20 (previously 125%).
209Spectral Throw of Materialising: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 8). Now has 240% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 200%), scaling up to 340% at gem level 20 (previously 280%).
210Split Arrow: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 120% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 142% at gem level 20 (previously 119%). Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (previously 6), scaling up to 9 at gem level 20 (previously 10).
211Split Arrow of Splitting: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
212Splitting Steel: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 120% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 70%), scaling up to 330% at gem level 20 (previously 210%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 11 at gem level 20 (previously 8).
213Splitting Steel of Ammunition: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 120% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 70%), scaling up to 330% at gem level 20 (previously 210%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 5), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 8).
214Static Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 150% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 110%), scaling up to 346% at gem level 20 (previously 188%).
215Storm Call: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 250% at gem level 20 (previously 250% at all gem levels).
216Storm Rain: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
217Storm Rain of the Conduit: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
218Storm Rain of the Fence: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
219Stormblast Mine: Now has 120% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 130% at gem level 20 (previously 130% at all gem levels).
220Sunder: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 273% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 220%), scaling up to 629% at gem level 20 (previously 325%).
221Sunder of Earthbreaking: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 11 at gem level 20 (previously 7 at all gem levels). Now has 219% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 503% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
222Sweep: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 289% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 170%), scaling up to 664% at gem level 20 (previously 281%). Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels).
223Tectonic Slam: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 295% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 180%), scaling up to 542% at gem level 20 (previously 275%).
224Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 257% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 160%), scaling up to 472% at gem level 20 (previously 240%).
225Tornado: Now has 55% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 95% at gem level 20 (previously 95% at all gem levels).
226Tornado Shot: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1 (previously 10), scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 12).
227Tornado Shot of the Cloudburst: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1 (previously 8), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (unchanged).
228Toxic Rain: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
229Toxic Rain of Sporeburst: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 72% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 60%), scaling up to 102% at gem level 20 (previously 85%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
230Toxic Rain of Withering: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1 (previously 7), scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 11).
231Unearth: Corpses spawned are now level 10 at gem level 1 (previously 12), scaling up to 70 at gem level 20 (previously 80).
232Venom Gyre: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 8 at gem level 20 (previously 7).
233Vigilant Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 12 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 290% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 230%), scaling up to 745% at gem level 20 (previously 350%). No longer has +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range.
234Viper Strike: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 155% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 90%), scaling up to 392% at gem level 20 (previously 154%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels).
235Viper Strike of the Mamba: No longer has Added Chaos Damage at all gem levels. It now has 155% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 90%), scaling up to 392% at gem level 20 (previously 154%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 5 at all gem levels).
236Void Sphere: Now has 50% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 75% at gem level 20 (previously 75% at all gem levels).
237Void Sphere of Rending: Now has 120% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 190% at gem level 20 (previously 190% at all gem levels).
238Volcanic Fissure: Now has a Mana cost of 8 at gem level 1, scaling up to 13 at gem level 20 (previously 8 at all gem levels). Now has 177% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 130%), scaling up to 344% at gem level 20 (previously 185%).
239Volcanic Fissure of Snaking: Now has a Mana cost of 9 at gem level 1, scaling up to 14 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 164% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 130%), scaling up to 318% at gem level 20 (previously 185%).
240Voltaxic Burst: Now has 210% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 230% at gem level 20 (previously 230% at all gem levels).
241Vortex: Now has 130% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 170% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).
242Vortex of Projection: Now has 130% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 170% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).
243Vulnerability: Quality now provides Attack Hits against Cursed Enemies have 0-10% chance to Aggravate Bleeding (previously 0-20% increased Duration of Bleeding on Cursed Enemies).
244War Banner: Is no longer a Reservation skill, and has none of its previous stats. You must gain Valour from melee combat to use this skill, which will consume all Valour to place a Banner with an aura. The aura will be larger and more powerful the more Valour was consumed. The banner lasts for a duration, but will end early if you leave the aura, or use the skill again while it's active. While you have no placed banner, you can gain Valour. Now has a base duration of 10 seconds, and a base radius of 2.4 metres. Provides 5% more Area of Effect and 5% more Aura Effect per Valour Consumed at gem level 1, both scaling up to 10% at gem level 20. Banner grants 8% increased Accuracy Rating to You and Allies, and 4% more Physical Damage with Melee Skills to You and Allies at all gem levels. Now has a Mana cost of 13 at gem level 1, scaling up to 19 at gem level 20.
245Warlord's Mark: No longer has "Cursed Enemies grant 20 Rage Regenerated over 1 second when Stunned". Instead, it now has "Cursed Enemies grant 10 Rage when Stunned".
246Wave of Conviction: Now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 330% at gem level 20 (previously 330% at all gem levels).
247Whirling Blades: Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 136% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 100%), scaling up to 314% at gem level 20 (previously 150%).
248Wild Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 7 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels). Now has 219% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 160%), scaling up to 403% at gem level 20 (previously 231%).
249Wild Strike of Extremes: Now has 178% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 130%), scaling up to 328% at gem level 20 (previously 240%).

Vaal Skill Balance

# Description
1Vaal Blade Flurry: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 403% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 224%), scaling up to 690% at gem level 20 (previously 343%). It now has 100% chance to Blind enemies on hit, rather than "Blind enemies on Hit".
2Vaal Blight: Now deals 6.5 Base Chaos Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 4.3), scaling up to 651.1 at gem level 20 (previously 524.7).
3Vaal Burning Arrow: No longer has Added Fire Damage to Attacks against Ignited Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 390% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 280%), scaling up to 560% at gem level 20 (previously 400%).
4Vaal Cleave: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 287% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 200%), scaling up to 726% at gem level 20 (previously 400%).
5Vaal Cyclone: No longer has Added Attack Physical Damage at all gem levels. It now has 108% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 80%), scaling up to 184% at gem level 20 (previously 109%).
6Vaal Double Strike: No longer has Physical Damage added against Bleeding Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 41% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 28%), scaling up to 101% at gem level 20 (previously 41%).
7Vaal Earthquake: Now has 100% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 70%), scaling up to 172% at gem level 20 (previously 106%).
8Vaal Firestorm: Now has 600% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 760% at gem level 20 (previously 760% at all gem levels).
9Vaal Flicker Strike: Now has 174% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 142%), scaling up to 362% at gem level 20 (previously 210%).
10Vaal Glacial Hammer: No longer has Cold Damage added against Chilled Enemies at all gem levels. It now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 155%), scaling up to 552% at gem level 20 (previously 250%).
11Vaal Ground Slam: Now has 218% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 190%), scaling up to 522% at gem level 20 (previously 375%).
12Vaal Ice Shot: No longer has Added Cold Damage at all gem levels. It now has 75% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 65%), scaling up to 100% at gem level 20 (previously 87%).
13Vaal Lightning Arrow: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 72% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 62%), scaling up to 90% at gem level 20 (previously 78%).
14Vaal Lightning Strike: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 114% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 105%), scaling up to 237% at gem level 20 (previously 163%).
15Vaal Molten Shell: As a result of the level requirement change for the base Gem, the Buff now grants +115 to Armour at gem level 1 (previously +50), and is unchanged at gem level 20.
16Vaal Molten Strike: No longer has Added Fire Damage at all gem levels. It now has 87% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 70%), scaling up to 199% at gem level 20 (previously 110%).
17Vaal Power Siphon: Now has 115% Attack Speed of Base at all gem levels (previously 100%). It also now has "Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 150% of their value" at all gem levels.
18Vaal Reap: Now has 310% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 420% at gem level 20 (previously 420% at all gem levels).
19Vaal Reave: Now has 295% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 250%), scaling up to 613% at gem level 20 (previously 350%).
20Vaal Smite: Now has 345% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 300%), scaling up to 753% at gem level 20 (previously 430%).
21Vaal Spectral Throw: Now has 85% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 70%), scaling up to 135% at gem level 20 (previously 110%)
22Vaal Venom Gyre: Now has 150% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 125%), scaling up to 200% at gem level 20 (previously 165%).
23Vaal Volcanic Fissure: Now has 201% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 150%), scaling up to 352% at gem level 20 (previously 220%).

Support Gem Balance

# Description
1Chance to Bleed: Can now support skills that create minions. No longer causes Supported Attacks to deal added Physical Damage with Weapons. Supported Attacks now deal 10% more Damage with Bleeding at gem level 1 (previously 0%), scaling up to 29% at gem level 20 (previously 19%).
2Decay: Supported Skills inflict Decay on Hit, now dealing 163 Chaos Damage per second for 8 seconds at gem level 1 (previously 120), with values of 1034 at gem level 20 (previously 843).
3Earthbreaker, granted by the Dawnstrider Unique Boots: Supported Skills now deal 0% less Damage at gem level 1 (previously 19%), scaling up to 19% more Damage at gem level 20 (previously 0% less Damage). No longer provides 10-19% increased Area of Effect with Melee Skills while the Totem is active.
4Fist of War: No longer has "Ancestrally Boosted Slams deal more Damage with Ailments". Instead, the "Ancestrally Boosted Slams deal more Damage with Hits" now also applies to Ailments at the same value.
5Impending Doom: Doom Blast now has 220% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 370% at gem level 20 (previously 370% at all gem levels).
6Increased Duration: Has been renamed to More Duration Support. You guessed it, it now grants Supported Skills 30% more Skill Effect Duration at gem level 1, scaling up to 39% at gem level 20 (previously 45-64% increased Skill Effect Duration). Quality now grants Supported Skills have 0-10% more Skill Effect Duration (previously increased).
7Infused Channelling: No longer has the Duration tag, and is now an Intelligence/Dexterity Support Gem, it now requires 70 Intelligence and 48 Dexterity at gem level 20 (previously 111 Intelligence). No longer has "Infusion lasts 6 seconds after you finish Channelling", "Gain Infusion after Channelling a Supported Skill for 1 second", or "Infusion grants 10% more Damage of Types matching Supported Skill Gem's tags." It now has "While Channelling a Supported Skill, take 8% less Damage from Hits (previously from Hits of types matching the Skill Gem's Tags"). Supported Skills now deal 20% more Damage at gem level 1 (previously 15%), scaling up to 29% at gem level 20 (previously 24%). Quality now provides "While Channelling a Supported Skill, take 0-2% less Damage from Hits (previously Gain Infusion after Channelling a Supported Skill for 0 to -0.4 seconds).
8Inspiration: Now causes Supported Skills to have less Mana Cost, instead of reduced. This also applies to the benefit provided by Quality.
9Prismatic Burst: Now has 100% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 280% at gem level 20 (previously 280% at all gem levels).
10Rage: No longer causes Supported Attacks to deal added Physical Damage with Weapons per 10 Rage, or Supported Attacks to deal added Physical Damage with Weapons while you have at least 10 Rage. It also no longer causes Supported Skills to grant 1 Rage on Melee Hit, no more than once every 0.4 seconds. Instead, it now has "Gain 3 Rage on Attack Hit" at all gem levels, and causes Supported Skills to have 10% increased Attack Speed while you have at least 10 Rage at gem level 1, scaling up to 19% at gem level 20.
11Shockwave: Now has 230% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 160%), scaling up to 336% at gem level 20 (previously 260%).
12Trauma: Now has "Supported Skills have 2 to 3 Added Attack Physical Damage per Trauma" at gem level 1 (previously 3 to 4), scaling up to 10 to 17 at gem level 20 (previously 11 to 24).
13Urgent Orders: Supported Skills no longer have +2 seconds to Cooldown. Now has a Cost and Reservation Multiplier of 200% (previously 130%).

PoE Necropolis 3.24 New Gems

Path of Exile: Necropolis includes new Skill and Support Gems and a range of new Transfigured Gems. Automate your Warcries and Instant Spells with the Call to Arms and Automation Skills, and empower your wand attacks with the Sacred Wisps Support. If you've been waiting for a transfigured version of your favourite skill, you'll now be able to play exciting new variants of Poisonous Concoction, Tornado, Ice Shot, and more.

PoE Automation Support Automation


Tags: Trigger, Spell. Level: (1–20). Cooldown Time: 0.60 sec. Cast Time: Instant.

Requires Level (24–70), (25–68) Dex, (37–98) Int

While this skill is active, supported spells will be repeatedly triggered.

  • Each Supported Spell will Trigger when its Cooldown is over

Automation Support

Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%.

Supports spell skills that are instant and have no reservation. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • You cannot Cast Supported Triggerable Spells directly
  • Supported Skills have (5–24)% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
  • Supported Spells are Triggered when their Cooldowns are over

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Supported Skills have (0–5)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

PoE Call to Arms Support Call to Arms

Call to Arms

Tags: Warcry, Trigger, Spell. Level: (1–20). Cooldown Time: 0.60 sec. Cast Time: Instant.

Requires Level (24–70), (58–155) Str

While this skill is active, a supported warcry will be repeatedly triggered, and all your warcry skills will share cooldowns.

  • A Supported Warcry will Trigger when their Cooldown is over
  • All your Warcries share their Cooldowns

Call to Arms Support

Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%. Cooldown Time: 0.20 sec.

Supports warcry skills. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • Supported Skills have (11–30)% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
  • Supported Warcries are Triggered when their Cooldowns are over

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Supported Skills have (0–5)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.

Sacred Wisps Support Sacred Wisps Support

Sacred Wisps Support

Tags: Attack, Support, Trigger, Duration, Spell. Level: (1–20). Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%.

Requires Level (18–70), (33–111) Int

Supports attack skills that can be used with Wands. Cannot support Vaal skills, minion skills, movement skills, or skills used by totems, traps, or mines.

  • Supported Skills deal (51–60)% less Damage when used by Sacred Wisps
  • Supported Skills will Trigger Summon Sacred Wisps on Hit
  • Supported Skills can only be used with Wands

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Supported Skills deal (0–10)% increased Attack Damage

Summon Sacred Wisps

Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

This skill is triggered by supported skills to summon Sacred Wisps which use the triggering skill when you do.

  • Base duration is 10 seconds
  • Summons 2 Sacred Wisps
  • Maximum 2 Sacred Wisps
  • Sacred Wisps have 25% chance to use the Triggering Skill when you fire a
  • Projectile with that Skill
  • Sacred Wisps have +25% chance to use the Triggering Skill when you fire a Projectile with that Skill while a Rare or Unique Enemy is in your Presence
Artillery Ballista of Cross Strafe Artillery Ballista of Cross Strafe

Tags: Attack, Totem, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Bow. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–11) Mana. Attack Speed: 50% of base. Attack Damage: (50–65)% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (50–65)%.

Requires Level (28–70), (67–155) Dex

Summons a ballista totem that propels a sequence of fiery arrows into the air. The arrows impact the ground in two perpendicular lines, each dealing area damage to enemies around it. Requires a Bow.

  • Totem lasts 8 seconds
  • +(2–3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
  • Fires 6 Arrows
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
  • Arrows fall in two perpendicular lines

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Fires +(0–1) Arrow

Artillery Ballista of Focus Fire Artillery Ballista of Focus Fire

Tags: Attack, Totem, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Bow. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–11) Mana. Attack Speed: 50% of base. Attack Damage: (80–120)% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (80–120)%.

Requires Level (28–70), (67–155) Dex

Summons a ballista totem that propels a number of fiery arrows into the air, each targeting a specific enemy. Arrows deal area damage to enemies around it on landing. Requires a Bow.

  • Totem lasts 8 seconds
  • +(2–3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
  • Fires up to 5 Arrows at different targets
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Fires +(0–1) Arrow

Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Elemental Hit of the Spectrum

Tags: Attack, Projectile, Fire, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Bow. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–11) Mana. AoE Radius: 10.

Requires Level (12–70), (33–155) Dex

Fires a projectile with a wand or bow that deals fire, cold and lightning damage. If the projectile hits an enemy, it will deal damage in an area around them.

  • (6–136) to (11–252) Added Cold Damage
  • (8–166) to (14–309) Added Fire Damage
  • (1–26) to (23–509) Added Lightning Damage
  • Only Deals Damage of the chosen Element
  • Deals no Damage of other Damage Types
  • (30–49)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
  • Base radius is 1.5 metres
  • Deals no Non-Elemental Damage
  • 10% more Damage per Elemental Ailment on the Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0–5)% more Damage per Elemental Ailment on the Enemy

Ice Shot of Penetration Ice Shot of Penetration

Tags: Attack, Projectile, AoE, Cold, Bow. Level: (1–20). Cost: (7–12) Mana. Attack Speed: 75% of base. Attack Damage: (180–280)% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (180–280)%.

Requires Level (1–70), (10–155) Dex

Fires a piercing arrow that converts some physical damage to cold on its target and converts all physical damage to cold in two cones perpendicular to the target.

  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this Skill
  • Projectiles Pierce 3 additional Targets
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Base radius is (2.6–3.1) metres
  • Chills Enemies as though dealing (100–195)% more Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–80)% increased Area of Effect angle

Incinerate of Expanse Incinerate of Expanse

Tags: Spell, Fire, Channelling, AoE. Level: (1–20). Cost: (3–6) Mana. Cast Time: 0.30 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50%. Long Radius: 25. Wide Radius: 20.

Requires Level (12–70), (33–155) Int

Continuously launches a torrent of fire from your hand, repeatedly damaging enemies. As you channel this spell longer, the flames spread wider close to you and spread longer directly in front of you. When you stop channelling you release a slow-moving wave of fire damage over a very large area that will apply a powerful Ignite.

  • Deals (3–207) to (5–311) Fire Damage
  • 25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
  • 100% increased angle per stage, up to 300%
  • Final wave always Ignites
  • +(0.4–0.5) metres to radius per stage, up to a maximum of +(1.5–1.9) metres
  • 4 maximum Stages
  • Final wave deals 700% more Damage with Hits
  • Final wave deals 400% more Damage with Ignite

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Final wave deals +(0–100)% more Damage with Hits, Final wave deals +(0–50)% more Damage with Ignite

Incinerate of Venting Incinerate of Venting

Tags: Spell, Fire, Channelling, AoE. Level: (1–20). Cost: (2–4) Mana. Cast Time: 0.17 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50%. Long Radius: 25. Wide Radius: 20.

Requires Level (12–70), (33–155) Int

Continuously launches a torrent of fire from your hand, repeatedly damaging enemies. As you channel this spell longer, the flames spread wider close to you and spread longer directly in front of you.

  • Deals (3–207) to (5–311) Fire Damage
  • 25% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage
  • 100% increased angle per stage, up to 300%
  • +(0.4–0.5) metres to radius per stage, up to a maximum of +(2.4–3) metres
  • 12 maximum Stages

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0–2) to maximum Stages

Kinetic Blast of Clustering Kinetic Blast of Clustering

Tags: Attack, Projectile, AoE, Physical. Level: (1–20). Cost: (15–16) Mana.

Requires Level (28–70), (67–155) Int

Fires a projectile from a Wand that causes a series of area explosions in a secondary radius around its point of impact, each damaging enemies.

  • Deals Added Physical Damage equal to (8–15)% of Maximum Mana
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to the number of Explosions
  • Creates 3 explosions
  • Base explosion radius is 1.9 metres
  • Base secondary radius is 2.8 metres
  • Projectiles cannot Split

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Creates (0–1) explosions

Poisonous Concoction of Bouncing Poisonous Concoction of Bouncing

Tags: Attack, AoE, Chaos, Projectile, Chaining. Level: (1–20). Cost: (6–10) Mana.

Requires Level (12–70), (33–155) Dex

Throws a single bottle that releases a burst when it hits the ground, dealing unarmed attack damage in an area with a chance to poison. The skill chains, bouncing randomly to deal damage multiple times. Can consume charges from a Life flask to add further damage. Requires an empty main hand, and no off-hand weapon.

  • (26–622) to (39–933) Added Chaos Damage
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to the number of times this Skill Chains
  • Chains +2 Times
  • 40% chance to Poison on Hit
  • +6% to Critical Strike Chance
  • Base radius is 1.8 metres
  • Projectiles can Chain when impacting the ground
  • Projectiles Chain in random directions
  • Consumes 8 Charges per Projectile Fired from 1 Life Flask, if possible
  • Added Chaos Damage equal to (5–15)% of Flask's Recovery Amount if Charges were consumed from a Life Flask

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–20)% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit

Summon Holy Relic of Conviction Summon Holy Relic of Conviction

Tags: Minion, Spell. Level: (1–20). Cost: (11–28) Mana. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level (4–70), (7–68) Str, (10–98) Int

Summon a Holy Relic that stays near you. When you hit an enemy with an attack, the Holy Relic triggers a spell with a short cooldown, that deals physical damage to enemies in an area around a nearby enemy.

  • Maximum 2 Summoned Holy Relics
  • (0–76)% more Minion Movement Speed
  • Minions cannot Taunt Enemies

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Minions have (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Tornado of Elemental Turbulence Tornado of Elemental Turbulence

Tags: Spell, Duration, Physical, AoE, Orb, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Prismatic. Level: (1–20). Cost: (15–25) Mana. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65%.

Requires Level (34–70), (50–98) Dex, (35–68) Int

Create a Tornado of a random element that hinders and repeatedly damages enemies around it, converting physical damage to its element. The Tornado will chase down enemies for a duration.

  • Deals (22–290) to (32–435) Physical Damage
  • Deals Damage every 0.25 seconds
  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage
  • Tornado has (0–57)% increased Movement Speed
  • Maximum 3 Tornadoes
  • Enemies in range are Hindered

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Tornado has (0–40)% increased Movement Speed

PoE New Gems 3.23

Cleave of Rage Cleave of Rage

Attack, AoE, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 180–300% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 180–300%. Radius: 20.

Requires Level 1

The character swings both their weapons in an arc, damaging monsters in an area in front of them. Requires dual wielding both an Axe and a Sword.

  • When Dual Wielding, Deals 60% Damage from each Weapon combined
  • Gain 1 Rage if this Skill Hits any Enemies
  • +0.1 metres to Radius per 3 Rage
  • Gain Rage if this Skill Hits any Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: Gain (0–1) Rage if this Skill Hits any Enemies
Glacial Hammer of Shattering Glacial Hammer of Shattering

Critical, Attack, Melee, Strike, Cold. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 165–269%.

Requires Level 1

Hits enemies, converting some of your physical damage to cold damage. If striking three times in a row, the third strike will be a critical strike. Requires a Mace, Sceptre or Staff.

  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Every third successive strike is a Critical Strike
  • +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
  • Adds (2–75) to (3–113) Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–40)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Ground Slam of Earthshaking Ground Slam of Earthshaking

Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: 210–340% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 210–340%. Radius: 35.

Requires Level 1

Slams the ground in front of you, creating a wide wave that travels forward and damages enemies with an increased chance to stun. Requires a Two Handed Axe, Two Handed Mace, or Staff.

  • 25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
  • +(0–1) metre to radius
  • 100% increased angle

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals up to (0–20)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
Molten Strike of the Zenith Molten Strike of the Zenith

Attack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 85–130% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 85–130%. Explosion Radius: 9. Projectile Radius: 2-25.

Requires Level 1

Infuses your two-handed melee weapon with molten energies to attack with physical and fire damage. This attack causes balls of molten magma to launch forth from the enemies you hit, divided amongst all enemies hit by the strike. These will deal area attack damage to enemies where they land. Every fifth time you attack with this skill it fires more, high-damage projectiles.

  • Fires 3 Projectiles
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • +(0.2–0.6) metres to Melee Strike Range
  • Projectiles deal 50% less Damage with Hits and Ailments
  • Every fifth Attack fires 5 additional Projectiles
  • Every fifth Attack, Projectiles deal 800% more Damage with Hits and Ailments

Additional Effects From Quality: Every fifth Attack, Projectiles deal (0–200)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
Perforate of Duality Perforate of Duality

Physical, Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 155–265% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 155–265%. Sand Radius: 11. Blood Radius: 8.

Requires Level 1

Smash the ground to bring forth multiple spears to damage enemies. When in Blood Stance, multiple spikes burst from the ground in sequence, able to hit enemies multiple times. In Sand Stance, the spikes are thrust outwards. Requires a Sword or Axe. You are in Blood Stance by default.

  • (2–75) to (3–113) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Creates 3 Spikes
  • 75% less Damage while in Blood Stance
  • Creates 10 additional Spikes if you've changed Stance Recently
  • (0–76)% more Area of Effect while in Sand Stance

Additional Effects From Quality: Creates (0–2) Spikes
Perforate of Bloodshed Perforate of Bloodshed

Physical, Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 60–85% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60–85%. Sand Radius: 11. Blood Radius: 8.

Requires Level 1

Smash the ground to bring forth multiple spikes from the ground in sequence, able to hit enemies multiple times.
Requires a Sword or Axe.

  • (2–75) to (3–113) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Creates 5 Spikes
  • (50–88)% more Damage with Bleeding
  • 25% chance to cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From Quality: Creates (0–1) Spikes
Shield Crush of the Chieftain Shield Crush of the Chieftain

Attack, AoE, Fire, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%.

Requires Level 1

Swipe your shield, dealing area damage in three waves in front of you. Enemies can be hit by two of the waves where they overlap.

  • (5–222) to (7–334) Base Off Hand Fire Damage
  • (5–7) to (7–9) Added Fire Damage per 15 Armour on Shield
  • Central wave has (50–88)% more Area of Effect

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals up to (0–10)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
Smite of Divine Judgement Smite of Divine Judgement

Lightning, Attack, AoE, Melee, Strike. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 85% of base. Attack Damage: 170–250% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170–250%. AoE Radius: 15.

Requires Level 1

Performs a melee attack, and causes lightning to strike nearby enemies, dealing damage in an area. Each target can only be hit once by this skill. Requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • (0–38)% more Area Damage
  • Base radius is 1.5 metres
  • Lightning strikes 3 targets
  • Lightning strikes targets within +5 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Lightning strikes targets within +(0–2) metres
Holy Flame Totem of Ire Holy Flame Totem of Ire

Totem, Spell, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.18 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 35%.

Requires Level 4

Summons a totem that channels to fire a stream of flame at nearby enemies, and creates an area of consecrated ground around the totem.

  • Deals (2–153) to (5–230) Physical Damage
  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • Totem lasts 8 seconds
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this Skill
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
  • (50–88)% more Projectile Speed
  • Consecrated Ground grants Immunity to Curses to you and Allies

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% more Projectile Speed
Leap Slam of Groundbreaking Leap Slam of Groundbreaking

Attack, AoE, Movement, Travel, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: 210–320% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 210–320%. Radius: 15.

Requires Level 10

Jump a short distance through the air, damaging and knocking back enemies with your weapon where you land. Enemies you would land on are pushed out of the way. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Sword or Staff. Cannot be supported by Multistrike.

  • (20–39)% increased Stun Duration against Enemies that are on Full Life
  • Damaging Hits always Stun Enemies that are on Full Life
  • Base radius is 2.5 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Stun Duration against Enemies that are on Full Life
Absolution of Inspiring Absolution of Inspiring

Spell, Minion, Duration, Physical, Lightning, AoE. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200%.

Requires Level 12

Damages enemies in an area, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the corpse will be consumed to summon a Sentinel of Absolution for a secondary duration, or to refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them.

  • Deals (21–873) to (31–1310) Physical Damage
  • Base duration is 1 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 10 seconds
  • Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also apply
  • to this Skill's Damage at 200% of their value
  • +(0–0.6) metres to radius
  • 25% chance to Summon a Sentinel of Absolution on Hitting a Rare or Unique Enemy
  • Maximum 2 Summoned Sentinels of Absolution
  • This Spell and Minions Convert 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also apply
to this Skill's Damage at (0–50)% of their value
Earthshatter of Fragility Earthshatter of Fragility

Attack, AoE, Slam, Duration, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 100–150% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 100–150%. AoE Radius: 20.

Requires Level 12

Slam the ground, sending out rectangular fissures that deal area damage to enemies and thrust a spike from the ground when they end. The spikes shatter after a duration, damaging surrounding enemies. Works with Maces, Sceptres, Axes, Staves and Unarmed.

  • Base duration is 1.5 seconds
  • (0–19)% more Area of Effect
  • Shattering Spikes deal 30% less damage
  • Maximum 15 Spikes
  • Creates 5 fissures

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–3) Spikes
Creates (0–1) fissure
Earthshatter of Prominence Earthshatter of Prominence

Attack, AoE, Slam, Duration, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 110–170% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110–170%. AoE Radius: 20.

Requires Level 12

Slam the ground, sending out a rectangular fissure that deals area damage to enemies and thrusts a large spike from the ground where it ends. Warcries or other Slam Attacks performed by you or allied players near the spike will cause it to shatter, damaging surrounding enemies. Works with Maces, Sceptres, Axes, Staves and Unarmed.

  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • Shattering Spikes have (100–157)% more Area of Effect
  • Shattering Spikes deal 100% more damage
  • Maximum 5 Spikes
  • Creates 1 fissure

Additional Effects From Quality: Shattering Spikes deal (0–20)% more damage
Exsanguinate of Transmission Exsanguinate of Transmission

Spell, Chaining, Physical, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 55%.

Requires Level 12

Releases a tendril of blood from your character, which will target an enemy in front of you, then chain to other enemies. The tendril deals physical damage and inflicts a physical damage over time debuff to enemies, which can stack up to 3 times.

  • Deals (-954–-13) to (-1432–-20) Physical Damage
  • Deals (23.4–1121) Base Physical Damage per second
  • Base duration is 2 seconds
  • Chains +(12–21) Times
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Fires tendrils at up to 1 Target

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–1.5) seconds
Infernal Blow of Immolation Infernal Blow of Immolation

Attack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Duration. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 104–166%. Radius: 15.

Requires Level 12

Attacks with your weapon, applying a charged debuff to you the first time you hit an enemy with this skill. Upon reaching 6 charges, or charges expiring, the charged debuff is removed to damage nearby enemies. Requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • Base duration is 3 seconds
  • (5–75) to (8–113) Added Fire Damage
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Base radius is 2.4 metres
  • Debuff deals 80% of Damage per Charge
  • Debuff deals % of Damage per Charge

Additional Effects From Quality: Debuff deals (0–10)% of Damage per Charge
Sunder of Earthbreaking Sunder of Earthbreaking

Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 90% of base. Attack Damage: 170–250% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170–250%. AoE Radius: 12.

Requires Level 12

Slams the ground, creating a wave of churning terrain that damages enemies in a sequence of areas in front of you. A number of enemies hit by the wave will release a shockwave, damaging other enemies around them. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Axe, Staff or Unarmed.

  • (0–38)% more Area of Effect
  • Shockwaves deal 40% less Damage
  • Wave has 75% reduced delay between Areas
  • Wave Damages 6 Areas
  • Wave causes Shockwaves from up to 3 Enemies in each Area

Additional Effects From Quality: Wave Damages (0–2) Areas
Volcanic Fissure of Snaking Volcanic Fissure of Snaking

Melee, Attack, AoE, Slam, Fire. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: 130–185% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 130–185%.

Requires Level 12

Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. When it reaches the target location it erupts dealing damage in an area. After erupting, the fissure continues moving towards enemies to cause further eruptions. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • 50% more Area of Effect
  • Fissure erupts 2 additional times

Additional Effects From Quality: Fissure erupts (0–1) additional times
Animate Guardian of Smiting Animate Guardian of Smiting

Spell, Minion, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec.

Requires Level 28

Animates a melee weapon or armour, attaching it to an invisible Guardian that fights by your side using Smite of Divine Judgement, ignoring weapon restrictions. Animating multiple items attaches them to the same Guardian. You cannot animate unidentified items. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.

  • Can use Items requiring up to Level (33–100)
  • Minion deals (0–38)% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Minion Movement Speed
Bladestorm of Uncertainty Bladestorm of Uncertainty

Attack, AoE, Duration, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: 125–180% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 125–180%.

Requires Level 28

Perform a spinning attack, damaging enemies around you and creating a random bladestorm. The bladestorm repeatedly damages enemies, based on your weapon damage and attack time, for a duration. Blood bladestorms are stationary and cause Bleeding, while Sand bladestorms move slowly forwards and Blind enemies. Requires a Sword or Axe.

  • Base duration is 3 seconds
  • (50–88)% more Damage with Bleeding
  • (10–12)% more Attack Speed while you're in a Blood Bladestorm
  • 50% chance to create the wrong Bladestorm
  • Maximum of 3 Bladestorms at a time
  • Sand Bladestorms grant (30–38)% increased Movement Speed to you
  • Bladestorm deals 50% less Damage with Hits and Ailments
  • Maximum of Bladestorms at a time

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum of (0–1) Bladestorms at a time
Boneshatter of Complex Trauma Boneshatter of Complex Trauma

Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Physical. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 85% of base. Attack Damage: 200–250% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200–250%.

Requires Level 28

Attack enemies with a forceful melee strike that also hurts you. Successive uses will raise the damage dealt both to enemies and you. Stunning an enemy with the strike releases a damaging pulse. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Axe or Staff.

  • (11–158) to (17–238) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
  • Lose all Trauma on reaching 10 Trauma
  • Take (18–582) Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma
  • (8–15)% more Damage per Trauma
  • Pulse has 15% increased Area of Effect per 0.1s of Stun Duration, up to 400%

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–5)% more Damage per Trauma
Boneshatter of Carnage Boneshatter of Carnage

Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 85% of base. Attack Damage: 125–275% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 125–275%.

Requires Level 28

Attack enemies with a forceful melee strike. Stunning an enemy with the strike releases a damaging pulse. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Axe or Staff.

  • (11–158) to (17–238) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • 25% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
  • +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
  • (20–39)% chance to double Stun Duration
  • Pulse has 15% increased Area of Effect per 0.1s of Stun Duration, up to 400%

Additional Effects From Quality: Pulse has (0–5)% increased Area of Effect per 0.1s of Stun Duration, up to 400%
Consecrated Path of Endurance Consecrated Path of Endurance

Fire, Attack, AoE, Movement, Duration, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 110–180% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110–180%. AoE Radius: 23.

Requires Level 28

Slams the ground at a targeted location. If an enemy is near where you target, you'll teleport to it from a short distance away, slam, and create an area of consecrated ground. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending an Endurance Charge. Can't be supported by Multistrike, and requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Deals up to 20% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
  • 10% more Area of Effect per Endurance Charge
  • 10% more Attack Damage per Endurance Charge

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals up to (0–10)% more Damage with Hits to closer targets
Dominating Blow of Inspiring Dominating Blow of Inspiring

Attack, Minion, Duration, Melee, Strike. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 165–238%.

Requires Level 28

Attacks enemies with a melee strike, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the enemy's corpse will be consumed and a Sentinel of Dominance with the same rarity, prefix and suffix modifiers will be summoned for a longer secondary duration.

  • Base duration is 1 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 20 seconds
  • Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also apply
  • to this Skill's Damage at 200% of their value
  • Maximum 6 Summoned Normal Sentinels of Dominance
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Magic Sentinels of Dominance
  • Maximum 1 Summoned Rare Sentinel of Dominance
  • 25% Chance to Summon a Normal Sentinel of Dominance on Hitting a Unique Monster

Additional Effects From Quality: Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also apply
to this Skill's Damage at (0–50)% of their value
Earthquake of Amplification Earthquake of Amplification

Attack, AoE, Duration, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 75% of base. Attack Damage: 85–150% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 85–150%.

Requires Level 28

Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and cracking the earth. The crack will erupt in a powerful aftershock after a duration. Cracks created before the first one has erupted will not generate their own aftershocks. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • Base duration is 2.5 seconds
  • Aftershock deals 15% more Damage with Hits per 0.1 seconds Duration
  • Aftershock deals 6% more Damage with Ailments per 0.1 seconds Duration
  • Aftershock has 2% more Area of Effect per 0.1 seconds Duration

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.5) seconds
Ice Crash of Cadence Ice Crash of Cadence

Attack, AoE, Cold, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 90% of base. Attack Damage: 170–250% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170–250%.

Requires Level 28

Slam the ground, damaging enemies in an area. Slams with main hand weapon deal more damage. Slams with off hand weapon have larger area of effect. Requires dual-wielding Swords, Maces, Sceptres, or Axes to use.

  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • 50% more Damage with Main Hand Weapon
  • Main Hand Base radius is 1.1 metres
  • Off Hand Base radius is 3.1 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Gain (0–15)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Rage Vortex of Berserking Rage Vortex of Berserking

Attack, AoE, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: 40–62% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 40–62%.

Requires Level 28

Spin with a sword or axe to deal damage in an area around you. If you have at least 10 rage, create a ragestorm attached to you that repeatedly deals attack damage to enemies inside based on your attack speed. The ragestorm consumes rage at an accelerating rate, and ends if you run out.

  • Base radius is 2.2 metres
  • Ragestorm Hits 250% more Frequently
  • Maximum 1 Ragestorm
  • Lose 3 Rage per second
  • Each second, 20% more Rage loss Rate

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm

Fire, Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 160–240% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160–240%. Length Radius: 15. Width Radius: 7.

Requires Level 28

Slam the ground, consuming all Endurance Charges and unleashing a fiery fissure in front of you, dealing area damage and randomly releasing a number of smaller fissures branching off from it. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Sword, Axe, Staff, or Unarmed.

  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • 15% more Damage per Endurance Charge removed
  • 10% more Area of Effect per Endurance Charge removed
  • 10% fissure branching chance per Endurance Charge removed

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–5)% more Damage per Endurance Charge removed
Frozen Legion of RallyingFrozen Sweep Frozen Legion of RallyingFrozen Sweep

Spell, Cold, Attack, AoE, Melee. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 0.30 sec (5 Times). Cast Time: 0.70 sec.

Requires Level 34

This spell consumes multiple cooldown uses to summon icy Statues in a ring. Each Statue uses your Frozen Sweep attack once before vanishing. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, or Staff. This skill cannot be triggered, supported by Spell Echo or Unleash, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. This attack is used by your Statues to deal damage in an area around them while stepping forward. This skill cannot repeat and can only be used by Statues from Frozen Legion.

  • Consumes one Cooldown Use per Statue Summoned
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • You cannot use this Skill yourself, your Statues will use this Skill for you

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Flame Golem of Hordes Summon Flame Golem of Hordes

Fire, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Flame Golem. The Flame Golem can cast a fire spray, a wave of fire damage, and an explosive arcing projectile.

  • 20% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Flame Golem of the Meteor Summon Flame Golem of the Meteor

Fire, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Flame Golem. When summoned, the Flame Golem attacks by falling from the sky, dealing fire damage in an area and leaving burning ground around the impact. After landing, it can cast a fire spray and a wave of fire damage.

  • (0–10)% increased Character Size
  • Maximum 1 Summoned Golem

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Stone Golem of Hordes Summon Stone Golem of Hordes

Minion, Spell, Golem, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Stone Golem. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.

  • 20% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Stone Golem of Safeguarding Summon Stone Golem of Safeguarding

Minion, Spell, Golem, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 15.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Stone Golem that takes a portion of the melee damage you recieve from enemy hits from its life before yours. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.

  • (0–10)% increased Character Size
  • Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
  • Minions have 50% less Maximum Life
  • Golems grant 10% of Melee Damage is taken from your Stone Golems' Life before you

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Buff Effect
Burning Arrow of Vigour Burning Arrow of Vigour

Attack, Projectile, Fire, Bow. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base.

Requires Level 1

Fires a burning arrow that deals fire damage and has a chance to ignite.

  • Deals Added Fire Damage equal to (15–24)% of Maximum Life
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • 25% chance to Ignite enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% more Damage with Ignite
Double Strike of Impaling Double Strike of Impaling

Attack, Melee, Strike, Physical. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 91–140% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 91–140%.

Requires Level 1

Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon.

  • 40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
  • Killing Blows cause Impales on Enemies to Reflect Damage to surrounding Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Impale Effect
Double Strike of Momentum Double Strike of Momentum

Attack, Melee, Strike. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 60–95% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60–95%.

Requires Level 1

Performs two fast strikes with a melee weapon, gaining stages which cause this skill to attack faster. All stages are lost when you move.

  • 10% more Attack Speed for each Stage
  • Gain a Stage at the start of each pair of swings
  • Maximum 10 Stages

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–4)% more Attack Speed for each Stage
Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Dual Strike of Ambidexterity

Attack, Melee, Strike. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 70% of base. Attack Damage: 125–244% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 125–244%.

Requires Level 1

Attacks with both weapons, dealing the damage of both in one strike. Requires dual-wielding two different melee weapon types to use.

  • 50% more Damage with Main Hand Weapon
  • Uses Off Hand Weapon Attack Time

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% more Damage with Main Hand Weapon
Ethereal Knives of Lingering Blades Ethereal Knives of Lingering Blades

Spell, Projectile, Physical, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 220%.

Requires Level 1

Fires an arc of knives in front of the caster which deal physical damage. Cannot be supported by Volley.

  • Deals (7–949) to (10–1423) Physical Damage
  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • Fires (6–8) Projectiles
  • Each Projectile fired remains in the ground as a Lingering Blade
  • Maximum 40 Lingering Blades can be left in the ground at a time

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Projectiles
Ethereal Knives of the Massacre Ethereal Knives of the Massacre

Spell, Projectile, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 220%.

Requires Level 1

Fires a circle of knives around the caster which deal physical damage.

  • Deals (7–949) to (10–1423) Physical Damage
  • Fires (12–16) Projectiles
  • Fires Projectiles in a circle

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–3) Projectiles
Frost Blades of Katabasis Frost Blades of Katabasis

Attack, Melee, Strike, Cold, AoE, Duration. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110–225%.

Requires Level 1

Attack enemies with greatly increased range, creating a chilling area that deals cold damage over time if it hits. Requires a Melee Weapon.

  • Base duration is 3 seconds
  • Deals (8–2787) Base Cold Damage per second
  • (-2432–-7) to (-3648–-10) Added Cold Damage
  • This Skill's Area of Effect cannot be modified
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • +5 metres to Melee Strike Range

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–1) metre to Melee Strike Range
Caustic Arrow of Poison Caustic Arrow of Poison

Attack, Projectile, AoE, Chaos, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 55–70%. Radius: 20.

Requires Level 1

Fires a poisonous arrow which deals chaos damage in an area on impact.

  • (3–113) to (5–169) Added Chaos Damage
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • +(0–0.6) metres to radius
  • 40% chance to Poison on Hit

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–0.2) metres to radius
Galvanic Arrow of Energy Galvanic Arrow of Energy

Lightning, Attack, AoE, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 175–210%. AoE Radius: 28.

Requires Level 1

Create a burst of lightning from your Bow, firing no arrows but damaging enemies in a cone in front of you.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • (1–9) to (5–179) Added Lightning Damage
  • +0.8 metres to radius

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–0.4) metres to radius
Galvanic Arrow of Surging Galvanic Arrow of Surging

Lightning, Attack, Projectile, AoE, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 80–99%. AoE Radius: 28.

Requires Level 1

Fire a trio of electrical arrows that quickly dissipate, vanishing shortly after being loosed. If the arrows' flight is stopped by colliding with a target, they create a burst of lightning, damaging enemies in a cone behind the target

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • (1–9) to (5–179) Added Lightning Damage
  • Fires 3 Arrows

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Projectile Speed
Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Explosive Trap of Shrapnel

Trap, Spell, AoE, Fire, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 120%. AoE Radius: 12/7.

Requires Level 1

Throws a trap that creates an explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it. A number of smaller explosions occur within a secondary area around the trap in quick succession after the first.

  • Deals (5–568) to (7–851) Physical Damage
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Base explosion radius is 1.2 metres
  • Base secondary radius is 3 metres
  • Base smaller explosion radius is 1.3 metres
  • Causes (3–7) smaller explosions
  • Causes smaller explosions
  • Smaller explosions have between 30% reduced and 30% increased base radius at random

Additional Effects From Quality: Causes (0–2) smaller explosions
Explosive Trap of Magnitude Explosive Trap of Magnitude

Trap, Spell, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 330%. AoE Radius: 12/7.

Requires Level 1

Throws a trap that creates a large explosion when triggered, dealing spell damage in an area around it.

  • Deals (13–1478) to (19–2216) Physical Damage
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • 50% increased Stun Duration on enemies
  • Base explosion radius is 1.8 metres
  • 30% less Trap Throwing Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.3) metres
Split Arrow of Splitting Split Arrow of Splitting

Attack, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110–160%.

Requires Level 1

Fires an arrow that splits to hit different targets.

  • Projectiles Split towards (3–6) targets
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to
  • the number of targets Projectile Splits towards
  • Projectiles can Split without hitting a target

Additional Effects From Quality: Projectiles Split towards (0–2) targets
Splitting Steel of Ammunition Splitting Steel of Ammunition

Attack, Projectile, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 70–210%.

Requires Level 1

Consume Steel Shards to fire a single projectile that splits on impact or at the targeted location, dealing area damage when it splits and again when the split projectiles explode at the end of their flight. Requires a Sword or Axe. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.

  • (1–101) to (2–151) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Projectiles Split towards 2 targets
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to
  • the number of targets Projectile Splits towards
  • If you have no Steel Shards, Projectile counts as already having Split
  • Base radius is 1.2 metres
  • 60% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
  • Projectiles can Split without hitting a target
  • Consumes up to 2 Steel Shards

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Impale Effect
Spectral Throw of Materialising Spectral Throw of Materialising

Attack, Projectile. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 110% of base. Attack Damage: 160–240% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160–240%.

Requires Level 1

Throws an intangible spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then becomes tangible as it returns to you, in a spinning attack that only hits and damages enemies while returning.

  • 30% reduced Projectile Deceleration

Additional Effects From Quality: Projectiles that have Pierced deal (0–10)% more Damage
Viper Strike of the Mamba Viper Strike of the Mamba

Attack, Duration, Melee, Strike, Chaos. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90–154%.

Requires Level 1

Hits enemies, converting some of your physical damage to chaos damage and inflicting poison which will be affected by modifiers to skill duration. If dual wielding, deals the damage of both weapons in one strike. Requires a claw, dagger or sword.

  • Base duration is 2 seconds
  • (5–169) to (7–254) Added Chaos Damage
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • 60% chance to Poison on Hit
  • 200% more Damage with Poison
  • Cannot inflict Poison on Poisoned Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–40)% more Damage with Poison
Animate Weapon of Self Reflection Animate Weapon of Self Reflection

Duration, Minion, Spell. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec.

Requires Level 4

Animates a copy of your main hand Melee Weapon to fight by your side. Cannot be used by Totems, Traps or Mines.

  • to maximum number of Animated Weapons
  • Base duration is 15 seconds
  • Can use Items requiring up to Level (9–100)
  • Minions deal (0–38)% more Damage
  • Maximum 5 Animated Weapons
  • Minions have (0–38)% more Attack Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–1) Animated Weapon
Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms

Duration, Minion, Spell, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec.

Requires Level 4

Animates a Ranged Weapon Item or Lingering Blade to fight by your side. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.

  • to maximum number of Animated Weapons
  • Base duration is 40 seconds
  • Can use Items requiring up to Level (9–100)
  • Animated Lingering Blades become Bows
  • Minions' Attacks deal (5–126) to (8–184) additional Physical Damage
  • Animated Lingering Blades deal (1–17) to (2–80) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Minions deal (0–38)% more Damage
  • Maximum (5–14) Animated Weapons
  • Minions have (0–38)% more Attack Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–2) Animated Weapons
Bear Trap of Skewers Bear Trap of Skewers

Trap, Spell, Duration, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec (3 Times). Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 150%.

Requires Level 4

Throws a trap that damages and impales a single enemy, and immobilises them for a duration based on how much damage was dealt. Modifiers to spell damage do not affect this skill's damage.

  • Deals (8–711) to (11–995) Physical Damage
  • Traps do not Trigger at the end of their Duration
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Locks enemy in place
  • Killing Blows cause Impales on Enemies to Reflect Damage to surrounding Enemies
  • (100–195)% increased Impale Effect
  • Impale Enemies on Hit

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–80)% increased Impale Effect
Detonate Dead of Scavenging Detonate Dead of Scavenging

Spell, AoE, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Radius: 22.

Requires Level 4

Targets a corpse, causing it to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected. Cannot target corpses that have been created by skills.

  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (20–29.5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
  • 60% less Damage with Ailments
  • Base radius is 2.8 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (0–5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction

Spell, AoE, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Radius: 22.

Requires Level 4

Targets a corpse, and deals spell damage to enemies around the corpse, as well as causing the corpse to explode, dealing fire damage. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected. This will continue to target other corpses in the area, with a shorter delay between each one, until it runs out of corpses or has destroyed 8 corpses.

  • Deals (9–469) to (13–704) Fire Damage
  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (4–5)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
  • Base radius is 2 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Shrapnel Ballista of Steel Shrapnel Ballista of Steel

Attack, Projectile, Totem, Physical, Bow. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 40% of base. Attack Damage: 49–57% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 49–57%.

Requires Level 4

Summons a ballista totem that consumes your Steel Shards to fire multiple arrows with extreme force, breaking them apart into shrapnel. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows from the same attack. Requires a Bow. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.

  • Totem lasts 8 seconds
  • +(2–3) to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
  • (2–56) to (3–85) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Fires 3 Arrows
  • Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
  • 40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
  • If you have no Steel Shards, only Fires 1 Projectile
  • Totem Attacks consume up to 1 of your Steel Shards

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Projectile Speed
Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones

Attack, Minion, Duration, Movement, Travel, Bow. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec.

Requires Level 10

Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, you are teleported to it and a clone is summoned at your old location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire arrows into the air to land around a target.

  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Maximum of 3 Clones that fire Arrows upwards
  • Minions deal (0–57)% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clones Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clones

Attack, Minion, Duration, Movement, Travel, Prismatic, Bow. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec.

Requires Level 10

Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, you are teleported to it and a clone is summoned at your old location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire random elemental arrows.

  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Maximum of 3 Clones that fire Elemental Arrows
  • Minions deal (0–57)% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Flicker Strike of Power Flicker Strike of Power

Critical, Attack, Melee, Strike, Movement, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Attack Speed: 120% of base. Attack Damage: 142–210% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 142–210%.

Requires Level 10

Teleports the character to a nearby monster and attacks with a melee weapon. If no specific monster is targeted, one is picked at random. Grants a buff that increases movement speed for a duration. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Power Charge.

  • Base duration is 3 seconds
  • 30% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
  • 30% increased Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge
  • Buff grants 20% increased Movement Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones

Attack, Minion, Duration, Movement, Travel, Bow. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec.

Requires Level 10

Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, a clone is summoned. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire arrows into the air to land around a target.

  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Maximum of 3 Clones that fire Arrows upwards
  • Minions deal (0–57)% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Mirror Arrow of Prismatic Clones Mirror Arrow of Prismatic Clones

Attack, Minion, Duration, Movement, Travel, Prismatic, Bow. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec.

Requires Level 10

Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, a clone is summoned. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire random elemental arrows.

  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Maximum of 3 Clones that fire Elemental Arrows
  • Minions deal (0–57)% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Barrage of Volley Fire Barrage of Volley Fire

Attack, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50–60%.

Requires Level 12

After a short preparation time, you fire projectiles repeatedly with a Bow or Wand. These projectiles have a small randomised spread. This skill cannot be Triggered.

  • Fires 4 Projectiles
  • Fires Projectiles sequentially
  • The first and final shots of the sequence fire 6 additional Projectiles simultaneously

Additional Effects From Quality: The first and final shots of the sequence fire (0–4) additional Projectiles simultaneously
Blade Trap of Greatswords Blade Trap of Greatswords

Trap, Attack, AoE, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec (3 Times). Effectiveness of Added Damage: 100–140%.

Requires Level 12

Throws a trap which, once triggered, swings two copies of your equipped Two Handed Sword around it in circles for a duration, each repeatedly damaging enemies it spins through

  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Base duration is 3.5 seconds
  • Base radius is 2.2 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.5) seconds
Blade Trap of Laceration Blade Trap of Laceration

Trap, Attack, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140–180%.

Requires Level 12

Throws a trap which, once triggered, swings two copies of your equipped Dagger, Claw or One Handed Sword around it in a circle, each damaging enemies it spins through.

  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Rotates 1 times
  • Rotates times
  • Base radius is 1.6 metres
  • (40–59)% more Damage with Bleeding
  • 25% chance to cause Bleeding

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–20)% more Damage with Bleeding
Blade Vortex of the Scythe Blade Vortex of the Scythe

Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160%. Radius: 14.

Requires Level 12

This spell creates a swarm of ethereal blades which briefly orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius.

  • Deals (17–722) to (26–1083) Physical Damage
  • Base duration is 0.6 seconds
  • +(1–1.9) metre to radius

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.2) seconds
Fire Trap of Blasting Fire Trap of Blasting

Trap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 260%. Radius: 15.

Requires Level 12

Throws a trap that explodes when triggered, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.

  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Deals (4–366) to (6–549) Fire Damage
  • +(0–0.8) metres to radius
  • 50% Chance for Trap to Trigger an additional time
  • (9–881) to (14–1316) added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–80)% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect
Lacerate of Butchering Lacerate of Butchering

Attack, AoE, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 40% of base. Attack Damage: 200–310% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200–310%.

Requires Level 12

Slashes twice, releasing wide waves of force that damage enemies they hit. Enemies in the middle of the slashes can be hit by both. Requires a Two Handed Axe or Two Handed Sword.

  • +(0.4–2.3) metres to radius
  • 50% increased angle while in Sand Stance
  • % increased angle

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–0.5) metres to radius
Lacerate of Haemorrhage Lacerate of Haemorrhage

Attack, AoE, Physical, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 80–120% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 80–120%.

Requires Level 12

Slashes twice, releasing waves of force that damage enemies they hit. Enemies in the middle of the slashes can be hit by both. Requires a One Handed Axe or One Handed Sword.

  • (75–132)% more Damage with Bleeding
  • 25% chance to cause Bleeding
  • Adds (8–117) to (13–176) Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–40)% more Damage with Bleeding
Lightning Arrow of Electrocution Lightning Arrow of Electrocution

Attack, Projectile, Lightning, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65–75%. AoE Radius: 18.

Requires Level 12

Fires a charged arrow which damages enemies by causing them to be struck by a bolt of lightning. It sticks into the final target, causing them to be struck and damaged multiple times.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • (1–9) to (13–179) Added Lightning Damage
  • Arrows deal Damage final target 3 additional times after sticking in
  • Lightning bolts strike every 0.5 seconds
  • 10 Maximum Lightning Arrows stuck in an Enemy

Additional Effects From Quality: Arrows deal Damage final target (0–1) additional time after sticking in
Lightning Strike of Arcing Lightning Strike of Arcing

Attack, Projectile, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Chaining. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110–200%.

Requires Level 12

Infuses your melee weapon with electrical energies as you swing. In addition to converting some of your physical damage to lightning damage, the stored energy is released from the weapon as a projectile as you strike, flying out to hit farther-away enemies and chain between them. The projectile cannot miss if the melee attack hit a target.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • (1–9) to (13–179) Added Lightning Damage
  • Chains +(4–7) Times
  • 10% more Damage for each time this Skill has Chained

Additional Effects From Quality: Chains +(0–2) Times
Rain of Arrows of Artillery Rain of Arrows of Artillery

Attack, AoE, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 36–45%. Radius: 24.

Requires Level 12

Fires multiple arrows into the air, to land in sequence after a delay, starting in front of you and proceeding in a line in the direction of the target. Each arrow deals damage in an area around it.

  • Fires (18–22) Arrows

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–4) Arrows
Rain of Arrows of Saturation Rain of Arrows of Saturation

Attack, AoE, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 25–35%. Radius: 24.

Requires Level 12

Fires multiple arrows into the air, to slowly land in sequence after a delay, starting at the targeted location and spreading outwards in all directions. Each arrow deals damage in an area around it. Half of the arrows will land directly on targets if there are targets in their range.

  • Fires (27–33) Arrows

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–8) Arrows
Reave of Refraction Reave of Refraction

Attack, AoE, Melee. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170–250%. Radius: 14.

Requires Level 12

Attacks an area in front of you. Each Reave that hits an enemy grants stages, which you will begin to lose after a short period without hitting anything. Only works with Daggers, Claws, and One-Handed Swords.

  • 4 Maximum Stages
  • +(0–0.2) metres to radius
  • 50% more Area of Effect for each stage
  • Converts 100% of Physical Damage to a random Element

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–2) to maximum Stages
Shattering Steel of Ammunition Shattering Steel of Ammunition

Attack, Projectile, AoE, Physical, Duration. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 85% of base. Attack Damage: 100–159% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 100–159%. AoE Radius: 28.

Requires Level 12

Swing an Axe or Sword, consuming Steel Shards to gain a Steel Ward that protects you for a duration, and fire projectiles which shatter on impact or soon after being launched, dealing area damage in front of where they shatter. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.

  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • (5–123) to (7–185) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Fires 3 Projectiles
  • Gain a Steel Ward if you have at least 2 Steel Shards, up to a maximum of 6
  • Each Steel Ward grants +8% Chance to Block Projectile Attack Damage
  • 40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
  • If you have no Steel Shards, only Fires 1 Projectile
  • Projectiles deal up to (50–110)% more Damage with Hits per Steel Shard consumed at the start of their movement, lowering this bonus as they travel farther
  • Consumes up to 2 Steel Shards

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Impale Effect
Siege Ballista of Splintering Siege Ballista of Splintering

Attack, Projectile, Totem, Bow. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 50% of base. Attack Damage: 90–130% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90–130%.

Requires Level 12

Summons a ballista totem that attacks with forking arrows.
Requires a Bow.

  • +(2–3) to maximum number of Summoned Totems
  • Totem lasts 8 seconds
  • Projectiles can Fork 1 additional Time
  • Projectiles Fork
  • Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill

Additional Effects From Quality: Projectiles have (0–40)% chance for an additional Projectile when Forking
Toxic Rain of Sporeburst Toxic Rain of Sporeburst

Attack, AoE, Chaos, Duration, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60–85%. AoE Radius: 18.

Requires Level 12

Fire arrows into the air that rain down around the targeted area, dealing damage to enemies they hit and creating spore pods where they land. Each spore pod slows the movement speed of nearby enemies. The pods last for a duration before bursting, dealing area damage.

  • Base duration is 1 seconds
  • (8–113) to (12–169) Added Chaos Damage
  • Fires 5 Arrows
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • 40% chance to Poison on Hit
  • Each Spore Pod applies 5% less Movement Speed to nearby Enemies, to a maximum of 30%

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Arrows
Toxic Rain of Withering Toxic Rain of Withering

Attack, AoE, Chaos, Duration, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50–73%. AoE Radius: 18.

Requires Level 12

Fire arrows into the air that rain down around the targeted area, dealing damage to enemies they hit and creating spore pods where they land. Each spore pod deals chaos damage over time to nearby enemies and withers them, causing them to take increased chaos damage. The pods last for a duration before bursting, dealing area damage.

  • Deals (8–238) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 0.4 seconds
  • Fires 5 Arrows
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • Modifiers to Projectile Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Each Spore Pod inflicts 1 Withered Debuff on nearby Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.1) seconds
Volatile Dead of Confinement Volatile Dead of Confinement

Spell, AoE, Fire, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 210%. AoE Radius: 15.

Requires Level 12

Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which detonates after a duration, dealing spell damage in a larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.

  • Base duration is 1.5 seconds
  • Deals (25–938) to (37–1407) Fire Damage
  • Consumes up to 3 corpses
  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (3–4)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
  • Base radius is 2.8 metres
  • Base explosion radius is 1.5 metres
  • Maximum of 60 Orbs at a time

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.3) metres
Volatile Dead of Seething Volatile Dead of Seething

Spell, AoE, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170%. AoE Radius: 15.

Requires Level 12

Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which moves towards nearby enemies before dealing spell damage in a larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.

  • Deals (20–753) to (30–1129) Fire Damage
  • Consumes up to 10 corpses
  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (3–4)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
  • Base radius is 2 metres
  • Base explosion radius is 1.5 metres
  • Maximum of 10 Orbs at a time

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Orb Movement Speed
Blade Blast of Unloading Blade Blast of Unloading

Spell, AoE, Physical, Nova. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.65 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 250%.

Requires Level 16

Deals spell damage in an area around you. If you have Blade Vortex blades orbiting you, it will detonate each of them in turn, dealing damage again in an area around you for each one.

  • Deals (40–1107) to (60–1661) Physical Damage
  • Base radius is 1.4 metres
  • 100% more Area of Effect per Blade Vortex blade detonated

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.1) metres
Blade Blast of Dagger Detonation Blade Blast of Dagger Detonation

Spell, AoE, Physical, Nova. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.65 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%.

Requires Level 16

Deals spell damage in an area around you. Your equipped daggers add to this damage.

  • Deals (11–309) to (17–464) Physical Damage
  • Deals Added Spell Damage equal to (200–580)% of Damage of Equipped Dagger
  • If two Daggers are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage
  • Base radius is 2.6 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.3) metres
Frenzy of Onslaught Frenzy of Onslaught

Attack, Projectile, Melee, Strike, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 115–135%.

Requires Level 16

Performs an attack that gives the character a frenzy charge if it hits. Frenzy charges increase your attack speed.

  • 5% more Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge
  • 5% more Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
  • Consume all Frenzy Charges when you Hit an enemy while at maximum Frenzy Charges to gain Onslaught for 1 second per Charge consumed

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–2)% more Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge
(0–2)% more Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
Bladefall of Volleys Bladefall of Volleys

Critical, Spell, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. AoE Length: 12. AoE Radius: 44+6/stage.

Requires Level 28

Ethereal weapons rain from the sky, dealing damage to enemies in a sequence of volleys, each wider and more damaging than the last. Enemies can be hit multiple times where these overlap.

  • Deals (33–446) to (49–669) Physical Damage
  • 6 Volleys
  • 10% more Damage per Volley
  • 25% increased Critical Strike Chance per Volley

Additional Effects From Quality: 1 Volley
Bladefall of Impaling Bladefall of Impaling

Critical, Spell, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%. AoE Length: 12. AoE Radius: 44+6/stage.

Requires Level 28

Ethereal weapons rain from the sky, dealing damage to enemies in a sequence of volleys. Enemies can be hit multiple times where these overlap.

  • Deals (43–595) to (65–893) Physical Damage
  • 5 Volleys
  • Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
  • (50–107)% increased Impale Effect
  • Critical Strikes Impale Enemies on Hit

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Impale Effect
Blade Flurry of Incision Blade Flurry of Incision

Critical, Attack, AoE, Channelling, Physical, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 160% of base. Attack Damage: 32–49% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 32–49%.

Requires Level 28

Repeatedly hit enemies in a circle in front of you while channelling, dealing damage to and around the enemy. The critical strike chance is continually boosted while channelling. You unleash an additional hit for each stage reached once the channelling ends. Requires a Dagger, Claw or One-Handed Sword.

  • (14–75) to (20–113) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • 25% more Critical Strike Chance for each Stage
  • Maximum 6 Stages

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–5)% more Critical Strike Chance for each Stage
Cremation of Exhuming Cremation of Exhuming

Spell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Projectile, Orb. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. AoE Radius: 15.

Requires Level 28

A targeted corpse explodes, dealing area damage and turning into a volcanic geyser, which will repeatedly unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area and detonate nearby corpses for a duration. Corpse explosions are not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected.

  • Fires Projectiles every 1 seconds
  • Base duration is 8 seconds
  • Deals (49–434) to (74–651) Fire Damage
  • Fires 4 Projectiles
  • Maximum of 1 Geysers at a time
  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (5–6)% of the corpse's Maximum Life
  • +(0–0.3) metres to radius
  • Explode a nearby Corpse when Firing Projectiles

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires Projectiles (0–10)% faster
Cremation of the Volcano Cremation of the Volcano

Spell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Projectile, Orb. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 70%. AoE Radius: 15.

Requires Level 28

Creates a volcanic geyser at a location, which will repeatedly unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area for a duration.

  • Fires Projectiles every 1 seconds
  • Base duration is 2.5 seconds
  • Deals (34–303) to (52–454) Fire Damage
  • Fires 4 Projectiles
  • Maximum of 6 Geysers at a time

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires Projectiles (0–10)% faster
Cyclone of Tumult Cyclone of Tumult

Attack, AoE, Movement, Channelling, Physical, Melee. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 160% of base. Attack Damage: 44–59% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 44–59%. Radius: 16.

Requires Level 28

Channel this skill to move towards a targeted location while spinning constantly attacking enemies in an area around you. While channelling this skill, you cannot be knocked back.

  • (5–28) to (8–42) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • 10% increased Area of Effect per 0.1 metre additional Melee Strike Range
  • Gains 1 Stage every 0.5 seconds while Channelling
  • Maximum 6 Stages
  • Lose 1 Stage every 0.5 seconds while not Channelling
  • +0.1 metres to radius per Stage
  • 20% more Attack Speed per Stage
  • 10% less Movement Speed per Stage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–5)% more Attack Speed per Stage
Explosive Concoction of Destruction Explosive Concoction of Destruction

Critical, Attack, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Projectile. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 115% of base.

Requires Level 28

Throws a bottle that explodes to deal unarmed attack damage in an area. Can consume charges from your Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz flasks to add further damage. Requires an empty main hand, and no off-hand weapon.

  • (77–799) to (115–1199) Added Fire Damage
  • +8% to Critical Strike Chance
  • Base radius is 1.8 metres
  • Deals (30–310) to (45–469) Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask
  • Can consume Charges from Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz Flasks
  • Consumes 1 Charge per Projectile Fired from 1 Flask of each valid type, if possible
  • Deals (7–70) to (69–719) Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask
  • +(60–98)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if Charges were consumed from a Ruby Flask

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–15)% reduced Flask Charges used
Ice Trap of Hollowness Ice Trap of Hollowness

Trap, Spell, AoE, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 340%. AoE Radius: 18/9/6.

Requires Level 28

Throws a trap that creates a series of icy runic explosions in a circle around itself when triggered, dealing cold damage to all enemies caught in the blasts.

  • Deals (105–1531) to (158–2297) Cold Damage
  • Trap lasts 2 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Base radius is 1.8 metres
  • Base secondary radius is 1.2 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–15)% Chance for Trap to Trigger an additional time
Lancing Steel of Spraying Lancing Steel of Spraying

Attack, Projectile, Physical. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 160–220% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160–220%.

Requires Level 28

Thrust an Axe or Sword forward to form a cluster of shards in front of you. The cluster will fire a number of projectiles in sequence, aiming at enemies in front of or close to it.

  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • (20–113) to (30–169) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Fires (6–10) Projectiles
  • Hits after the first on each Enemy deal 90% less Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Projectiles
Seismic Trap of Swells Seismic Trap of Swells

Trap, Spell, AoE, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 0.75 sec (6 Times). Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 240%. AoE Radius: 12.

Requires Level 28

Throws a trap which, once triggered, releases a number of waves. Each wave deals damage in a series of small bursts in a line, ending with a larger burst.

  • Deals (81–1060) to (121–1589) Physical Damage
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Releases 3 waves
  • Releases waves

Additional Effects From Quality: Releases (0–1) waves
Scourge Arrow of Menace Scourge Arrow of Menace

Attack, Projectile, Chaos, Bow. Level: 1–20. Attack Speed: 80% of base. Attack Damage: 90–125% of base. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90–125%.

Requires Level 28

Fire an arrow that leaves a spore pod in its wake. The spore pod blooms, firing thorn arrows, which travel for a short time before dissipating. Modifiers that cause additional projectiles to be fired will only apply to the initial arrows, each of which leaves its own spore pod.

  • Arrows Pierce all Targets
  • (20–113) to (30–169) Added Chaos Damage
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • Each Arrow leaves 1 Spore Pod
  • Each Spore Pod fires 5 Thorn Arrows
  • Thorn Arrows deal 50% less Damage
  • Each Spore Pod fires Thorn Arrows

Additional Effects From Quality: Each Spore Pod fires (0–1) Thorn Arrows
Storm Rain of the Conduit Storm Rain of the Conduit

Attack, AoE, Lightning, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65–90%.

Requires Level 28

Fires an arrow into the air to land at a targeted location, dealing area damage. The arrow sticks in the ground where it lands, and periodically fires a beam of lightning to you, dealing area damage between the arrow and you.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Arrows fire Beams every (0.41–0.5) seconds
  • Maximum 10 Arrows in the ground
  • Each Arrow can fire 4 Beams
  • Each Arrow can fire Beams

Additional Effects From Quality: Each Arrow can fire (0–1) Beam
Storm Rain of the Fence Storm Rain of the Fence

Attack, AoE, Lightning, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110–170%.

Requires Level 28

Fires an arrow into the air to land at a targeted location, dealing area damage. The arrow sticks in the ground where it lands, and periodically fires a beam of lightning to another arrow near it, dealing area damage between them.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Arrows fire Beams every 0.2 seconds
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this Skill
  • 50% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
  • Maximum 2 Arrows in the ground
  • Each Arrow can fire 14 Beams
  • Each Arrow can fire Beams

Additional Effects From Quality: Each Arrow can fire (0–2) Beams
Spectral Shield Throw of Shattering Spectral Shield Throw of Shattering

Attack, Projectile, Cold. Level: 1–20. Attack Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%.

Requires Level 28

Throws a spectral copy of your shield as a projectile which cannot pierce, and deals off-hand damage augmented by the evasion of the shield. When it collides with something it will shatter, launching a number of smaller shards as projectiles in all directions. Modifiers that cause additional projectiles to be fired will add more shards, not more copies of the shield.

  • Shard Projectiles Deal 25% less Damage
  • (57–248) to (86–372) Base Off Hand Cold Damage
  • (4–7) to (5–9) Added Cold Damage per 15 Evasion Rating on Shield
  • Fires 3 additional Projectiles

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% more Projectile Speed
Tornado Shot of Cloudburst Tornado Shot of Cloudburst

Attack, Projectile, Bow. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 175–210%.

Requires Level 28

Fires a single payload arrow into the air to land at a targeted location. It will then fire arrows out in all directions from that point.

  • Fires 9 Arrows
  • Fires Projectiles in a circle
  • Fires a Payload Arrow into the air
  • Projectiles Fire from where the Payload Arrow lands

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–4) Arrows
Wild Strike of Extremes Wild Strike of Extremes

Attack, Melee, Strike, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Projectile, AoE, Chaining, Prismatic. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 130–240%. AoE Radius: 24.

Requires Level 28

Your melee weapon strikes enemies, converting physical damage to a random element. Then, depending on the element chosen, it releases a fiery explosion, an arcing bolt of lightning, or an icy wave. It will avoid choosing the same element twice in a row.

  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • Beams Chain (4–7) Times
  • Fires 3 Projectiles
  • (0–19)% increased Area of Effect
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire, Cold or Lightning Damage
  • Hits treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
Summon Ice Golem of Hordes Summon Ice Golem of Hordes

Cold, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons an Ice Golem. The Ice Golem can use an icy barrage spell and a chilling spinning attack in addition to its melee attack.

  • 20% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Ice Golem of Shattering Summon Ice Golem of Shattering

Cold, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons an Ice Golem. The Ice Golem can use an icy barrage spell and a chilling spinning attack in addition to its melee attack. If reduced to low life it will trigger a spell that destroys itself to deal area damage and fire icy projectiles in a circle.

  • (0–10)% increased Character Size
  • Maximum 1 Summoned Golem

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Blight of Contagion Blight of Contagion

Spell, Chaos, AoE, Channelling, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.25 sec.

Requires Level 1

Apply a debuff to enemies in front of you which deals chaos damage over time. Enemies who aren't already debuffed by Blight are also hindered for a shorter secondary duration, slowing their movement. Continued channelling adds layers of damage to the debuff, each with their own duration. The damaging debuff is spread by Contagion.

  • Deals (8.5–612.2) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 1 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • +(0–0.6) metres to radius
  • 80% reduced Movement Speed
  • Debuff can have up to 5 layers of Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–1) seconds
Blight of Atrophy Blight of Atrophy

Spell, Chaos, AoE, Channelling, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.30 sec.

Requires Level 1

Apply a debuff to enemies in front of you which deals chaos damage over time. Enemies who aren't already debuffed by Blight are also hindered for a longer secondary duration, slowing their movement and reducing their life regeneration rate. Continued channelling adds layers of damage to the debuff, each with their own duration.

  • Deals (3.9–284) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 1 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 3 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • +(0–0.6) metres to radius
  • 80% reduced Movement Speed
  • Debuff can have up to 20 layers of Damage
  • 80% reduced Life Regeneration rate

Additional Effects From Quality: Base secondary duration is (0–1) seconds
Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation

Attack, Projectile. Level: 1–20. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65–85%.

Requires Level 1

Fire a projectile from your wand that changes direction in a zig-zag pattern at regular intervals or when hitting enemies. Each time it changes direction, a secondary projectile breaks off, flying in the direction it changed away from. Multiple of these projectiles can hit the same target.

  • Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 200% of their value
  • Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at % of their value
  • Projectile changes direction 2 times
  • Fires 2 additional Projectiles
  • Modifiers which would cause projectiles to Fork instead cause them to change direction additional times

Additional Effects From Quality: Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at (0–50)% of their value
Lightning Tendrils of Eccentricity Lightning Tendrils of Eccentricity

Critical, Spell, AoE, Lightning, Channelling. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.23 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%. Radius: 22.

Requires Level 1

While you channel this skill, it releases pulses of electrical energy, dealing lightning damage in a semicircular area in front of you.

  • Deals (1–33) to (2–629) Lightning Damage
  • Releases a Stronger Pulse every 6 Pulses
  • Base radius is 2.4 metres
  • Stronger Pulses deal 500% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
  • Stronger Pulses have 150% more Area of Effect

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–40)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Lightning Tendrils of Escalation Lightning Tendrils of Escalation

Spell, AoE, Lightning, Channelling. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.23 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 150%. Radius: 22.

Requires Level 1

While you channel this skill, it releases pulses of electrical energy, dealing lightning damage in a growing semicircular area in front of you.

  • Deals (1–86) to (6–1633) Lightning Damage
  • Base radius is 2.4 metres
  • Gains +1 metre to radius per second while Channelling, up to a maximum of +2 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Raise Zombie of Slamming Raise Zombie of Slamming

Spell, Minion. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.85 sec.

Requires Level 1

Raises a zombie minion from a corpse, which will follow you and attack enemies with a melee strike and an area of effect slam which cannot be evaded.

  • to maximum number of Raised Zombies
  • Maximum (3–6) Raised Zombies
  • Raised Zombies' Slam Attack has (0–76)% increased Area of Effect
  • Raised Zombies' Slam Attack has (0–76)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–1) Raised Zombie
Raise Zombie of Falling Raise Zombie of Falling

Spell, Minion. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec.

Requires Level 1

Raises necromantic energies into the sky above a targeted location, where they coalese into a zombie minion. The minion then attacks by falling to the ground, causing an impact that deals damage in an area and kills the zombie.

  • to maximum number of Raised Zombies
  • Maximum 200 Raised Zombies
  • Does not require a corpse
  • Minions' Hits can't be Evaded

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–15)% chance to deal Double Damage
Purifying Flame of Revelations Purifying Flame of Revelations

Fire, Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200%.

Requires Level 1

A wave of divine fire deals damage in a line, then creates Consecrated Ground and deals damage in an area around the targeted location. A larger shockwave then expands outwards, damaging enemies standing on Consecrated Ground that were not already hit.

  • Deals (5–860) to (7–1291) Physical Damage
  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • +(0–0.2) metres to radius
  • +(0–0.6) metres to radius of Consecrated Ground
  • Shockwave deals 90% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Shockwave deals (0–20)% more Damage
Spark of the Nova Spark of the Nova

Spell, Projectile, Duration, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 200%.

Requires Level 1

Launches unpredictable sparks in all directions that move randomly until they hit an enemy or expire.

  • Deals (2–111) to (30–2113) Lightning Damage
  • Base duration is 2 seconds
  • Fires 4 Projectiles
  • Fires Projectiles in a circle

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Projectiles
Spark of Unpredictability Spark of Unpredictability

Spell, Projectile, Duration, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.65 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160%.

Requires Level 1

Launches unpredictable sparks with that move randomly with large differences in speed and distance until they hit an enemy or expire.

  • Deals (1–90) to (24–1705) Lightning Damage
  • Base duration is 2.5 seconds
  • Fires (3–6) Projectiles

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Projectiles
Contagion of Subsiding Contagion of Subsiding

Spell, AoE, Duration, Chaos. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.85 sec.

Requires Level 4

Unleashes a vile contagion on enemies, dealing chaos damage over time. If an enemy dies while affected by Contagion, the debuff spreads to other enemies, but each time it spreads, it only deals three quarters as much damage as before.

  • Deals (10.3–1279.2) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 5 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Base radius is 1.7 metres
  • Spreads when affected Enemy dies

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Contagion of Transference Contagion of Transference

Spell, AoE, Duration, Chaos. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.85 sec.

Requires Level 4

Unleashes a vile contagion on enemies, dealing chaos damage over time. If an enemy is hit while affected by Contagion, the debuff spreads to other enemies.

  • Deals (5.6–686.9) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 5 seconds
  • 100% chance to Spread when affected Enemy is Hit
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Base radius is 2 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Frost Bomb of Instability Frost Bomb of Instability

Spell, AoE, Duration, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 260%. AoE Radius: 24.

Requires Level 4

Creates a crystal which lasts for a duration. When the crystal's duration ends, it explodes, dealing cold damage to enemies around it.

  • Deals (7–1178) to (11–1766) Cold Damage
  • Base duration is 1.5 seconds
  • Base radius is 2 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Frost Bomb of Forthcoming Frost Bomb of Forthcoming

Spell, AoE, Duration, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 4.00 sec. Cast Time: 0.50 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 310%. AoE Radius: 24.

Requires Level 4

Creates a crystal which lasts for a duration. When the crystal's duration ends, it explodes, dealing heavy cold damage to enemies around it.

  • Deals (9–1391) to (13–2086) Cold Damage
  • Base duration is 2.5 seconds
  • Deals 10% more Damage with Hits per 0.1 seconds Duration
  • Deals 3% more Damage with Ailments per 0.1 seconds Duration
  • Base radius is 2.6 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.5) seconds
Frostblink of Wintry Blast Frostblink of Wintry Blast

Spell, Movement, Cold, Travel, AoE. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.85 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 180%. AoE Radius: 20. Chilled Ground Radius: 16.

Requires Level 4

Teleport to a location, damaging enemies in an area at both ends of the teleport. Deals higher damage to chilled enemies, then removes chill from them. Cannot be supported by Unleash.

  • Deals (9–1144) to (14–1716) Cold Damage
  • +(0–0.3) metres to radius
  • Cannot inflict Chill
  • 15% more Damage with Hits per 5% Chill Effect on Enemy
  • Removes Chill after Damaging

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–4)% more Damage with Hits per 5% Chill Effect on Enemy
Summon Raging Spirit of Enormity Summon Raging Spirit of Enormity

Spell, Minion, Duration, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec.

Requires Level 4

Summons a short-lived flaming skull that rushes at nearby enemies and attacks them rapidly, converting all its physical damage to fire. Enemies will not directly engage these spirits, and can pass through them.

  • Maximum 6 Summoned Raging Spirits
  • Base duration is 5 seconds
  • Minions have (50–88)% more Maximum Life
  • Minions' Hits are always Critical Strikes
  • Minions cannot Taunt Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have +(0–40)% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Bodyswap of Sacrifice Bodyswap of Sacrifice

Movement, Spell, AoE, Fire, Travel, Minion. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. AoE Radius: 10.

Requires Level 10

Violently destroys your body and recreates it at the location of a targeted enemy or damageable minion, dealing spell damage in an area at both locations. If there is no specific target, it will prioritise minions over enemies. If targeting a minion, the minion will also be destroyed in an explosion which deals damage around it that is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. This spell cannot be repeated.

  • This Spell deals (3–210) to (5–315), plus 4% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
  • Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (15–24)% of the Minion's maximum Life
  • +(0–0.2) metres to radius
  • 50% less Damage with Ailments
  • 200% more Area of Effect if Consuming a Minion

Additional Effects From Quality: Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to (0–4)% of the Minion's maximum Life
Flame Dash of Return Flame Dash of Return

Spell, Movement, Duration, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 270%.

Requires Level 10

Teleport to a location, damaging enemies and leaving a trail of burning ground, then repeat the teleport in the other direction. Cannot be triggered, or used by a totem, trap or mine.

  • Deals (9.4–834.1) Base Fire Damage per second
  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • Repeats once
  • Deals (14–1201) to (20–1802) Fire Damage
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Reverses direction when Repeating

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased maximum travel distance
Summon Skeletons of Archers Summon Skeletons of Archers

Spell, Minion, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.50 sec.

Requires Level 10

Summon Skeleton Archer minions at the targeted location. They fire arrows and die after a duration.

  • to maximum number of Skeletons
  • Maximum (5–7) Summoned Skeletons
  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Summons (2–3) Skeleton Archers

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–1) Summoned Skeleton
Summon Skeletons of Mages Summon Skeletons of Mages

Spell, Minion, Duration, Prismatic. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.50 sec.

Requires Level 10

Summon Skeleton Mage minions of random elemental types at the targeted location. They cast projectile spells based on their element, and die after a duration.

  • to maximum number of Skeletons
  • Maximum (5–7) Summoned Skeletons
  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Summons (2–3) Skeleton Mages

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–1) Summoned Skeleton
Arc of Surging Arc of Surging

Spell, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 230%.

Requires Level 12

An arc of lightning reaches from the caster to a targeted enemy and splits to simultaneously hit several other enemies.

  • Deals (11–381) to (62–2159) Lightning Damage
  • Beam Splits towards (4–7) additional targets
  • Modifiers to the number of times to Chain instead apply
  • to the number of targets Beam Splits towards

Additional Effects From Quality: Beam Splits towards (0–2) additional targets
Arc of Oscillating Arc of Oscillating

Spell, Chaining, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%.

Requires Level 12

An arc of lightning reaches from the caster to a targeted enemy and chains to other enemies. Each time the arc chains, it will also chain a secondary arc to another enemy, but this secondary arc cannot chain further.

  • Deals (3–94) to (15–531) Lightning Damage
  • Chains +6 Times
  • 50% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each remaining Chain

Additional Effects From Quality: Chains +(0–1) Times
Essence Drain of Desperation Essence Drain of Desperation

Spell, Projectile, Duration, Chaos, AoE. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%. AoE Radius: 8.

Requires Level 12

Fires a projectile that applies a damage over time debuff when it hits. You lose Life and Energy Shield equal to a portion of the debuff damage. The debuff is spread by Contagion.

  • Deals (9–644) to (13–966) Chaos Damage
  • Deals (14–682) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 3.8 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Lose Life and Energy Shield equal to 0.2% of Debuff Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.4) seconds
Essence Drain of Wickedness Essence Drain of Wickedness

Spell, Projectile, Duration, Chaos, AoE. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 310%. AoE Radius: 8.

Requires Level 12

Fires a piercing projectile that applies a damage over time debuff when it hits. You are healed for a portion of the debuff damage.

  • Deals (20–1409) to (30–2133) Chaos Damage
  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • Deals (23.5–1129.3) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 1.9 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Regenerate 0.5% of Debuff Damage as Life

Additional Effects From Quality: Regenerate (0–0.5)% of Debuff Damage as Life
Scorching Ray of Immolation Scorching Ray of Immolation

Spell, Fire, Duration, Channelling. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.18 sec.

Requires Level 12

Unleash a beam of fire that burns enemies it touches. Remaining in the beam raises the burning, adding a portion of the beam's damage in stages. Enemies who leave the beam continue to burn for a duration. Increasing cast speed also increases the rate at which the beam turns.

  • Deals (32.4–1893.9) Base Fire Damage per second
  • Base duration is 3 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Burning Debuff can have a maximum of 8 stages
  • Additional Debuff stages add 10% of Damage
  • Additional Debuff stages add % of Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Additional Debuff stages add (100–104)% of Damage
Flame Surge of Combusting Flame Surge of Combusting

Spell, AoE, Fire, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 280%. Radius: 30.

Requires Level 12

Strikes enemies in front of you with a surge of flame. If this ignites an enemy a large area of burning ground will be created under them. Your damage modifiers don't apply to this burning ground.

  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • Deals (40–1249) to (59–1874) Fire Damage
  • 25% chance to Ignite enemies
  • +(0–9) to Area of Effect length
  • Igniting Enemies creates Burning Ground, no more than once per second
  • Burning Ground deals 25% of Fire Damage per second of inflicted Ignite

Additional Effects From Quality: Burning ground deals +(0–10)% of Fire Damage per second of inflicted Ignite
Icicle Mine of Fanning Icicle Mine of Fanning

Mine, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Cold, Aura, AoE. Level: 1–20. Reservation: 3–6 Mana. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 130%.

Requires Level 12

Throws a mine that fires projectiles at enemies when detonated. These projectiles quickly dissipate as they travel, before disappearing.

  • Deals (18–591) to (28–886) Cold Damage
  • Mine lasts 5 seconds
  • Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.3 seconds
  • Fires 3 Projectiles
  • Fires an additional Projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
  • Each Mine applies 10% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Projectiles
Icicle Mine of Sabotage Icicle Mine of Sabotage

Mine, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Cold, Aura, AoE. Level: 1–20. Reservation: 15 Mana. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 4.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90%.

Requires Level 12

Throws a mine that fires projectiles around it when detonated. These projectiles quickly dissipate as they travel, before disappearing.

  • Deals (12–388) to (18–583) Cold Damage
  • Mine lasts 5 seconds
  • Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.3 seconds
  • Fires 5 Projectiles
  • Fires Projectiles in a circle
  • Fires an additional Projectile for every 2 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
  • Each Mine applies 40% increased Critical Strike Chance to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 500%

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased effect of Aura
Ice Nova of Frostbolts Ice Nova of Frostbolts

Spell, AoE, Cold, Nova. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 130%. Radius: 30.

Requires Level 12

A circle of ice expands from the caster. If the caster targets near their Frostbolt projectiles, it will expand from a number of those projectiles instead. If this skill would repeat when cast this way, it will instead expand again from the same projectiles after a short delay.

  • Deals (14–590) to (20–885) Cold Damage
  • 25% less Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt
  • Base radius is 2.6 metres
  • Deals 50% more Damage with Hits and Ailments when cast on Frostbolt
  • Can expand from up to 4 Frostbolt Projectiles

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.3) metres
Ice Nova of Deep Freeze Ice Nova of Deep Freeze

Spell, AoE, Cold, Nova. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%. Radius: 30.

Requires Level 12

A circle of ice expands from the caster.

  • Deals (15–642) to (22–963) Cold Damage
  • 50% chance to Freeze enemies
  • Base radius is 2.6 metres
  • Freeze Enemies as though dealing (200–390)% more Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.3) metres
Ice Spear of Splitting Ice Spear of Splitting

Spell, Projectile, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 330%.

Requires Level 12

Launches a shard of ice that splits on hitting terrain or enemies. After splitting, the projectiles are in second form, which moves much faster and pierces through enemies.

  • Deals (57–1465) to (86–2197) Cold Damage
  • Projectiles Split towards (2–5) targets
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to
  • the number of targets Projectile Splits towards
  • Second form has 300% more Projectile Speed
  • Projectiles can Split from hitting terrain

Additional Effects From Quality: Projectiles Split towards (0–2) targets
Lightning Trap of Sparking Lightning Trap of Sparking

Trap, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 285%.

Requires Level 12

Throws a trap that launches projectiles through the enemy that set it off, dealing lightning damage to them and subsequent targets.

  • Deals (19–791) to (56–2374) Lightning Damage
  • Projectiles can Chain when colliding with terrain
  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Fires 5 Projectiles
  • Chains +2 Times
  • 20% chance to Shock enemies
  • (80–118)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies
  • (0–19)% increased Effect of Shock

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–15)% Chance for Trap to Trigger an additional time
Power Siphon of the Archmage Power Siphon of the Archmage

Critical, Attack, Projectile. Level: 1–20.

Requires Level 12

Fires your wand to fire a single projectile each at a number of nearby enemies, granting you a power charge if an enemy is killed by, or soon after, the hit.

  • Deals Added Lightning Damage equal to (10–17)% of maximum Mana
  • Fires a Projectile at up to (4–7) targets
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to number of targets fired at
  • Culling Strike
  • 20% chance to gain a Power Charge when Projectile Hits a Rare or Unique Enemy

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals Added Lightning Damage equal to (0–3)% of maximum Mana
Storm Brand of Indecision Storm Brand of Indecision

Lightning, Spell, AoE, Chaining, Duration, Brand. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.35 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 85%. AoE Radius: 9.

Requires Level 12

Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, firing a beam which deals damage to the branded enemy and those around it. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.

  • Deals (6–229) to (19–686) Lightning Damage
  • Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
  • Activates every 0.4 seconds while Attached
  • Attaches to a new Enemy after Activating, no more than once every 0.3 seconds
  • Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6 seconds
  • Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5 seconds
  • Sends beam to the Branded Enemy

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals (0–20)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Cold Snap of Power Cold Snap of Power

Critical, Spell, AoE, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 320%. Radius: 16.

Requires Level 16

Creates a sudden burst of cold in a targeted area, damaging enemies. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Power Charge.

  • Deals (34–1440) to (51–2160) Cold Damage
  • 30% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
  • Burst Base radius is 2.5 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike
Forbidden Rite of Soul Sacrifice Forbidden Rite of Soul Sacrifice

Spell, AoE, Chaos, Projectile. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%.

Requires Level 16

Lobs an exploding projectile near the targeted location, and extra projectiles toward enemies around you. The projectiles deal chaos damage based on your energy shield. Casting this spell damages you.

  • Deals (15–498) to (22–747) Chaos Damage
  • Deals 15% of your maximum Energy Shield as base Chaos Damage
  • Take 40% of maximum Energy Shield as Chaos Damage
  • Fires extra Projectiles at up to (6–7) surrounding Enemies
  • Fires extra Projectiles at up to surrounding Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires extra Projectiles at up to (0–2) surrounding Enemies
Galvanic Field of Intensity Galvanic Field of Intensity

Spell, AoE, Duration, Lightning, Chaining, Orb. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.50 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 320%.

Requires Level 16

Applies a buff boosting chance to shock. When you shock an enemy while you have this buff, creates a spherical field of energy attached to the shocked enemy for a duration, which will damage it and other nearby enemies with beams of lightning.

  • Deals (4–176) to (72–3350) Lightning Damage
  • Cannot inflict Shock
  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • Fires a beam every 0.4 seconds
  • Can target each enemy only once every 0.8 seconds
  • Maximum 1 Field
  • Aura grants % chance to Shock
  • Buff Grants 20% chance to Shock enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: Buff Grants (0–20)% chance to Shock enemies
Righteous Fire of Arcane Devotion Righteous Fire of Arcane Devotion

Spell, AoE, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 0.30 sec. Cast Time: Instant. Radius: 18.

Requires Level 16

Engulfs you in magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining.

  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Deals 70% of your Maximum Mana as Base Fire Damage per second
  • You Burn for 90% of your Maximum Mana per second as Fire Damage
  • Base radius is 1.8 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.3) metres
Bane of Condemnation Bane of Condemnation

Chaos, Trigger, Spell, AoE, Duration, Hex. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec.

Requires Level 24

Applies a debuff to enemies in a small area, which deals chaos damage over Time. Linked hex curses are also applied to those enemies. The debuff deals more damage and lasts longer for each hex applied this way. This skill cannot be used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.

  • Only applies Hexes from Curse Skill Gems requiring Level (24–70) or lower
  • Deals (45.7–895.6) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 1 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Base radius is 0.8 metres
  • 60% more Damage per Curse applied
  • 100% increased Debuff Duration per Curse applied
  • This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level (24–70) or lower
  • You cannot Cast Supported Curse Spells
  • 25% less Effect of Supported Curses

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.2) seconds
Armageddon Brand of Volatility Armageddon Brand of Volatility

Spell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Brand. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 7.50%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 370%.

Requires Level 28

Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It activates once, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky, then is destroyed.

  • Deals (125–1676) to (188–2514) Fire Damage
  • Base radius is 2.6 metres
  • Cannot be Recalled
  • Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6 seconds
  • Activates once when Attached, then is Destroyed

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Armageddon Brand of Recall Armageddon Brand of Recall

Spell, AoE, Fire, Duration, Brand. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.40 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 300%.

Requires Level 28

Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.

  • Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
  • Activates every 1.5 seconds while Attached
  • Deals (102–1357) to (152–2036) Fire Damage
  • Base radius is 2.2 metres
  • Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6 seconds
  • Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5 seconds
  • Deals 80% less Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Ball Lightning of Orbiting Ball Lightning of Orbiting

Spell, Projectile, AoE, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 50%. Radius: 18.

Requires Level 28

Fires a single projectile which moves in a spiral while damaging each enemy in an area around it repeatedly with bolts of lightning.

  • Deals (2–27) to (39–511) Lightning Damage
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this Skill
  • Base radius is 2 metres
  • 100% more Projectile Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Ball Lightning of Static Ball Lightning of Static

Spell, AoE, Lightning, Orb. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 1.50 sec (3 Times). Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90%. Radius: 18.

Requires Level 28

Creates a ball of lightning at a location that damages each enemy in an area around it repeatedly with bolts of lightning. Cannot be supported by Spell Echo.

  • Deals (4–50) to (73–946) Lightning Damage
  • Base radius is 2.8 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Crackling Lance of Branching Crackling Lance of Branching

Spell, AoE, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 260%.

Requires Level 28

Release a beam which deals lightning damage to enemies in a long area in front of you, and has several smaller beams branch off from it at an angle, hitting more enemies to the sides.

  • Deals (44–724) to (133–2172) Lightning Damage
  • 50% increased branching angle

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% more Area of Effect
Crackling Lance of Disintegration Crackling Lance of Disintegration

Spell, AoE, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 300%.

Requires Level 28

Release a concentrated beam which deals lightning damage to enemies in a long area in front of you.

  • Deals (52–844) to (155–2532) Lightning Damage
  • 25% chance to Shock enemies
  • +10% to Maximum Effect of Shock

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–10)% to Maximum Effect of Shock
Discharge of Misery Discharge of Misery

Spell, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Nova. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 180%. Radius: 30.

Requires Level 28

Discharge all the character's charges to deal elemental damage to all nearby monsters.

  • Deals (21–195) to (63–584) base Lightning Damage per Power Charge removed
  • Deals (33–311) to (50–467) base Fire Damage per Endurance Charge removed
  • Deals (33–311) to (50–467) base Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge removed
  • Base radius is 2 metres
  • 15% more Area of Effect per Charge removed

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% chance to deal Damage without removing Charges
Divine Ire of Holy Lightning Divine Ire of Holy Lightning

Lightning, Spell, AoE, Channelling, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.22 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%.

Requires Level 28

Channelling draws in energy around you to repeatedly build up stages, damaging a number of nearby enemies when you do so. Release to unleash this energy in a powerful burst around you. Maximum of 10 Stages.

  • Deals (22–271) to (33–406) Physical Damage
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Damages (6–10) nearby Enemies when you gain Stages
  • 30% less Area of Effect
  • Beam deals 100% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
  • Beam deals 60% more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first
  • Burst deals % more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
  • Burst deals % more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first

Additional Effects From Quality: Damages (0–4) nearby Enemies when you gain Stages
Divine Ire of Disintegration Divine Ire of Disintegration

Lightning, Spell, AoE, Channelling, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.22 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 90%.

Requires Level 28

Channelling draws in energy around you to repeatedly build up stages. Release to unleash this energy in a beam in front of you. Modifiers to area of effect do not affect this skill. Maximum of 10 Stages.

  • Deals (32–394) to (48–591) Physical Damage
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Beam deals 200% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
  • Beam deals 60% more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first
  • (0–19)% increased beam width

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased beam width
Eye of Winter of Finality Eye of Winter of Finality

Spell, Projectile, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 70%.

Requires Level 28

Fires a single eye projectile which cannot damage enemies. When the eye dissipates or collides with terrain, it releases a fast spiral of shards. The shards will deal cold damage to enemies they impact.

  • Deals (21–315) to (32–473) Cold Damage
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles only apply to the final Spiral
  • Fires +12 Shard Projectiles in a Spiral when Projectile ends
  • Projectiles continuously gain Damage, up to 100% more Damage by the time they dissipate

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–2) Shard Projectiles in a Spiral when Projectile ends
Eye of Winter of Transience Eye of Winter of Transience

Spell, Projectile, Cold. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%.

Requires Level 28

Fires a single eye projectile which releases a number shard projectiles in a spiral before dissipating. The shards will damage enemies they impact, dealing cold damage. The eye cannot damage enemies.

  • Deals (31–458) to (46–687) Cold Damage
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles only apply to the Shards
  • Fires +12 Shard Projectiles in a Spiral when Projectile ends
  • 50% more Projectile Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: Projectiles continuously gain Damage, up to (0–15)% more Damage by the time they dissipate
Pyroclast Mine of Sabotage Pyroclast Mine of Sabotage

Mine, Spell, Projectile, Fire, AoE, Aura, Nova. Level: 1–20. Reservation: 16–24 Mana. Cast Time: 0.18 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%.

Requires Level 28

Throws a mine that deals damage in an area when detonated, then launches fiery projectiles that rain down around it, each exploding to deal damage in a smaller area.

  • Mine lasts 5 seconds
  • Deals (7–62) to (10–94) Fire Damage
  • Base Mine Detonation Time is 0.35 seconds
  • Fires 3 Projectiles
  • Fires an additional Projectile for every 4 prior Mines in Detonation Sequence
  • Each Mine Adds (4–37) to (6–56) Fire Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up
  • to a maximum of (133–1249) to (200–1873)

Additional Effects From Quality: Fires +(0–1) Projectile
Firestorm of Meteors Firestorm of Meteors

Spell, AoE, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 370%. Radius: 25, 10.

Requires Level 28

A large flaming bolt falls towards the targeted area. The bolt explodes when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

  • Deals (107–1658) to (160–2487) Fire Damage
  • Base radius is 2.3 metres

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Firestorm of Pelting Firestorm of Pelting

Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 120%. Radius: 25, 10.

Requires Level 28

Flaming bolts rain down over the targeted area. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

  • Base duration is 2 seconds
  • Deals (35–551) to (53–826) Fire Damage
  • One impact every 0.15 seconds
  • Base radius is 1.2 metres
  • Maximum 8 Firestorms at a time

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–2) Firestorms at a time
Flameblast of Celerity Flameblast of Celerity

Spell, AoE, Fire, Channelling. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.25 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. AoE Radius: 2+3/stage.

Requires Level 28

Channels to build up an explosion, which is released when you stop using the skill or automatically at maximum stages. The longer you channel, the larger the area of effect and damage of the explosion.

  • Deals (34–443) to (50–665) Fire Damage
  • 165% more Spell Damage for each stage
  • 3 maximum Stages
  • Base radius is 0.8 metres
  • maximum Stages
  • +0.5 metres to radius per Stage

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–0.2) metres to radius per Stage
Flameblast of Contraction Flameblast of Contraction

Spell, AoE, Fire, Channelling. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.20 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%. AoE Radius: 2+3/stage.

Requires Level 28

Channels to concentrate an explosion, which is released when you stop using the skill. The longer you channel, the larger the damage of the explosion, but the smaller the area.

  • Deals (11–140) to (16–210) Fire Damage
  • 50% chance to Ignite enemies
  • 600% more Spell Damage for each stage
  • 250% more Damage with Ailments for each stage
  • 10 maximum Stages
  • Base radius is 2.6 metres
  • maximum Stages
  • -0.2 metres to radius per Stage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–1) maximum Stages
Vortex of Projection Vortex of Projection

Spell, AoE, Cold, Duration, Nova. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 270%.

Requires Level 28

An icy blast explodes around the caster, dealing cold damage to enemies, and leaving behind a whirling vortex which deals cold damage over time and chills enemies caught in it. If the caster targets near their Frostbolt projectiles, it will explode from a number of those projectiles instead, destroying them.

  • Deals (49–779) to (73–1169) Cold Damage
  • Base duration is 1.5 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • 50% more Damage when Cast on Frostbolt
  • 50% more Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt
  • Base radius is 2 metres
  • Base secondary radius is 2 metres
  • Can explode from up to 5 Frostbolt Projectiles

Additional Effects From Quality: +(0–0.2) metres to radius
Glacial Cascade of the Fissure Glacial Cascade of the Fissure

Spell, AoE, Cold, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 130%.

Requires Level 28

Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.

  • Deals (40–568) to (60–852) Physical Damage
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Causes 6 Bursts

Additional Effects From Quality: Causes (0–2) Bursts
Hexblast of Contradiction Hexblast of Contradiction

Spell, AoE, Chaos, Hex. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 340%.

Requires Level 28

Deals chaos damage to a single enemy, dealing more damage if they are Hexed, then removing the Hex. If the enemy was Hexed, also deals area damage to other enemies around the target, boosting damage and removing Hexes from those enemies in the same way.

  • Deals (111–1514) to (166–2271) Chaos Damage
  • This Spell's Cast Time is added to its Cooldown if Triggered
  • All Damage can Ignite, Freeze, and Shock
  • Base radius is 2.8 metres
  • Chaos Damage with Hits is Resisted by highest Resistance instead
  • 150% more Damage with Hits if Enemy is Hexed
  • Removes a Hex after Damaging
  • 40% more Damage with Ailments if Enemy is Hexed
  • % chance to remove a Hex after Damaging

Additional Effects From Quality: Hexblast has (0–10)% chance to not remove a Hex
Hexblast of Havoc Hexblast of Havoc

Spell, AoE, Chaos, Hex. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 310%.

Requires Level 28

Deals chaos damage to a single enemy. If the enemy was Hexed, also deals area damage to other enemies around the target.

  • Deals (100–1362) to (149–2044) Chaos Damage
  • Hexblast has 100% chance to not remove a Hex
  • Base radius is 2.8 metres
  • % chance to remove a Hex after Damaging

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres
Lightning Conduit of the Heavens Lightning Conduit of the Heavens

Spell, AoE, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 270%.

Requires Level 28

Lightning strikes a number of enemies around a targeted location. Cannot be supported by Spell Cascade.

  • Deals (63–749) to (189–2248) Lightning Damage
  • Base radius is 4 metres
  • Hits up to (6–12) Enemies

Additional Effects From Quality: Hits up to (0–4) Enemies
Lightning Spire Trap of Zapping Lightning Spire Trap of Zapping

Trap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. AoE Radius: 24.

Requires Level 28

Throws a trap which, once triggered, will repeatedly strike multiple areas around it for a duration, dealing lightning damage.

  • Deals (19–291) to (56–872) Lightning Damage
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Base duration is 1 seconds
  • Strikes every 0.4 seconds
  • Strikes 2 Areas
  • Strikes Areas

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–15)% Chance for Trap to Trigger an additional time
Lightning Spire Trap of Overloading Lightning Spire Trap of Overloading

Trap, Spell, Duration, AoE, Lightning. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 10.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 100.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170%. AoE Radius: 24.

Requires Level 28

Throws a trap which, once triggered, will repeatedly strike multiple areas around it for a duration, dealing lightning damage.

  • Deals (31–484) to (93–1453) Lightning Damage
  • Trap lasts 4 seconds
  • Trap lasts seconds
  • Base duration is 3.5 seconds
  • Strikes every 1 seconds
  • Strikes 6 Areas
  • Strikes Areas

Additional Effects From Quality: Strikes (0–2) Areas
Penance Brand of Dissipation Penance Brand of Dissipation

Spell, AoE, Physical, Lightning, Duration, Brand. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65%. AoE Radius: 8+1/energy.

Requires Level 28

Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy and causing a pulse that deals damage to the branded enemy and other nearby enemies. The pulse gains area of effect and damage for each energy on the branded enemy.

  • Deals (20–288) to (30–432) Physical Damage
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
  • Activates every 0.6 seconds while Attached
  • Pulses deal 40% more Damage with Ailments per Energy after the first
  • Pulses deal 60% more Damage with Hits per Energy after the first
  • +0.1 metres to Explosion radius per Energy
  • Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6 seconds
  • Can be Attached for a total Duration of 5 seconds

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals (0–10)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Penance Brand of Conduction Penance Brand of Conduction

Spell, AoE, Physical, Lightning, Duration, Brand. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.75 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110%. AoE Radius: 8+1/energy.

Requires Level 28

Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy and nearby enemies who do not have energy. When the brand is detached, all enemies with energy are dealt damage.

  • Deals (35–509) to (53–764) Physical Damage
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
  • Activates every 0.15 seconds while Attached
  • Up to +(0–0.9) metres to Energy spread radius, scaled by distance from Brand
  • Can be Detached for a total Duration of 6 seconds
  • Can be Attached for a total Duration of 0.5 seconds
  • Deals 100% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy

Additional Effects From Quality: Deals (0–20)% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy
Raise Spectre of Transience Raise Spectre of Transience

Spell, Minion, Duration. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.70 sec.

Requires Level 28

Raises a spectral version of a defeated foe as a temporary minion to fight for you in battle for a duration.

  • Spectres have a Base Duration of 30 seconds
  • Maximum 2 Raised Spectres
  • Minions have +30% to all Elemental Resistances
  • 55% more Minion Movement Speed
  • Minion Movement Speed is Capped
  • Minions have 1000% increased Critical Strike Chance
  • Raised Spectres are Level (28–70)
  • Minions have (105–776) additional Accuracy Rating

Additional Effects From Quality: Maximum (0–1) Raised Spectre
Soulrend of Reaping Soulrend of Reaping

Chaos, Spell, Projectile. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 400%.

Requires Level 28

Fires a projectile that deals chaos damage to enemies it hits and leeches some of that damage as energy shield.

  • Deals (42–1784) to (62–2676) Chaos Damage
  • 4% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Projectile Speed
Soulrend of the Spiral Soulrend of the Spiral

Chaos, Spell, AoE, Duration, Projectile. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.90 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 170%.

Requires Level 28

Fires a series of projectiles in a spiral that turn towards enemies in front of them, damaging and piercing through those they hit, and leeching some of that damage as energy shield. As the projectiles travel, they repeatedly apply a short but powerful chaos damage over time debuff to each enemy in an area around them.

  • Deals (21–885) to (31–1327) Chaos Damage
  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • Deals (180.9–2642.5) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 0.5 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Fires 5 Projectiles in a spiral

Additional Effects From Quality: Base duration is (0–0.2) seconds
Stormbind of TeleportationRune Blast of Teleportation Stormbind of TeleportationRune Blast of Teleportation

Spell, AoE, Channelling, Lightning, Duration, Arcane, Movement, Travel, Blink. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.12 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 160%.

Requires Level 28

Channel to spread runes on the ground in a growing pattern. The runes fade away after a duration, or will be immediately removed and deal damage in a circular area when detonated by Rune Blast. Enemies standing on the runes are Hindered, reducing their movement speed.Channel to improve runes placed by Stormbind based on the mana you spend channelling this skill. Release to detonate the targeted rune, which will cause other runes to detonate in a chain reaction. Detonation can teleport you to the targeted Rune.

  • Deals (36–444) to (107–1332) Lightning Damage
  • Base duration is 12 seconds
  • 50% reduced Movement Speed
  • Runes have 30% more Area of Effect for each time they have been Improved
  • A Rune is Improved for each (5–24) Mana Spent
  • Runes can be improved 3 times
  • Runes deal 100% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per Improvement
  • Rune Blast teleports you to the detonated Rune if you have not detonated Runes in the past 1 second
  • Teleport to the detonated Rune if you have not detonated Runes in the past 1 second

Additional Effects From Quality: Runes have (0–10)% more Area of Effect for each time they have been Improved

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Cast Speed
Summon Reaper of Revenants Summon Reaper of Revenants

Minion, Spell. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.85 sec.

Requires Level 28

Summons a Reaper which uses a variety of slashing area attacks. The presence of any Reapers weakens your other non-Reaper minions, and Reapers will consume them to temporarily empower and heal themselves.

  • 25% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Reapers
  • Minions deal 30% less Damage
  • Reapers cause your Non-Reaper Minions to deal (20–29)% less Damage
  • Reapers cause your Non-Reaper Minions to have (20–29)% less Maximum Life

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–40)% increased Minion Movement Speed
Summon Reaper of Eviscerating Summon Reaper of Eviscerating

Physical, Minion, Spell. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 28

Summons a powerful Reaper which passively follows you without attacking enemies. The Reaper's presence weakens your other minions, and it will consume them to temporarily empower and heal itself. Using this skill while the Reaper is already summoned causes it to dash to the targeted location and perform a powerful attack. Cannot be triggered, supported by Spell Echo or Unleash, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.

  • Maximum 1 Summoned Reaper
  • Minion deals (30–87)% more Damage with Bleeding
  • Minion's Attacks have 50% chance to inflict Bleeding
  • Reaper causes your Non-Reaper Minions to deal (20–29)% less Damage
  • Reaper causes your Non-Reaper Minions to have (20–29)% less Maximum Life

Additional Effects From Quality: Minion's Attacks have (0–20)% chance to inflict Bleeding
Summon Carrion Golem of Hordes Summon Carrion Golem of Hordes

Physical, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Carrion Golem. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, as well as a cascade of bone spikes.

  • 20% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Carrion Golem of Scavenging Summon Carrion Golem of Scavenging

Physical, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Carrion Golem. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, can consume corpses to heal itself and gain the ability to unleash a devastating cascade of bone spikes, and deals more damage for each of your non-golem minions near it.

  • (0–10)% increased Character Size
  • Maximum 1 Summoned Golem
  • Golems deal 5% more Damage per Non-Golem Minion near them, up to 50%

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions Regenerate (0–2)% of Life per second
Summon Chaos Golem of Hordes Summon Chaos Golem of Hordes

Chaos, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Chaos Golem. The Chaos Golem can cast a damage over time Chaos aura and a cascade of Chaos spikes in addition to its melee attack.

  • 20% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Summon Chaos Golem of the Maelström Summon Chaos Golem of the Maelström

Chaos, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Chaos Golem. The Chaos Golem can cast a powerful damage over time Chaos aura that Withers enemies in addition to its melee attack.

  • (0–10)% increased Character Size
  • Maximum 1 Summoned Golem

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–20)% chance to inflict Withered on Hit
Summon Lightning Golem of Hordes Summon Lightning Golem of Hordes

Lightning, Minion, Spell, Golem. Level: 1–20. Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec.

Requires Level 34

Summons a Lightning Golem. The Lightning Golem fires a projectile spell, creates orbs of Lightning that zap nearby enemies, and casts a temporary aura that grants added Lightning Damage to spells and attacks used by the Golem and its nearby allies.

  • 20% reduced Character Size
  • Maximum 3 Summoned Golems

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Void Sphere of Rending Void Sphere of Rending

Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical, Chaos, Orb. Level: 1–20. Cast Time: 0.80 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 190%.

Requires Level 34

Creates a Void Sphere which Hinders enemies in an area around it, with the debuff being stronger on enemies closer to the sphere. It also regularly releases pulses of area damage. The Void Sphere will consume the corpses of any enemies which die in its area. Can only have one Void Sphere at a time.

  • Deals (68–860) to (101–1290) Physical Damage
  • Base duration is 2 seconds
  • Pulses every 0.4 seconds
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • Base radius is 2.2 metres
  • Enemies in range are Hindered, with up to (30–39)% reduced Movement Speed, based on distance from the Void Sphere

Additional Effects From Quality: Base radius is (0–0.2) metres

Transfigured Gems 3.23

# Description
1Alternate quality gems, labyrinth helmet enchantments and unique threshold jewels are all systems that were trying to subtly modify the behaviour of skills. With this expansion these have been combined into a new system called Transfigured Gems that allows us to fully achieve the goal of these three systems, and then some.
2Transfigured Gems are alternate versions of existing skill gems that have different functionality and balance than their regular versions. We have added many of these, with interesting variations that drastically change how existing skills play.
3Some existing skill gems have had stats or interactions removed from the base gem and moved to the Transfigured versions to provide more focused support for pre-existing alternate playstyles.
4The Divine Font at the end of the Labyrinth is now a gem crafting device that can modify your skill and support gems by turning them into Transfigured Gems, add Quality or Experience to Gems, or sacrifice a Gem for one or more Treasure Keys to open Izaro's Chests.
5A substantial amount of damage-dealing skills have had their quality stats buffed. In most cases they will be significantly more powerful than before, and also more interesting. Many supports have also received changes to their quality stats.
6The vendor recipe for turning a Level 20 Gem into a 20% Quality Level 1 version of that Gem no longer works with Skill Gems, as the benefit Quality provides to damage dealing Skills is now more powerful. The vendor recipe can now only be used with non-Awakened Support Gems.
7Anomalous, Divergent and Phantasmal Quality Gems have been removed from the game. Existing alternate Quality Gems now have the base Quality effect found on the respective Gem.
8Prime and Secondary Regrading Lenses can no longer be obtained. Existing items will be deleted upon logging in.
9Tainted Blessings can no longer be obtained, and existing items will be deleted upon logging in.
10The following Divination Cards have been temporarily disabled: Divine Justice, Doryani's Epiphany, Dying Anguish, Terrible Secret of Space, The Blessing of Moosh, and The Hook. Existing Divination Cards cannot be turned in currently.
11Grand Spectrum Unique Jewels no longer drop from Izaro's Treasure Chests at the end of the Labyrinth. They can now drop from Labyrinth Troves and Emperor's Vaults found throughout Merciless and Eternal Labyrinths.
12Imperial Delirium Orbs can no longer be obtained.
13Maps that have an Imperial Delirium Orb applied to them, or existing Maps with one of these already applied, will always award an Offering to the Goddess.
14Mysterious Incubators can no longer award Enchanted Items.
15Enchanted Incubators can no longer drop, and existing items always award an Offering to the Goddess.
16Labyrinth rewards can no longer be obtained from other league content.
17Logbook Remnants that cause Runic Monsters or Chests to have a chance to drop an Enchanted Item now provide a chance to drop Ritual Splinters instead.
18Tora's Betrayal Fortification Safehouse rewards are now chests of Quality Gems, and her Transportation reward is now a Trapped Stash of Gems.
19Vorici's Betrayal Transportation Safehouse rewards now Reforge the colours of, number of, or links between sockets on an item 50 times, using the outcome with the greatest number of less-common socket colours, sockets, or linked sockets respectively.
20Leo's Betrayal Research Safehouse reward is now a Trapped Stash.
21In order to replace the rewards in Heist that previously gave alternate quality gems, we have done a rebalance of the rewards of Heist as well.
22Grand Heist Rewards no longer differ based on type of Blueprint Area.
23The Rewards from Chests in Grand Heists, Jobs required, and required Job Level are still influenced by Blueprint Area.
24The Thief's Trinket Slot is now unlocked when you first pick up a Thief's Trinket on that character, rather than in Underbelly or Smuggler's Den Blueprints.
25Some of the more common but very low value Currencies are no longer offered as rewards at the end of Grand Heists.
26Increased the stack size of Currency offered as rewards at the end of Grand Heists.
27The Endless Misery, Soul's Wick and Spirit Guard's Unique Jewels can no longer be obtained, as benefits these provided are now found on Transfigured Skill Gems. The vendor recipes for Dead Reckoning, Spirit Guards and Endless Misery have also been removed.
28The Anima Stone Unique Jewel no longer has "+1 to maximum number of Summoned Golems", though existing versions of this item are unaffected by this change. Golem builds should now be less dependent on this Jewel to be effective, and instead have Transfigured Skill Gems available that serve a similar purpose.
29The Dead Reckoning Unique Jewel no longer has "Minions have +7-10% to all Elemental Resistances" or "With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Summon Skeletons can Summon up to 15 Skeleton Mages." It now causes Skeletons to gain Added Chaos Damage equal to 20-30% of Maximum Energy Shield on your Equipped Shield. This change only affects new versions of this item.
30Many Experimented Base Types and some Replica Uniques have also received changes, these can be found in the Item Balance and Unique Balance sections respectively.
31While Transfigured Gems are not detailed here, changes made to base Skill Gems as a result of Transfigured Gems being added are detailed below.

Skill Gem Changes 3.23

  • Quality now causes Minions to have 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of dealing 0-20% increased Damage.
Alchemist's Mark
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Effect of Mark, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now causes Exerted Attacks to have +0-10% to Critical Strike Chance, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.
Ancestral Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 0-20%).
Ancestral Protector
  • Quality now provides +0-0.4 metres to Melee Strike Range, instead of 0-20% increased Totem Damage.
Ancestral Warchief
  • Quality now provides 0-30% increased Activation range, instead of 0-20% increased Totem Damage.
Animate Guardian
  • No longer has 0-76% increased Minion Maximum Life, Minions deal 0-76% increased Physical Damage with Melee Attacks, or causes Minion's Attacks to deal additional Physical Damage. It now has 0% more Minion Maximum Life and more Minion Damage at gem level 1, both scaling up to 38% at gem level 20. Animated Guardians now have roughly 11% more base Life inherently, and now have 2 to 6 added Physical Damage while Unarmed.
Animate Weapon
  • Quality now provides +0-2 to Maximum Animated Weapons, instead of causing Minions to have 0-20% increased Movement Speed.
  • Now has a base Critical Strike Chance of 6% (previously 5%). It no longer has 10% chance to Shock enemies, or provides 10-29% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments. It now has 15% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each remaining Chain at all gem levels (previously more Damage for each remaining Chain).
  • Quality now causes the skill to Chain +0-1 Times, instead of providing a 0-10% chance to Shock enemies.
Arcane Cloak
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Armageddon Brand
  • Quality now causes the skill to Deal +0-10% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Artillery Ballista
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Arrow, instead of providing 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
Ball Lightning
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Lightning Damage.
  • Quality now causes Applied Curses to have 0-20% increased Effect (previously 0-10%).
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Projectile, instead of providing 0-10% increased Projectile Damage.
Battlemage's Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Area of Effect.
Bear Trap
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.00 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Physical Damage.
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Attack Damage.
Blade Blast
  • No longer detonates Blade Vortex blades, and no longer has "80% more Area of Effect per Blade Vortex blade detonated".
  • Quality now provides +0-0.1 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Blade Flurry
  • Quality now provides +0-5% more Damage with Hits and AIlments for each stage, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Blade Trap
  • Quality now provides "Trap lasts +0-1 seconds" and "Rotates +0-1 times", instead of 0-30% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Blade Vortex
  • No longer has 0-10% increased Critical Strike Chance for each blade. It now deals 3 to 5 Physical Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 140 to 211 at gem level 20 (previously 128 to 191).
  • Quality now provides +0-5% increased Hit Rate for each blade, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • No longer leaves 50% fewer Lingering Blades in the ground if you don't Cast this Spell yourself. It also no longer has 100% increased Critical Strike Chance, 6% less Damage per Volley, or 20% reduced Critical Strike Change per Volley. It no longer has the Critical tag.
  • Quality now provides +0-1 Volley, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now provides +0-1 to Maximum number of Bladestorms at a time, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Blast Rain
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Arrow, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Blazing Salvo
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now provides +0.00-0.80 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Blink Arrow
  • No longer has Minions deal 0-114% increased Damage, or 0-57% increased Minion Maximum Life. Now has Minions deal 0% more Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 57% at gem level 20 (previously 75% at all gem levels). Blink Arrow clones now have 75% more base Damage and 50% more base Life inherently. Now describes average hit damage instead of damage per second on the skill tooltip.
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of "This Attack and Minions have 0-30% increased Projectile Speed".
  • Quality now causes the skill to deal +0-4% of your maximum Life as base Fire Damage, instead of 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Bone Offering
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Effect of Offering, instead of granting Minions 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
  • Quality now provides +0-1% more Damage per Trauma, instead of 0-20% increased Stun Duration on enemies.
Brand Recall
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of causing Brands to gain 0-20% increased Attachment Range.
Burning Arrow
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Damage with Ignite, instead of 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
Caustic Arrow
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Chain Hook
  • Quality now causes you to Gain +0-1 Rage if this Skill Hits any Enemies, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Charged Dash
  • Quality now causes the Illusion to move at +0-20% of your Movement Speed, instead of providing 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
  • Quality now causes Cleave to have +0-0.1 metres to radius per Nearby Enemy, up to a maximum of +1 metre, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Cobra Lash
  • Now has "Projectiles deal 8% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Remaining Chain" (previously 5% with Hits). No longer has +50% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison from Critical Strikes.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Chain +0-2 Times, instead of providing 0-30% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Cold Snap
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Effect of Chill.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Effect of Chill, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Consecrated Path
  • Quality now causes the skill to Deal up to +0-10% more Damage with Hits to closer targets, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Conversion Trap
  • Quality now provides +0.00-4.00 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Crackling Lance
  • Quality now provides +0-10% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per Intensity, instead of 0-10% chance to Shock enemies.
Creeping Frost
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fires Projectiles 0-10% faster, instead of providing 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
  • No longer has "First Hit deals 50% less Damage", "Gain 1 Stage every 0.3-0.2 seconds while Channelling", "Lose 1 Stage every 0.3 seconds while not Channelling, +0.1 metres to radius per Stage, or Maximum 3-6 Stages. It now has 10% increased Area of Effect per 0.1 metre additional Melee Strike Range at all gem levels (previously 8%).
  • Quality now provides 0-10% more Movement Speed, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Dark Pact
  • Quality now provides "Sacrifices +0-2% of Skeleton's Life to deal that much Chaos Damage", instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Decoy Totem
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Totem Life, instead of 0-20% increased Totem Life.
Destructive Link
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Detonate Dead
  • Quality now causes the skill to have a 0-15% chance to detonate an additional corpse, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Devouring Totem
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Totem Life, instead of 0-20% increased Totem Life.
  • Now has 15% more Area of Effect per charge consumed at all gem levels (previously 20% increased). The base radius of Discharge is also now described on the gem.
  • Quality now provides 0-10% chance to deal Damage without removing Charges, instead of 0-20% increased Elemental Damage.
Divine Ire
  • Now has a maximum of 10 Stages. The Beam now deals 240% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first (previously 110%) and 100% more Damage with Ailments per Stage after the first (previously 30%). It no longer has 50% less Damage while Channelling, 40% chance to gain an additional Stage when Hitting a Normal or Magic Enemy, or gains an additional Stage when Hitting a Rare or Unique Enemy.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased beam width, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Dominating Blow
  • Quality now provides "Minions have 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate" instead of "Minions deal 0-20% increased Damage".
Double Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-20% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Dual Strike
  • No longer has 50-107% increased Critical Strike Chance. It now has 60% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life (previously 30%).
  • Quality now provides +0-30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life, instead of 0-20% increased Critical Strike Chance and +0-10% to Critical Strike Multiplier.
  • Quality now causes the Aftershock to deal +0-30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments, instead of providing 0-20% increased Damage.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Create +0-1 fissure, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Elemental Hit
  • Quality now provides 0-5% more Damage per Elemental Ailment on the Enemy, instead of 0-20% increased Elemental Damage.
Elemental Weakness
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Cursed Enemies, instead of 0-10% increased Effect of Curse.
Enduring Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Energy Blade
  • Quality now causes the Buff to grant 0-5% more Maximum Energy Shield, instead of causing Energy Blades to have 0-10% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Ensnaring Arrow
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Debuff Effect, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Essence Drain
  • Quality now provides "Regenerate +0.00-0.50% of Debuff Damage as Life", instead of 0-20% increased Chaos Damage.
Ethereal Knives
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Explosive Arrow
  • Quality now provides +0-2 Maximum Explosive Arrows stuck in an Enemy, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration and 0-20% chance to Ignite enemies.
Explosive Concoction
  • Quality now provides 0-15% reduced Flask Charges used, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Explosive Trap
  • Quality now causes +0-2 smaller explosions, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Eye of Winter
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Shard Projectiles in a Spiral when Projectile ends, instead of providing 0-20% increased Cold Damage.
Fire Trap
  • Quality now provides 0-80% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect, instead of 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
  • Now has a base Radius of 0.9 metres at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 1.4 metres at gem level 20 (previously 1 metre). No longer has Projectiles gain radius as they travel farther, up to a maximum of +0-0.9 metres to radius.
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
  • Quality now provides +0-1 maximum Stages, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Flame Dash
  • Now has "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect."
Flame Link
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Flame Surge
  • Quality now provides +0-20% more Damage with Hits against Burning enemies, instead of 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Flame Wall
  • Quality now provides +0-1 Maximum Flame Walls at a time, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Flamethrower Trap
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
  • Quality now causes Ignite on Cursed enemies to have 0-20% increased Duration (previously 0-10%).
Flesh Offering
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Effect of Offering, instead of 0-10% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Flicker Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit (previously 0-5%).
Forbidden Rite
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire extra Projectiles at up to +0-2 surrounding Enemies, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Freezing Pulse
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Projectile Speed.
  • Quality now provides 0-2% more Attack Damage and Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Frost Blades
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Frost Bomb
  • No longer deals 4% more Damage with Hits per 0.1 seconds Duration, and the debuff no longer causes 75% reduced Energy Shield Regeneration rate.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Cold Damage.
Frost Wall
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased maximum travel distance, instead of 0-20% increased Effect of Cold Ailments.
Frozen Legion
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect for Frozen Sweep.
Galvanic Arrow
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Projectile Speed (previously 0-20%).
Galvanic Field
  • Quality now causes the Buff to grant +0-20% chance to Shock enemies, instead of the Buff granting 0-30% increased Shock Duration.
General's Cry
  • Quality now provides "Maximum +0-1 Summoned Mirage Warriors", instead of 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.
Glacial Cascade
  • Quality now causes the Final Burst to deal +0-50% more Damage, instead of providing 0-20% increased Damage.
Glacial Hammer
  • Quality now causes every third successive strike to Freeze enemies as though dealing 0-100% more Damage, instead of providing 0-40% increased Duration of Cold Ailments.
Ground Slam
  • Quality now causes the skill to deal up +0-20% more Damage with Hits to closer targets, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect and 0-20% increased Stun Duration on enemies.
Heavy Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-20% chance to deal Double Damage, instead of 0-20% increased Stun Duration on enemies and 0-20% increased Damage.
Herald of Agony
  • Quality now provides +0-5 to Maximum Virulence, instead of 0-20% increased Minion Movement Speed.
Herald of Ash
  • Quality now provides "Base Burning Damage is an additional 0-5% of Overkill Damage", instead of causing the Buff to grant 0-15% increased Fire Damage.
Herald of Ice
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of causing the buff to grant 0-15% increased Cold Damage.
Herald of Purity
  • Quality now causes Minions to have 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of providing 0-20% increased Minion Movement Speed.
Herald of Thunder
  • Quality now causes the Storm to Hit Enemies with 0-20% increased Frequency, instead of causing the Buff to grant 0-15% increased Lightning Damage.
Holy Flame Totem
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Projectile Speed (previously 0-20%).
Ice Nova
  • No longer has 20% less Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt or adds Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies. It also can no longer expand from up to 2 Frostbolt Projectiles.
  • It now Deals 23 to 34 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 18 to 26), scaling up to 998 to 1481 Cold Damage at gem level 20 (previously 769 to 1130). It also now has 230% Effectiveness of Added Damage (previously 190%).
  • Quality now provides +0-0.3 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Ice Shot
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Effect of Cold Ailments.
  • Quality now provides 0-60% increased Area of Effect angle, instead of 0-20% increased Cold Damage.
Ice Spear
  • Quality now causes shards of ice in their second form to have +0-40% to Critical Strike Multiplier, instead of 0-40% increased Projectile Speed.
Ice Trap
  • Quality now provides 0-15% Chance for Traps to Trigger an additional time, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Icicle Mine
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Immortal Call
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
  • Quality now provides +0-2 to maximum Stages, instead of 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
Infernal Blow
  • Quality now causes the debuff to deal +0-10% of Damage per Charge, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Infernal Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Area of Effect.
Intimidating Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 0-20%).
Intuitive Link
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Kinetic Blast
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now causes the skill to create 0-1 explosions, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Kinetic Bolt
  • Quality now causes Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage to also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at +0-50% of their value, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Attack Speed if you've changed Stance Recently, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Lancing Steel
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Projectile, instead of providing 0-20% increased Impale Effect.
Leap Slam
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Stun Duration against Enemies that are on Full Life, instead of 0-20% increased Stun Duration on enemies.
Lightning Arrow
  • Quality now causes the skill to hit up to +0-2 additional enemies near the target, instead of providing 0-20% chance to Shock enemies.
Lightning Conduit
  • Quality now provides +0-4% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Lightning Spire Trap
  • Quality now causes the skill to Strike +0-1 additional Area, instead of providing 0-20% chance to Shock enemies.
Lightning Strike
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Projectile, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Lightning Tendrils
  • Quality now provides +0-40% to Critical Strike Multiplier, instead of 0-20% increased Lightning Damage.
Lightning Trap
  • Quality now provides 0-15% Chance for Traps to Trigger an additional time, instead of 0-20% increased Lightning Damage and 0-10% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Deal base Lightning Damage equal to +0-10% of missing Unreserved Mana, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Mirror Arrow
  • No longer has Minions deal 0-114% increased Damage, or 0-57% increased Minion Maximum Life. Now has Minions deal 0% more Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 57% at gem level 20 (previously 75% at all gem levels). Mirror Arrow clones now have 75% more base Damage and 50% more base Life inherently. Now describes average hit damage instead of damage per second on the skill tooltip.
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of "This Attack and Minions have 0-30% increased Projectile Speed".
Molten Strike
  • Quality now causes Projectiles to deal 0-10% more Damage with Hits and Ailments, instead of providing 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
Orb of Storms
  • Quality now causes Beams to Split towards 0-2 additional targets, instead of providing 0-20% increased Lightning Damage.
Penance Brand
  • Penance Brand has been significantly simplified. It no longer spreads energy to nearby enemies or causes regular pulses while at maximum energy. It now immediately causes an explosion when the branded enemy reaches maximum energy. It no longer causes an explosion when it expires or detaches from an enemy. It no longer has an attached duration — instead, it remains attached to the enemy until it reaches maximum energy, then expires immediately once the explosion occurs. It no longer gains damage or radius per energy. It now deals 177-265 base Physical Damage at gem level 1 (previously 18-27), scaling up to 2541–3811 gem level 20 (previously 170-254), has an added damage effectiveness of 570% (previously 40%), activates every 0.1s while attached (previously every 0.5s) and has a base radius of 2.8 metres (previously 0.8 metres). It now deals 30% less Damage with Ailments.
  • Quality now causes the skill to deal +0-10% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemies, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • No longer creates 2 additional Spikes if you've changed Stance Recently. Now deals 155% of base Attack Damage and has 155% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1 (both previously 125%), both scaling up to 265% at gem level 20 (both previously 213%).
  • Quality now Creates +0-2 Spikes, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Pestilent Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Poison Duration, instead of +0-10% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison.
Plague Bearer
  • Quality now causes Plague Bearer to deal Damage based on an additional +0-4% of Plague Value, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Poisonous Concoction
  • Quality now provides 0-20% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Power Siphon
  • Now Fires Projectiles at 4-7 nearby Enemies, instead of firing 4-7 additional Projectiles.
  • Quality now provides +0-10% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Protective Link
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
  • Quality now provides +0-20% more Damage with Bleeding, instead of causing Bleeding inflicted by this Skill to deal Damage 0-10% faster.
  • Quality now causes Cursed Enemies to be Debilitated for +0.00-1.00 Seconds when they Hit, instead of 0-10% increased Effect of Curse.
Purifying Flame
  • Quality now causes the Shockwave to deal +0-10% more Damage, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Purity of Elements
  • Quality now causes you and nearby allies to gain +0-5% to all Elemental Resistances, instead of providing 0-40% increased Area of Effect.
Purity of Fire
  • Quality now causes you and nearby allies to gain 0-10% additional Fire Resistance, instead of providing 0-40% increased Area of Effect.
Purity of Ice
  • Quality now causes you and nearby allies to gain 0-10% additional Cold Resistance, instead of providing 0-40% increased Area of Effect.
Purity of Lightning
  • Quality now causes you and nearby allies to gain 0-10% additional Lightning Resistance, instead of providing 0-40% increased Area of Effect.
Pyroclast Mine
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Projectile, instead of providing 0-20% increased Area of Effect.
Rage Vortex
  • Quality now causes the skill to Sacrifice +0-5% of Rage to create a Ragestorm, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Rain of Arrows
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fires +0-4 Arrows, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Raise Spectre
  • Quality now causes Minions to have +0-20% to all Elemental Resistances, instead of providing 0-20% increased Minion Movement Speed.
Raise Zombie
  • Zombies no longer attack enemies with an area of effect slam, they now only attack enemies with a melee attack. The gem now has Minions have 0-38% more Maximum Life, replacing the 0-76% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate and increased Area of Effect for the Raised Zombies' Slam Attack.
  • Quality now provides "+0-1 to Maximum Raised Zombies", instead of 0-20% increased Minion Maximum Life.
Rallying Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Deal +0-5% more Damage per Blood Charge, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now provides +0-2 to maximum Stages, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Rejuvenation Totem
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Totem Life, instead of 0-60% increased Aura Area of Effect.
Righteous Fire
  • No longer Deals 39-2447.9 base Fire Damage per Second. Now deals 70% of your Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Base Fire Damage per second (both previously 35%).
  • Quality now provides +0-0.3 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Burning Damage.
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Rolling Magma
  • Quality now causes the skill to Chain +0-2 Times, instead of providing 0-20% increased Damage.
Scorching Ray
  • Quality now causes Additional Debuff stages to add +0-10% of Damage, instead of providing 0-10% increased beam length.
Scourge Arrow
  • Quality now causes Each Spore Pod to fire +0-1 Thorn Arrow, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Searing Bond
  • Quality now provides +0-2 to maximum number of Summoned Totems, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Totem Life.
Seismic Cry
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 0-20%).
Seismic Trap
  • Quality now causes the skill to release +0-1 wave, instead of providing 0-20% increased Physical Damage.
Shattering Steel
  • No longer consumes Steel Shards, or grants Steel Ward, or has any of its Steel Ward stats. No longer has "Base duration is 5.00 seconds", "If you have no Steel Shards, only Fires 1 Projectile", or "Projectiles deal up to 50% more Damage with Hits per Steel Shard consumed at the start of their movement, lowering this bonus as they travel farther".
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Impale Effect (previously 0-20%).
Shield Crush
  • Quality now causes the skill to deal up to +0-10% more Damage with Hits to closer targets, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Shock Nova
  • Quality now provides +0-10% to Maximum Effect of Shock, instead of 0-40% increased Shock Duration on enemies.
Shockwave Totem
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Totem Life.
Shrapnel Ballista
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Projectile Speed (previously 0-20%).
Siege Ballista
  • Quality now provides 0-5% increased Attack Speed per maximum Totem, instead of 0-20% increased Projectile Damage.
Sigil of Power
  • Quality now causes Enemies in Area to deal +0-4% less Damage while at maximum Stages, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Siphoning Trap
  • Quality now applies beams to the closest +0-4 Enemies, instead of providing 0-20% increased Effect of Cold Ailments.
  • Quality now provides 0-10% more Area Damage, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Smoke Mine
  • Quality now causes the buff to grant 0-20% increased Movement Speed, instead of providing 0-40% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now provides +0-1 Maximum Stage, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Soul Link
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
  • Quality now provides +0.00-0.20 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Chaos Damage.
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Projectile Speed. The gem now also describes how many projectiles it fires, instead of how many additional projectiles are fired.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Spectral Helix
  • Quality now causes Projectiles that have Pierced to deal 0-10% more Damage, instead of providing 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Spectral Shield Throw
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire 0-2 additional Projectiles, instead of providing 0-40% increased Projectile Speed.
Spectral Throw
  • Quality now causes Projectiles that have Pierced to deal 0-10% more Damage, instead of providing 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have Added Spell Damage equal to +0-20% of Damage of Equipped Wand. If two Wands are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage. Quality no longer causes Supported Skills to deal 0-20% increased Spell Damage.
Spirit Offering
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Effect of Offering, instead of 0-10% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Split Arrow
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-4 Arrows, instead of providing 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Splitting Steel
  • No longer consumes Steel Shards, or grants Call of Steel. No longer has "Projectile which have Split deal 35% less Damage." It now has 40% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit (previously 60%), and has an Attack Speed multiplier of 90% of Base.
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Impale Effect (previously 0-20%).
Static Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Beam frequency, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Storm Brand
  • Quality now causes the skill to Send +0-1 beam to an Enemy, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Storm Burst
  • Quality now provides +0.00-0.40 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Storm Call
  • No longer has 10-29% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments.
  • Quality now provides 0-15% chance for Lightning to Strike the Marker when Cast, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Storm Rain
  • Quality now provides "Each Arrow can fire +0-1 Beam", instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now causes Runes to have +0-10% more Area of Effect for each time they have been Improved, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Stormblast Mine
  • No longer has 20% chance to Shock enemies, or 20-39% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments. Now deals 3 to 8 Lightning Damage at gem level 1 (previously 2 to 7), scaling up to 367 to 1102 at gem level 20 (previously 334 to 1002). Now has 130% Effectiveness of Added Damage (previously 110%).
  • Quality now causes Each Mine to apply +0-1% increased Damage Taken to Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 150%, instead of providing 0-10% chance to Shock enemies and 0-10% increased Effect of Lighting Ailments.
Summon Carrion Golem
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Carrion Golems now have 20% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Summon Chaos Golem
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Chaos Golems now have 20% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Summon Flame Golem
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Flame Golems now have 20% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Summon Holy Relic
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to have 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Summon Ice Golem
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Ice Golems now have 20% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Summon Lightning Golem
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Lightning Golems now have 20% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Summon Raging Spirit
  • No longer has Minions deal 0-38% more Damage. Instead, the Raging Spirit's melee attack now naturally gains this damage scaling with level.
  • Quality now provides 0-30% chance to summon an extra Minion, instead of 0-20% increased Minion Movement Speed.
Summon Reaper
  • No longer has 20-39% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Reapers now have 25% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now causes Minion's Attacks to have 0-20% chance to inflict Bleeding, instead of providing 0-20% increased Minion Movement Speed.
Summon Skeletons
  • Quality now provides +0-1 to Maximum Summoned Skeletons, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Summon Stone Golem
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Minion Maximum Life. Summoned Stone Golems now have 15% more Life inherently.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Buff Effect, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
  • Quality now provides "Wave gains +0-0.1 metres to radius with each Area in the Sequence", instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now provides +0-0.4 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Tectonic Slam
  • Quality now provides +0-30% Fissure branching chance, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Tempest Shield
  • Quality now provides 0-40% chance to Shock enemies (previously 0-20%).
Temporal Rift
  • Quality now provides "Buff causes Debuffs on you to expire 0-20% faster", instead of 0-10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.
  • Quality now causes Tornado to have 0-20% increased Movement Speed (previously 0-10%).
Tornado Shot
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 secondary Projectile, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Damage.
Toxic Rain
  • Quality now provides +0.00-0.20 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Quality now causes Corpses Spawned to have 0-30% increased Maximum Life, instead of providing 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Vampiric Link
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.50 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-20% increased Skill Effect Duration.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% chance to Trigger this Skill when Hit (previously 0-10%).
Venom Gyre
  • Quality now provides "Maximum +0-10 caught Projectiles", instead of 0-20% increased Poison Duration.
Vigilant Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-4% more Attack Damage per Endurance Charge, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Viper Strike
  • Quality now provides +0.00-1.00 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed and Poison Duration.
Void Sphere
  • Quality now provides 0-20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Volatile Dead
  • Quality now provides 0-40% increased Orb Movement Speed, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Volcanic Fissure
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
Voltaxic Burst
  • Quality now provides +0-1% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Cast of this Spell currently waiting, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Now has a 0.750 second Cast Time (previously instant), and no longer has a Cooldown Time. It can no longer be cast on Frostbolt projectiles, and as such, no longer has 20% less Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt or "Can explode from up to 5 Frostbolt Projectiles." It now deals 49 to 73 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 41 to 62), scaling up to 779 to 1169 at gem level 20 (previously 1209 to 1813).
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Wave of Conviction
  • No longer has 0-38% increased Skill Effect Duration. Now has a base duration of 0.5 seconds at gem level 1, scaling up to 0.7 at gem level 20 (previously 0.5 seconds at all gem levels).
  • Quality now provides "Damage Penetrates 0-15% of Enemy Elemental Resistances", instead of 0-20% increased Elemental Damage.
Wild Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite, instead of 0-20% increased Elemental Damage.
Winter Orb
  • Quality now provides +0-2 Maximum Stages, instead of 0-10% increased Cast Speed.
Wintertide Brand
  • Quality now causes the Debuff to deal +0-5% more Damage per Stage, instead of providing +0-10% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier.
Withering Step
  • Quality now causes the skill to inflict +0-2 Withered Debuffs the first time each Enemy enters the Area, instead of providing 0-10% increased Effect of Elusive from this Skill.

Vaal Skill Gem Changes 3.23

Vaal Absolution
  • Quality now causes Minions to have 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.
Vaal Animate Weapon
  • Quality now provides +0-2 to Maximum Animated Weapons, instead of causing Minions to have 0-20% increased Movement Speed.
Vaal Arc
  • Now has a base Critical Strike Chance of 6% (previously 5%). It now has 15% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each remaining Chain at all gem levels (previously more Damage for each remaining Chain).
  • Quality now causes the skill to Chain +0-1 Times, instead of providing 0-30% increased Duration of Lightning Ailments.
Vaal Blade Flurry
  • Quality now provides +0-5% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Vaal Blade Vortex
  • Quality now provides +0-5% increased Hit Rate for each blade, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Blight
  • Quality now provides +0.00-0.80 seconds to Base duration, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Burning Arrow
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Damage with Ignite, instead of +0-10% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier.
Vaal Caustic Arrow
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Cold Snap
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Effect of Chill.
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Effect of Chill, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Cleave
  • Quality now causes Cleave to have +0-0.1 metres to radius per Nearby Enemy, up to a maximum of +1 metre, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Vaal Cyclone
  • Now has 10% increased Area of Effect per 0.1 metre additional Melee Strike Range at all gem levels (previously 8%).
Vaal Detonate Dead
  • Quality now causes Vaal Detonate Dead to have a 0-30% chance to detonate an additional corpse, instead of providing 0-20% increased Area Damage.
Vaal Domination
  • Quality now causes Minions to have 0-40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.
Vaal Double Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-20% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Vaal Earthquake
  • Quality now causes the Aftershock to deal +0-30% more Damage with Hits and Ailments, instead of providing 0-20% increased Damage.
Vaal Fireball
  • Now has a base Radius of 0.9 metres at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 1.4 metres at gem level 20 (previously 1 metre). No longer has Projectiles gain radius as they travel farther, up to a maximum of +0-0.9 metres to radius.
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Vaal Firestorm
  • Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Vaal Flicker Strike
  • Quality now provides 0-10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit (previously 0-5%).
Vaal Ground Slam
  • Quality now causes the skill to deal up +0-20% more Damage with Hits to closer targets, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect and 0-20% increased Stun Duration on enemies.
Vaal Ice Nova
  • Quality now provides +0-0.3 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Ice Shot
  • Quality now provides 0-60% increased Area of Effect angle, instead of 0-20% increased Cold Damage.
Vaal Lightning Arrow
  • Quality now causes the skill to hit up to +0-2 additional enemies near the target, instead of providing 0-20% chance to Shock enemies.
Vaal Lightning Strike
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 Projectile, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Vaal Molten Strike
  • Quality now causes Projectiles to deal 0-10% more Damage with Hits and Ailments, instead of providing 0-20% increased Fire Damage.
Vaal Power Siphon
  • Quality now provides +0-10% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
Vaal Rain of Arrows
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-4 Arrows, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Reap
  • Quality now causes the skill to Deal +0-5% more Damage per Blood Charge, instead of providing 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Reave
  • Quality now provides +0-2 to maximum Stages, instead of 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Vaal Rejuvenation Totem
  • Quality now provides 0-20% more Totem Life, instead of 0-60% increased Aura Area of Effect.
Vaal Righteous Fire
  • Quality now provides +0-0.3 metres to radius, instead of 0-20% increased Burning Damage.
Vaal Smite
  • Quality now provides 0-10% more Area Damage, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
Vaal Spark
  • No longer has 0-19% increased Projectile Speed.
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of 0-20% increased Projectile Speed.
Vaal Spectral Throw
  • Quality now causes Projectiles that have Pierced to deal 0-10% more Damage, instead of providing 0-10% increased Attack Speed.
Vaal Storm Call
  • No longer has 10-29% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments.
Vaal Summon Skeletons
  • Quality now provides +0-1 to Maximum Summoned Skeletons, instead of causing Minions to deal 0-20% increased Damage.
Vaal Volcanic Fissure
  • Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-2 Projectiles, instead of providing 0-20% increased Fire Damage.

Support Gem Changes 3.23

Ancestral Call Support
  • Quality now provides "Extra Targets for Supported Skills can be found 0-15% further away", instead of causing Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Melee Damage.
Awakened Ancestral Call Support
  • Quality now provides "Extra Targets for Supported Skills can be found 0-15% further away", instead of causing Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Melee Damage.
Ballista Totem Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Totem Placement speed (previously 0-20%).
Behead Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-20% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life, instead of Supported Skills having +0-0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range.
Blastchain Mine Support
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Mine Damage, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Mine Throwing Speed.
Blind Support
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Blind Effect, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Blinding duration.
Bonechill Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Cold Damage, instead of causing them to have 0-20% increased Chill Duration on Enemies.
Cast when Damage Taken Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to require 0-10% reduced amount of Damage taken to Trigger, instead of causing them to deal 0-10% increased Damage.
Close Combat Support
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Damage with Hits to Close Range Enemies, instead of causing Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Melee Damage.
Cluster Traps Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect, instead of dealing 0-10% increased Trap Damage.
Cold to Fire Support
  • Quality no longer causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Fire Damage.
Culling Strike Support
  • Quality now causes you to Recover 0-2% of Life when Supported Skills Cull an Enemy, instead of causing Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Damage.
Cursed Ground Support
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Area of Effect of Supported Curse Skills, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Skill Effect Duration.
Devour Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-80% increased Damage if you have Consumed a corpse Recently, instead of 0-40% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life.
Feeding Frenzy Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Minion Movement Speed, instead of causing Feeding Frenzy to have +0-1 second base Duration.
Flamewood Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Totem Life, instead of 0-20% increased Fire Damage for Avenging Flame.
Fortify Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Fortification Duration, instead of dealing 0-10% increased Attack Damage.
Frigid Bond Support
  • Quality now causes Damage and Chill to Linger for a Base Duration of +0-2 seconds, instead of providing 0-10% increased Effect of Chill inflicted with Supported Skills.
Hex Bloom Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-4% increased Hex Transfer range, instead of 0-10% increased Curse Duration.
High-Impact Mine Support
  • Quality now provides 0-10% increased Mine Damage, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Mine Throwing Speed.
Hypothermia Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have +0-20% chance to Freeze Enemies which are Chilled, instead of having 0-30% increased Chill Duration on Enemies.
Ice Bite Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-2% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge, instead of dealing 0-20% increased Damage with Hits against Frozen Enemies.
Infernal Legion Support
  • Quality now causes Minions from Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Damage, instead of causing them to take 0-20% reduced Fire Damage.
Innervate Support
  • Quality now causes Innervation to last +0-2 seconds, instead of causing Supported Skills to have 0-30% increased Shock Duration on Enemies.
Inspiration Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-5% reduced Mana Cost, instead of 0-20% increased Inspiration Charge Duration.
Lifetap Support
  • Quality now causes Lifetap to last +0-2 seconds, instead of causing Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Damage.
Maim Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Effect of Maim, instead of dealing 0-10% increased Physical Damage.
Meat Shield Support
  • Quality now causes Minions from Supported Skills to take 0-5% less Damage, instead of having 0-5% additional Physical Damage Reduction.
Minefield Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-5% increased Mine Throwing Speed (previously 0-10%).
Minion Life Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Minion maximum Life (previously 0-15%).
Multistrike Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Melee Damage, instead of 0-10% increased Melee Physical Damage.
Overcharge Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-20% increased Shock Duration on Enemies (previously 0-30%).
Power Charge On Critical Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike, instead of 0-20% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Physical to Lightning Support
  • Quality no longer causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Lightning Damage.
Pulverise Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Area of Effect, instead of dealing 0-10% increased Area Damage.
Spell Totem Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% increased Totem Placement speed (previously 0-20%).
Stun Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-10% chance to double Stun Duration, instead of 0-30% increased Stun Duration on Enemies.
Swift Assembly Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-5% increased Mine Throwing Speed and Trap Throwing Speed (previously 0-10%).
Swiftbrand Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to have 0-5% more Activation frequency, instead of 0-5% increased Activation frequency.
Trap Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Trap Damage, instead of them having 0-10% increased Trap Throwing Speed.
Vile Toxins Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Damage with Poison (previously 0-20%).
Volley Support
  • Quality now causes Supported Skills to deal 0-10% increased Projectile Damage (previously 0-20%).

Miscellaneous Gem Changes 3.23

  • Updated the description for stats on Gems that provide increased Movement Speed to Minions, such as the one found on Animate Guardian, to clarify it does not affect Minions from other Skills.
  • Many Skill Gems now display the total number of projectiles or arrows they fire, instead of how many additional ones.
  • Many Skill Gems now display their radius in metres in the Gem description.
  • Spell Echo and Awakened Spell Echo can no longer support Blink Skills.

PoE New Support Gems 3.22

Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors added 14 new support gems. As part of this expansion's metagame rebalance, GGG has introduced 14 new support gems. These gems have been designed to take existing categories of skills and provide entirely new ways to play them, for example making your Warcries deal damage, having your projectiles return to you, or causing your totems to launch fiery mortars at enemies that hit them.

Name Description Requires Tag
Controlled Blaze Support

Supports melee attack skills.

  • Supported Skills have (10–19)% chance to Ignite
  • Each Supported Skill deals (10–14)% more Damage with Ignite for each Ignite inflicted with it Recently, up to a maximum of (230–364)%
  • Each Supported Skill deals 3% less Damage for each Ignite inflicted with it Recently, up to a maximum of (69–78)%

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% chance to Ignite

Level 31 Fire, Support, Melee, Attack
Corrupting Cry Support

Supports Warcry skills.

  • Supported Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
  • Supported Skills have 20% less Area of Effect
  • Corrupted Blood inflicted by Supported Warcries deals (45.9–601.5) base Physical Damage per second
  • Supported Warcries inflict Corrupted Blood on the first
  • enemy Hit by each Attack they Exert
  • Corrupted Blood inflicted by Supported Warcries has a Base Duration of 2 seconds
  • Supported Warcries inflict 4 Corrupted Blood Debuffs

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% increased Area of Effect

Level 31 AoE, Physical, Support, Warcry, Duration
Devour Support

Supports any skill that hits enemies.

  • Killing Blows with Supported Skills Consume corpses to Recover (24–366) Life and (10–40) Mana

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills deal (0–40)% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low Life

Level 8 Support
Flamewood Support

Supports skills which summon totems. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • Totems from Supported Skills gain the Avenging Flame
  • Skill and Trigger it when Hit by an Enemy

Avenging Flame

Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%.

Launches a fiery projectile high into the air, to drop on a target and deal area damage where it lands.

  • Base radius is 13
  • Deals base Fire Damage equal to (80–137)% of Totem's Maximum Life
  • Totems with this Skill Trigger it when Hit by an Enemy

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Fire Damage

Level 8 Support, Totem, Spell, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Trigger
Fresh Meat Support

Supports skills that create minions.

  • Minions created by Supported Skills gain Wakened Fury and Adrenaline for 10% of their Duration, up to a maximum of 10 seconds
  • Wakened Fury grants +(2–3.9)% to Critical Strike Chance
  • Wakened Fury grants +(50–69)% to Critical Strike Multiplier

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions from Supported Skills have (0–20)% increased Critical Strike Chance

Level 18 Critical, Support, Minion
Frigid Bond Support

Supports link skills.

  • Supported Skills Damage and Chill Enemies between you and Linked Targets
  • Supported Skills deal (355.9–3566.4) Base Cold Damage per second
  • Damage and Chill Linger for a Base Duration of 2 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to Supported Skill's Damage Over Time effect

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Effect of Chill inflicted with Supported Skills

Level 38 Cold, Support, Link, Duration
Guardian's Blessing Support

Must support both a skill that creates minions which can be damaged, and an aura skill that creates permanent auras around you. Cannot support triggered skills, banner skills or stance skills.

  • Supported Skills have (-27–30)% reduced Aura effect
  • Supported Aura Skills have no Reservation
  • Supported Skills also count as Blessing Skills
  • You can only have one Aura on you from your Blessing Skills
  • Supported Skills cannot apply Auras on you unless you have Minions from a Supported Skill
  • Minions from Supported Skills take (8–14.3)% of their total Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Physical Damage per second while you have an Aura from a Supported Skill on you

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–5)% increased Aura effect

Level 31 Support, Aura, Blessing, Minion
Locus Mine Support

Supports attack skills that use bows or wands and fire projectiles ahead. Instead of using that skill, you will throw mines that will use the skill for you when you detonate them, targeting your location. Mines cannot use channelling skills.

  • Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee Weapons
  • Supported Skills always fire at least 1 Projectile
  • Supported Skills throw up to 2 additional Mines
  • Supported Skills fire 30% less Projectiles
  • Supported Skills gain a Base Reservation equal to Base Mana and Life Cost
  • Mine lasts 5 seconds
  • Mines from Supported Skills can't be Detonated while within a radius of 30 of you
  • Supported Skills deal (11–30)% less Damage
  • Mines using Supported Skills always target your location
  • Supported Skills throw Mines in an Arc
  • Supported Skills have a Base Mine Detonation Time of 0.25 seconds

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% increased Mine Throwing Speed

Level 8 Bow, Attack, Support, Projectile, Mine
Returning Projectiles Support

Supports projectile skills.

  • Projectiles from Supported Skills Return to you from final target
  • Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (61–70)% less Damage while Returning
  • Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce all Targets while Returning

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% increased Projectile Speed

Level 38 Support, Projectile
Sacrifice Support

Supports spell skills that hit enemies and have no reservation. Cannot support brand skills, orb skills, channelling skills, Vaal skills or skills used by traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • Supported Spells Sacrifice 20% of your current Life when Cast to gain added Chaos Damage equal to (25–44)% of Sacrificed Life

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills deal (0–10)% increased Chaos Damage

Level 31 Chaos, Support, Spell
Sadism Support

Supports any skill that hits enemies.

  • Damaging Ailments inflicted with Supported Skills deal damage (60–79)% faster
  • 80% less Duration of Ailments inflicted with Supported Skills

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills deal (0–10)% increased Damage over Time

Level 18 Support
Spellblade Support

Supports spells that hit enemies. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • Supported Skills have Added Spell Damage equal to (40–135)% of
  • Damage of Equipped One Handed Melee Weapons
  • If two Weapons are Equipped, each contributes 60% as much Added Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills deal (0–10)% increased Spell Damage

Level 38 Support, Spell
Trauma Support

Supports melee strike skills that do not inherently apply Trauma. Cannot support triggered skills, Vaal skills, or skills used by things other than you. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • Supported Skills have (3–11) to (4–24) Added Attack Physical Damage per Trauma
  • Supported Skills have 5% increased Stun Duration per Trauma
  • Gain 1 Trauma the first time a Supported Attack Hits an Enemy
  • Take (13–146) Physical Damage per Trauma when you gain Trauma from Supported Skills
  • Trauma lasts (5–6.9) seconds
  • Supported Skills can only be used with Axes, Maces, Sceptres or Staves

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold

Level 38 Physical, Support, Melee, Attack, Strike, Duration
Volatility Support

Supports attack skills.

  • Supported Skills deal (30–58)% more Maximum Attack Damage
  • Supported Skills deal (50–69)% less Minimum Attack Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills deal (0–10)% increased Damage

Level 18 Attack, Support

PoE 3.21 New Skill Gems

Name Description Requires Tag
Snipe Snipe


Channel to charge up your bow, gaining stages. Release to trigger one supported bow skill for each stage gained. If there are no supported skills, but at least one stage was gained, this skill will fire its own arrow instead. Cannot be used by Totems.

  • Maximum 6 Stages
  • This Skill's Arrows deal (70–108)% more Damage with Hits per Stage
  • This Skill's Arrows deal (50–80)% more Damage with Ailments per Stage

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Attack Speed.

Snipe Support

Supports bow attack skills. Cannot support channelled skills, instant skills, Vaal skills, or skills used by totems, traps, or mines.

  • (50–80)% more Damage with Ailments per Snipe Stage
  • Supported Skills deal 40% less Damage
  • Supported Skills deal (70–108)% more Damage with Hits per Snipe Stage
Level 34 Attack, Projectile, Channelling, Physical, Bow
Manaforged Arrows Support Manaforged Arrows Support

Supports bow attack skills, causing them to trigger when you've spent enough mana in total on other bow attacks. Cannot modify the skills of minions. Cannot support totems, traps, mines, Vaal skills, or channelling skills.

  • Supported Skills deal (31–40)% less Damage
  • Supported Skills deal 1% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per 1 Mana Cost
  • Supported Skills Trigger once total Mana Spent on other Bow
  • Attacks exceeds 300% of their Mana Cost

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate.

Level 8 Bow, Support, Trigger
Momentum Support Momentum Support

Supports attack skills that aren't triggered.

  • Gain 1 Momentum when you Use a Supported Skill
  • Gain 1 Momentum every (0.51–0.7) seconds while Channelling a Supported Skill
  • Lose all Momentum if you Move
  • Supported Skills have (15–20)% increased Attack Speed per Momentum
  • When you reach (3–5) Momentum, lose all Momentum and gain
  • Swiftness for 1.5 seconds
  • Swiftness grants 15% increased Movement Speed per Momentum lost

Additional Effects From Quality: Swiftness lasts +(0–0.5) seconds.

Level 1 Attack, Support, Duration
Prismatic Burst Support Prismatic Burst Support

Prismatic Burst Support

Supports attacks, causing them to trigger the Prismatic Burst spell. Cannot support triggered attacks or attacks used by things other than you. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

  • Supported Skills will Trigger Prismatic Burst on Hit

Prismatic Burst

Chooses an element at random and deals damage of that type in an area. Having higher strength makes it more likely to choose fire, higher dexterity makes it more likely to choose cold, and higher intelligence makes it more likely to choose lightning.

  • Deals (3–1224) to (5–1836) Fire Damage
  • Deals (3–1224) to (5–1836) Cold Damage
  • Deals (1–153) to (7–2907) Lightning Damage
  • +(0–9) to radius
  • Deals 100% less Damage of each unchosen Damage Type
  • (0–57)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Elemental Damage

Level 1 Support, Spell, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Prismatic, Trigger
Quickstep Quickstep

Performs a series of quick teleports towards a targeted location, stopping at any place you can’t stand. if using the “Attack in Place” option, the direction is reversed. Shares a cooldown with other blink skills. Cannot be supported.

  • 200% increased cooldown recovery rate if used while a unique enemy is in your presence
  • Quality has no effect
  • This spell’s cast speed cannot be modified

Additional Effects From Quality: Quality has no effect.

It can be only used in Ruthless mode.

Level 1 Spell, Movement, Travel, Blink
Vaal Absolution Vaal Absolution

Causes one of your existing Sentinels of Absolution to Ascend, becoming more powerful, gaining new spells, and overriding its duration, while maintaining its other bonuses, including from support gems. If you cannot have more Ascended Sentinels of Absolution, an existing one will be refreshed instead.

  • Base duration is 15 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • Maximum 1 Ascended Sentinel of Absolution
  • Ascended Sentinel does not count towards the regular limit
  • Ascended Sentinels deal 200% more Damage
  • Ascended Sentinels take 70% less Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions deal (0–20)% increased Damage.

Level 12 Spell, Minion, Duration, Physical, Lightning, Vaal, AoE
Vaal Animate Weapon Vaal Animate Weapon

Animates multiple Melee Weapon Items and Lingering Blades to fight by your side, and transforms them into different, unique weapons. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.

  • Base duration is 15 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • Can use Items requiring up to Level (9–100)
  • Can use Items requiring up to Level
  • Animated Weapons are transformed into random Unique
  • Weapons with Level Requirement between (1–40) and
  • Animates up to (5–10) Weapons
  • Minions deal (50–107)% more Damage
  • Maximum (5–10) Animated Weapons
  • Minions have (0–38)% more Attack Speed

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions have (0–20)% increased Movement Speed.

Level 4 Duration, Minion, Spell, Vaal, Physical
Vaal Arctic Armour Vaal Arctic Armour

Immediately encases you in ice, protecting you for a duration or until you take damage from a number of hits, and also grants a buff once the cast time has finished. You cannot move or perform non-instant actions while in the ice. When the ice breaks, the buff is also removed.

  • Base duration is 5 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • You take 90% less Damage from Hits and count as Frozen
  • Ice breaks after you take 3 Damaging Hits or Duration expires
  • Buff grants (5–30.6) Mana Regeneration per second
  • Buff grants (20–395) Energy Shield Regeneration per second

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Skill Effect Duration.

Level 16 Spell, Duration, Cold, Vaal
Vaal Domination Vaal Domination

This spell causes one of your existing Sentinels of Dominance to Ascend, becoming more powerful, gaining new attacks, and overriding its duration, while maintaining its monster modifiers and other bonuses, including from support gems. If you cannot have more Ascended Sentinels of Dominance, an existing one will be refreshed instead.

  • Base duration is 30 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • Maximum 3 Ascended Sentinels of Dominance
  • Ascended Sentinels do not count towards the regular limits
  • Ascended Sentinels deal 200% more Damage
  • Ascended Sentinels take 70% less Damage

Additional Effects From Quality: Minions deal (0–20)% increased Damage.

Level 28 Spell, Minion, Duration, Vaal, Attack, Melee, Strike
Vaal Firestorm Vaal Firestorm

A fixed number of flaming bolts rain down in a spiral, culminating in the central one impacting the targeted location. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies and leaving burning ground, which deals fire damage over time.

  • Deals (224–3487) to (336–5230) Fire Damage
  • Deals (256.8–3995.3) Base Fire Damage per second
  • Burning Ground lasts 4 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • One impact every 0.5 seconds
  • 16 Bolts
  • Impacts have 20% more Area of Effect

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Damage.

Level 28 Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Vaal
Vaal Ice Shot Vaal Ice Shot

Fires an arrow that converts some physical damage to cold on its target and converts all physical damage to cold in a cone behind that target. When you use this skill, it summons a squad of Mirage Sharpshooters for a duration. Cannot be used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.

  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • (2–75) to (3–113) Added Cold Damage
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • Maximum 6 Summoned Mirage Sharpshooters
  • Summons 6 Mirage Sharpshooters which use this Skill
  • Mirage Sharpshooters fire at your target when you use Ice Shot
  • Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to
  • this Skill when used by Mirage Sharpshooters

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Cold Damage.

Level 1 Attack, Projectile, AoE, Cold, Vaal, Duration, Bow
Vaal Lightning Arrow Vaal Lightning Arrow

Fires charged arrows, which repeatedly travel for a short time before changing direction. When they hit enemies, they are struck by a bolt of lightning which damages a number of surrounding enemies.

  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • (1–9) to (13–179) Added Lightning Damage
  • Fires 4 additional Arrows
  • Projectiles change direction 9 times
  • Projectiles can Hit targets each time they change direction
  • Modifiers which would cause Projectiles to Fork or
  • Chain instead cause them to change direction additional times
  • Fires Projectiles sequentially
  • Hits up to 3 additional enemies near the target
  • Projectiles cannot Split

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% chance to Shock enemies.

Level 12 Attack, AoE, Projectile, Lightning, Vaal, Bow
Vaal Rejuvenation Totem Vaal Rejuvenation Totem

Summons a totem that has an aura which regenerates life for you and your nearby allies. When things affected by the aura are hit, the totem's life is removed instead for some of the damage.

  • +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
  • Totem lasts 4 seconds
  • Modifiers to Totem Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • Summons a Totem which uses this Skill
  • 30% less Area of Effect
  • (50–164)% increased totem life
  • Regenerate (19.3–714.4) Life per second
  • 40% of Damage from Hits against targets affected by the Aura is taken from Totem's Life before the target

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–60)% increased Aura Area of Effect.

Level 4 Totem, Aura, Spell, AoE, Vaal
Vaal Reap Vaal Reap

Bloody scythes swipe around a selected area, hitting enemies with physical damage. An area of boiling blood is left beneath them for a duration which deals physical damage over time. Also gives a bonus to maximum Blood Charges for a secondary duration.

  • Deals (115–1886) to (172–2828) Physical Damage
  • Deals (179.1–2946.2) Base Physical Damage per second
  • Base duration is 5 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 8 seconds
  • Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill's Soul Gain Prevention
  • Effects of Boiling Blood Linger for 2 seconds
  • Grants +4 to maximum Blood Charges
  • Grants up to maximum Blood Charges

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Area of Effect.

Level 28 Spell, Physical, AoE, Duration, Vaal

PoE 3.20 Skill Gems

Name Description Requires Tag
Frozen Legion Frozen Legion

Frozen Legion: This spell consumes multiple cooldown uses to summon icy Statues in a ring. Each Statue uses your Frozen Sweep attack once before vanishing. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, or Staff. This skill cannot be triggered, supported by Spell Echo, or Unleash, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.

  • Consumes one Cooldown Use per Statue Summoned

Frozen Sweep is used by your Statues to deal damage in an area around them while stepping forward. This skill cannot repeat and can only be used by Statues from Frozen Legion.

  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • You cannot use this Skill yourself, your Statues will use this Skill for you

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Area of Effect

Level 34 Spell, Cold, Attack, AoE, Melee
Volcanic Fissure Volcanic Fissure

Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. When it reaches the target location it erupts, releasing a burst of molten projectiles. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • Fires 4 additional Projectiles
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • Projectiles deal 50% less Damage with Hits and Ailments

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Fire Damage

Level 12 Melee, Attack, Projectile, AoE, Slam, Fire
Cursed Ground Support Cursed Ground Support

Supports non-aura hex curse skills.

  • Supported Skills create Cursed Ground with a base Duration of (15–34) seconds
  • Hexes from Supported Skills have no Duration
  • Enemies on the Cursed Ground from a Supported Skill are Cursed with that Hex
  • Maximum 1 area of Cursed Ground

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% increased Skill Effect Duration

Level 31 AoE, Duration, Support, Hex
Hex Bloom Support Hex Bloom Support

Supports hex curse skills. Hexes from auras or cursed ground cannot transfer.

  • Supported Skills have (0–28)% increased Hex Transfer range
  • Hexes from Supported Skills Transfer to all Enemies in a range of 30 when Hexed Enemy dies

Additional Effects From Quality: Supported Skills have (0–10)% increased Curse Duration

Level 38 Support, Hex
Vaal Cleave Vaal Cleave

The character swings their weapon (or both weapons if dual wielding) in an arc, damaging monsters in an area in front of them. Killing Blows on Rare or Unique enemies grant a buff that improves Cleave for a duration. Killing Blows on Rare Enemies also steal their modifiers for a secondary duration. Only works with Axes and Swords.

  • When Dual Wielding, Deals 60% Damage from each Weapon combined
  • Base duration is 20 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 20 seconds
  • +0.8 seconds to Attack Time
  • (2–75) to (3–113) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill"s Soul Gain Prevention
  • +(15–24) to radius
  • Culling Strike
  • Can"t be Evaded
  • Buff grants Culling Strike with Cleave
  • Buff grants 60% more Cleave Area of Effect
  • Buff grants 60% more Cleave Damage to Enemies that are on Low Life
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Attack Speed

Level 1 Attack, AoE, Physical, Vaal, Duration, Melee
Vaal Flicker Strike Vaal Flicker Strike

Repeatedly teleports to enemies and hits them, inflicting a wound but dealing no damage. After the repeating finishes, each enemy is hit by the total damage of their wounds, which are removed.

  • This Attack Repeats 25 additional times
  • 10% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
  • 70% less Damage with Ailments
  • 30% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–5)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit

Level 10 Attack, Melee, Strike, Movement, Vaal, Duration
Vaal Blade Flurry Vaal Blade Flurry

Channel to create an expanding circle area around you that blinds enemies within it. When you stop channelling, deals damage in a smaller area around each enemy in the circle. Requires a Dagger, Claw or One-Handed Sword.

  • (14–75) to (20–113) Added Attack Physical Damage
  • Blind enemies on hit
  • Can"t be Evaded
  • (30–68)% increased Blind Effect
  • 50% less Damage Taken while Channelling
  • Base Circle Radius is 10
  • +5 to Circle Radius per Stage
  • Channelling stops when Total Circle Radius reaches 90
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Attack Speed

Level 28 Attack, AoE, Channelling, Physical, Vaal, Melee
Vaal Venom Gyre Vaal Venom Gyre

Creates already-caught projectiles without firing them first, both immediately and over a secondary duration. Caught projectiles spiral outwards when you use Whirling Blades and do not return. Requires a Dagger or Claw.

  • Base duration is 12 seconds
  • Base secondary duration is 6 seconds
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill"s Soul Gain Prevention
  • 40% chance to Poison on Hit
  • Can catch up to 50 Returning Projectiles
  • Maximum caught Projectiles
  • Creates up to caught Projectiles immediately
  • Creates 15 caught Projectiles per second
  • 40% chance to keep each caught Projectile fired with Whirling Blades
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Poison Duration

Level 12 Attack, Projectile, Chaos, Duration, Vaal
Vaal Molten Strike Vaal Molten Strike

Infuses your melee weapon with molten energies to attack with physical and fire damage. This attack causes balls of molten magma to launch forth causing AoE attack damage to enemies where they land.

  • (2–75) to (3–113) Added Fire Damage
  • Fires 8 additional Projectiles
  • Chains +8 Times
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • +4 to radius
  • Can"t be Evaded
  • Projectiles can Chain when impacting the ground
  • Projectiles do not change direction when Chaining
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Fire Damage

Level 1 Attack, Projectile, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Chaining, Vaal.
Vaal Caustic Arrow Vaal Caustic Arrow

Fires a slow-moving serpentine arrow which deals chaos damage while piercing enemies, and leaves a trail of caustic ground. Enemies standing on the caustic ground take chaos damage over time.

  • Projectiles Pierce all Targets
  • Deals (21.2–4622.5) Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
  • Modifiers to Projectile Damage apply to this Skill"s Damage Over Time effect
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill"s Soul Gain Prevention
  • Can"t be Evaded
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Area of Effect

Level 1 Attack, Projectile, AoE, Duration, Chaos, Vaal, Bow
Vaal Volcanic Fissure Vaal Volcanic Fissure

Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. When it reaches the target location it erupts, releasing a burst of molten projectiles. After erupting, the fissure continues moving towards enemies to cause further eruptions. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • Fires 8 additional Projectiles
  • 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
  • 50% more Area of Effect
  • Fissure erupts 5 times
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–20)% increased Fire Damage

Level 12 Melee, Attack, Projectile, AoE, Slam, Fire
Vaal Smite Vaal Smite

Calls lightning down to infuse your weapon, then performs a melee attack and causes lightning to strike nearby enemies, dealing damage in an area around each. Hitting an enemy grants an aura, giving you and your allies additional lightning damage for a duration, and additional lightning bolts with Smite. Requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.

  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
  • Base duration is 8 seconds
  • Modifiers to Skill Effect Duration also apply to this Skill"s Soul Gain Prevention
  • +(0–6) to radius
  • Can"t be Evaded
  • Aura grants (10–19)% chance to Shock
  • Lightning strikes 30 targets
  • Aura makes Smite strike +1 target with lightning
  • Aura grants (1–17) to (7–330) added Lightning Damage
  • Corrupted

Additional Effects From Quality: (0–10)% increased Area of Effect

Level 1 Lightning, Attack, AoE, Duration, Melee, Strike, Aura, Vaal

PoE 3.19 New Skill Gems

This expansion introduces three new skill gems and one new support gem. Three of these are themed around lightning damage and shock.

Name Description Requires Tag
Alchemist's Mark Alchemist's Mark

Curses a single enemy, granting flask charges when you hit them and creating Burning Ground under them if your hit Ignites them, and Caustic Ground if it Poisons them. Damage modifiers do not apply to these ground effects. You can only have one Mark at a time.

  • Base duration is 4 seconds
  • Burning Ground deals (20–26)% of the Fire Damage per Second of strongest Ignite on Enemy
  • Caustic Ground deals (60–79)% of the Chaos Damage per Second of strongest Poison on Enemy
  • Can create each Ground effect no more than once each second
  • Gain 1 Flask Charge when you Hit a Cursed Enemy, no more than once every 3 seconds

Effects from quality: (0–10)% increased Area of Effect.

Level 24, 58 Dex Spell, Curse, Mark, AoE, Duration, Fire, Chaos
Galvanic Field Galvanic Field

Applies a buff boosting chance to shock. When you shock an enemy while you have this buff, creates a spherical field of energy attached to the shocked enemy for a duration, which will damage it and other nearby enemies with beams of lightning. The strength of the field depends on the magnitude of shock affecting the enemy when it is created.

  • Deals (1–56) to (23–1067) Lightning Damage
  • Cannot inflict Shock
  • Base duration is 6 seconds
  • Fires a beam every 0.1 seconds
  • Can target each enemy only once every (0.5–0.7) seconds
  • Field gains (10–15)% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy when created
  • Field gains +1 to Radius per 10% Shock Effect on Enemy when created
  • Maximum 1 Field
  • Buff Grants 20% chance to Shock enemies

Effects from quality: Buff grants (0–30)% increased Shock Duration.

Level 16, 41 Int Spell, AoE, Duration, Lightning, Chaining, Orb
Lightning Conduit Lightning Conduit

Lightning strikes all Shocked enemies around a targeted location, then removes Shock from those enemies. Shocks cannot expire on enemies in range while casting this spell. Cannot be supported by Spell Cascade or Unleash.

  • Deals (43–516) to (130–1548) Lightning Damage
  • Cannot inflict Shock
  • This Spell's Cast Time is added to its Cooldown if Triggered
  • (10–20)% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy

Effects from quality: (0–20)% increased Damage.

Level 28, 67 Int Spell, AoE, Lightning
Overcharge Support Overcharge Support

Supports any skill that hits enemies.

  • Supported Skills have 50% chance to Shock
  • Supported Skills deal 25% less Damage
  • Supported Skills Shock Enemies as though dealing (500–690)% more Damage

Effects from quality: Supported Skills have (0–30)% increased Shock Duration on Enemies.

Level 18, 33 Int Lightning, Support

PoE 3.18 New Skill Gems

PoE 3.18 added 3 new Awakened Support Gems: Awakened Empower, Awakened Enhance and Awakened Enlighten.

Name Description Tag
Awakened Empower Support Awakened Empower Support

Increases the gem level of supported active skill gems.

Level: 1–4. Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%. Requires Level (1-78)

Supports any skill gem. Once this gem reaches level 2 or above, will raise the level of supported gems. Cannot support skills that don’t come from gems.

  • +(0–3) to Level of Supported Active Skill Gems

Additional Effects From Quality: This Gem gains (0–100)% increased Experience

Exceptional, Support
Awakened Enhance Support Awakened Enhance Support

Increases the quality of supported active skill gems. 

Level: 1–4. Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%. Requires Level (1-78)

Supports any skill gem. Once this gem reaches level 2 or above, will raise the quality of supported gems. Cannot support skills that don’t come from gems.

  • +(0-24)% to Quality of Supported Active Skill Gems

Additional Effects From Quality: This Gem gains (0–100)% increased Experience

Exceptional, Support
Awakened Enlighten Support Awakened Enlighten Support

Has no modifiers, and its sole function is having a mana multiplier less than 100%.

Level: 1–4. Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 88%. Requires Level (1-78)

Supports any skill gem. Once this gem reaches level 2 or above, will apply a cost & reservation multiplier to supported gems. Cannot support skills that don’t come from gems.

Additional Effects From Quality: This Gem gains (0–100)% increased Experience

Exceptional, Support

PoE 3.17 New Skill Gems

Skill Name Requires Description Tag
Mark on Hit Support Mark on Hit Support Level 38 Trigger Supported Skill when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack. Supports mark curse skills. Support, Mark, Trigger
Divine Blessing Support Divine Blessing Support Level 31 Converts supported Aura Skills into temporary Blessings with increased effect, changing their Reservation to a one-time cost. You will only be able to benefit from one Blessing at a time. This gem cannot convert Banner Skills. Support, Aura, Duration, Blessing
Eternal Blessing Support Eternal Blessing Support Level 38 Supported Aura Skills lose their reservations and become Blessings. You will only be able to benefit from one Blessing at a time and while under the effect of a Supported Skill, all Non-Blessing Skills which reserve mana are disabled. Support, Aura, Blessing

Skill Gems Changes 3.17

Gem Name Changes
Vaal Burning Arrow Vaal Burning Arrow
  • New: Attack Speed 70% of base
  • Old: Attack Speed 90% of base
  • New: Attack Damage 400% of base
  • Old: Attack Damage 284% of base
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 400%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 284%
Vaal Flameblast Vaal Flameblast
  • New: 110% more Damage with Ailments for each stage
  • Old: 70% more Damage with Ailments for each stage
Absolution Absolution
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 130%
  • New: Deals 873 to 1310 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 588 to 882 Physical Damage
Cleave Cleave
  • New: Attack Damage 237% of base
  • Old: Attack Damage 213% of base
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 237%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 213%
  • New: +8 to radius
  • Old: +6 to radius
Exsanguinate Exsanguinate
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 270%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 180%
  • New: Deals 1193 to 1789 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 807 to 1211 Physical Damage
  • New: Deals 1121 Base Physical Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 1121.1 Base Physical Damage per second
Glacial Hammer Glacial Hammer
  • New: 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Old: 60% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Ground Slam Ground Slam
  • New: +10 to radius
  • Old: +6 to radius
Heavy Strike Heavy Strike
  • New: 39% chance to deal Double Damage
  • Old: 20% chance to deal Double Damage
Holy Flame Totem Holy Flame Totem
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 35%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 30%
  • New: Deals 153 to 230 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 134 to 202 Physical Damage
Reap Reap
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 210%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 160%
  • New: Deals 943 to 1414 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 702 to 1053 Physical Damage
  • New: Deals 1463.3 Base Physical Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 1463.1 Base Physical Damage per second
Shockwave Totem Shockwave Totem
  • Effectiveness of Added Damage 110%
  • New: Deals 412 to 765 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 362 to 672 Physical Damage
Warlord’s Mark Warlord’s Mark
  • Base duration is 9.80 seconds
  • New: Spell, Curse, Mark
  • Old: Spell, Duration, Curse, Mark
  • New: Cursed enemies grant 2.95% Life Leech when Hit by Attacks
  • Old: Cursed enemies grant 2% Life Leech when Hit by Attacks
  • New: Cursed enemies grant 2.95% Mana Leech when Hit by Attacks
  • Old: Cursed enemies grant 2% Mana Leech when Hit by Attacks
Blade Blast Blade Blast
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 70%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 50%
  • New: Deals 309 to 464 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 210 to 315 Physical Damage
Blade Trap Blade Trap
  • New: Attack Damage 96% of base
  • Old: Attack Damage 67.5% of base
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 96%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 67%
Blade Vortex Blade Vortex
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 30%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 20%
  • New: Deals 128 to 191 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 86 to 129 Physical Damage
Bladefall Bladefall
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 140%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 90%
  • New: Deals 595 to 893 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 411 to 617 Physical Damage
Burning Arrow Burning Arrow
  • New: Cost 12 Mana
  • Old: Cost 8 Mana
  • New: Attack Speed 70% of base
  • Old: Attack Speed 90% of base
  • New: Attack Damage 300% of base
  • Old: Attack Damage 214% of base
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 300%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 214%
Ethereal Knives Ethereal Knives
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 220%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • New: Deals 949 to 1423 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 633 to 949 Physical Damage
  • New: Fires 12 additional Projectiles
  • Old: Fires 9 additional Projectiles
Explosive Arrow Explosive Arrow
  • Explosion deals 5% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per Explosive Arrow on Target
  • Explosion deals 5% more Damage with Hits per Explosive Arrow on Target
Explosive Concoction Explosive Concoction
  • New: 1003 to 1505 Added Fire Damage
  • Old: 802 to 1204 Added Fire Damage
  • New: Deals 301 to 451 Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask
  • Old: Deals 241 to 361 Added Cold Damage if Charges were consumed from a Sapphire Flask
  • New: Deals 63 to 690 Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask
  • Old: Deals 50 to 552 Added Lightning Damage if Charges were consumed from a Topaz Flask
  • New: +98% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Ignite if Charges were consumed from a Ruby Flask
  • Old: +78% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Ignite if Charges were consumed from a Ruby Flask
Explosive Trap Explosive Trap
  • Effectiveness of Added Damage 60%
  • New: Deals 437 to 655 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 309 to 464 Physical Damage
Fire Trap Fire Trap
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 260%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • New: Deals 915 to 1373 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 644 to 966 Fire Damage
  • New: Deals 4170.7 Base Fire Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 2934.9 Base Fire Damage per second
  • New: 286 to 429 added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
  • Old: 201 to 302 added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
Galvanic Arrow Galvanic Arrow
  • Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to
    this Skill's Area of Effect
  • Increases and Reductions to Arrow Speed also apply to
    this Skill's Area of Effect
Ice Trap Ice Trap
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 290%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • New: Deals 1275 to 1912 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 898 to 1347 Cold Damage
Intuitive Link Intuitive Link
  • New: Supported Spells deal 38% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Spells deal 11% less Damage
Poacher’s Mark Poacher’s Mark
  • Base duration is 9.80 seconds
  • New: Spell, Curse, Mark
  • Old: Spell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Sniper’s Mark Sniper’s Mark
  • Base duration is 9.80 seconds
  • New: Spell, Curse, Mark
  • Old: Spell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Tornado Tornado
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 95%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 65%
  • New: Deals 414 to 620 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 290 to 435 Physical Damage
Toxic Rain Toxic Rain
  • New: Deals 238 Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 285.1 Base Chaos Damage per second
Unearth Unearth
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 140%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 90%
  • New: Deals 607 to 911 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 407 to 611 Physical Damage
Viper Strike Viper Strike
  • New: Attack Damage 154% of base
  • Old: Attack Damage 135% of base
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 154%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 135%
Volatile Dead Volatile Dead
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 170%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • New: Deals 753 to 1129 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 507 to 760 Fire Damage
Arc Arc
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 80%
  • New: Deals 198 to 1122 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 133 to 754 Lightning Damage
Arcanist Brand Arcanist Brand
  • New: Supported Skills deal 63% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 46% less Damage
Armageddon Brand Armageddon Brand
  • Activates every 1.5 seconds while Attached
  • Activates every 1 second while Attached
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 135%
  • New: Deals 924 to 1386 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 613 to 920 Fire Damage
Assassin’s Mark Assassin’s Mark
  • Base duration is 9.80 seconds
  • New: Critical, Spell, Curse, Mark
  • Old: Critical, Spell, Duration, Curse, Mark
Ball Lightning Ball Lightning
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 60%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 50%
  • New: Deals 32 to 617 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 22 to 426 Lightning Damage
Blazing Salvo Blazing Salvo
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 55%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 40%
  • New: Deals 241 to 361 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 162 to 243 Fire Damage
Blight Blight
  • New: Base secondary duration is 1.00 seconds
  • Old: Base secondary duration is 0.80 seconds
Bodyswap Bodyswap
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 85%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 70%
  • New: This Spell deals 210 to 315, plus 3% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
  • Old: This Spell deals 154 to 231, plus 3% of your maximum Life, as base Fire Damage
Cold Snap Cold Snap
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 320%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 240%
  • New: Deals 1440 to 2160 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 1057 to 1586 Cold Damage
  • New: Deals 1895.4 Base Cold Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 1894 Base Cold Damage per second
Crackling Lance Crackling Lance
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 165%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 115%
  • New: Deals 458 to 1375 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 317 to 952 Lightning Damage
Creeping Frost Creeping Frost
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 80%
  • New: Deals 568 to 847 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 383 to 572 Cold Damage
  • New: Deals 2225.7 Base Cold Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 2225.6 Base Cold Damage per second
Dark Pact Dark Pact
  • New: 136% more Damage with Hits and Ailments if using your Life
  • Old: 97% more Damage with Hits and Ailments if using your Life
Discharge Discharge
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 600%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 450%
  • New: 60% less Damage with Ailments
  • Old: 55% less Damage with Ailments
  • New: Deals 639 to 1918 base Lightning Damage per Power Charge removed
  • Old: Deals 432 to 1297 base Lightning Damage per Power Charge removed
  • New: Deals 1023 to 1535 base Fire Damage per Endurance Charge removed
  • Old: Deals 692 to 1037 base Fire Damage per Endurance Charge removed
  • New: Deals 1023 to 1535 base Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge removed
  • Old: Deals 692 to 1037 base Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge removed
Divine Ire Divine Ire
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 45%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 30%
  • New: Deals 203 to 305 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 140 to 210 Physical Damage
  • New: Beam deals 110% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
  • Old: Beam deals 100% more Damage with Hits per Stage after the first
Essence Drain Essence Drain
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 90%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 60%
  • New: Deals 644 to 966 Chaos Damage
  • Old: Deals 433 to 649 Chaos Damage
  • New: Deals 1509.4 Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 1503.2 Base Chaos Damage per second
Eye of Winter Eye of Winter
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 55%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 40%
  • New: Deals 245 to 367 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 169 to 254 Cold Damage
Fireball Fireball
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 370%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 240%
  • New: Deals 1640 to 2460 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 1095 to 1643 Fire Damage
Firestorm Firestorm
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 80%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 55%
  • New: Deals 361 to 541 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 250 to 375 Fire Damage
Flame Dash Flame Dash
  • Effectiveness of Added Damage 140%
  • New: Deals 659 to 988 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 479 to 718 Fire Damage
  • New: Deals 1738.6 Base Fire Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 1262.7 Base Fire Damage per second
Flame Surge Flame Surge
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 190%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • New: Deals 832 to 1247 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 563 to 844 Fire Damage
Flameblast Flameblast
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 90%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 60%
  • New: Deals 405 to 608 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 280 to 419 Fire Damage
  • New: 165% more Spell Damage for each stage
  • Old: 130% more Spell Damage for each stage
Forbidden Rite Forbidden Rite
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 110%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 80%
  • New: Deals 498 to 747 Chaos Damage
  • Old: Deals 367 to 551 Chaos Damage
Freezing Pulse Freezing Pulse
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 330%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • New: Deals 1458 to 2188 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 888 to 1332 Cold Damage
Frost Bomb Frost Bomb
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 310%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 210%
  • New: Deals 1391 to 2086 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 930 to 1395 Cold Damage
Frostblink Frostblink
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 180%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 140%
  • New: Deals 1144 to 1716 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 832 to 1248 Cold Damage
Frostbolt Frostbolt
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 360%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 220%
  • New: Deals 1594 to 2392 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 972 to 1458 Cold Damage
Glacial Cascade Glacial Cascade
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 65%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 45%
  • New: Deals 300 to 450 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 207 to 311 Physical Damage
Hexblast Hexblast
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 310%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 210%
  • New: Deals 1397 to 2096 Chaos Damage
  • Old: Deals 965 to 1447 Chaos Damage
Hydrosphere Hydrosphere
  • Can only be Hit once every 1 second
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 110%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 80%
  • New: Deals 510 to 765 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 356 to 533 Physical Damage
Ice Nova Ice Nova
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 190%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • New: Deals 769 to 1130 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 518 to 762 Cold Damage
  • New: Adds 118 to 172 Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies
  • Old: Adds 79 to 116 Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies
Ice Spear Ice Spear
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 130%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 80%
  • New: Deals 568 to 852 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 383 to 575 Cold Damage
Incinerate Incinerate
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 50%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 30%
  • New: Deals 207 to 311 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 140 to 210 Fire Damage
Lightning Tendrils Lightning Tendrils
  • Effectiveness of Added Damage 65%
  • New: Deals 55 to 1052 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 37 to 703 Lightning Damage
  • New: Stronger Pulses deal 200% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
  • Old: Stronger Pulses deal 100% more Damage with Hits and Ailments
Lightning Trap Lightning Trap
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 240%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 170%
  • New: Deals 659 to 1978 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 466 to 1399 Lightning Damage
Lightning Warp Lightning Warp
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 90%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 60%
  • New: Deals 51 to 965 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 37 to 707 Lightning Damage
Manabond Manabond
  • Effectiveness of Added Damage 160%
  • New: Deals 263 to 1488 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 157 to 892 Lightning Damage
  • New: Deals base Lightning Damage equal to 44% of missing Unreserved Mana +6 to length per 25% of Unreserved maximum Mana you have
  • Old: Deals base Lightning Damage equal to 34% of missing Unreserved Mana +6 to length per 25% of Unreserved maximum Mana you have
Orb of Storms Orb of Storms
  • Strikes every 2.55 seconds, and when you use a Lightning Skill near the Orb
  • Orb disappears after 29 Strikes
  • Base duration is 6.00 seconds
  • Strikes every 1.02 seconds
  • New: Lightning, Spell, AoE, Chaining, Orb
  • Old: Lightning, Spell, Duration, AoE, Chaining, Orb
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 110%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 65%
  • New: Deals 304 to 913 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 185 to 555 Lightning Damage
  • New: Beams Split towards 3 additional targets
  • Old: Beams Split towards 4 additional targets

New: Creates a stationary electrical orb that strikes enemies in its area of effect with beams of lightning that can then split to hit more enemies. Modifiers to cast speed will increase how frequently it does this. Casting this skill again will replace the previous orb.

Old: Creates a stationary electrical orb that frequently unleashes a splitting bolt of lightning at a nearby enemy. Modifiers to cast speed will increase how frequently it does this. Using a lightning skill while inside the orb's cloud unleashes additional bolts. Casting this skill again will replace the previous orb.

Penance Brand Penance Brand
  • New: Explosions deal 90% more Damage with Ailments per Energy after the first
  • Old: Explosions deal 60% more Damage with Ailments per Energy after the first
Purifying Flame Purifying Flame
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 300%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • New: Deals 1324 to 1986 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 884 to 1326 Physical Damage
Rolling Magma Rolling Magma
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 280%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 230%
  • New: Deals 1245 to 1868 Fire Damage
  • Old: Deals 1031 to 1546 Fire Damage
Shock Nova Shock Nova
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 190%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 120%
  • New: Deals 537 to 1610 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 371 to 1114 Lightning Damage
Soulrend Soulrend
  • Effectiveness of Added Damage 150%
  • New: Deals 716 to 1074 Chaos Damage
  • Old: Deals 494 to 741 Chaos Damage
  • New: Deals 2138.5 Base Chaos Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 2143.1 Base Chaos Damage per second
Spark Spark
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 190%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 125%
  • New: Deals 104 to 1983 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 70 to 1326 Lightning Damage
  • New: Fires 7 additional Projectiles
  • Old: Fires 6 additional Projectiles
Spellslinger Spellslinger
  • Supported Skills deal 31% less Damage with Hits and Ailments
Storm Burst Storm Burst
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 35%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 25%
  • New: Deals 168 to 252 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 114 to 171 Physical Damage
Storm Call Storm Call
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 250%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 165%
  • New: Deals 949 to 1762 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 640 to 1188 Lightning Damage
Stormbind Stormbind
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 160%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 110%
  • New: Deals 444 to 1332 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 306 to 919 Lightning Damage
Void Sphere Void Sphere
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 75%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 55%
  • New: Deals 344 to 516 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 241 to 361 Physical Damage
Voltaxic Burst Voltaxic Burst
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 230%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 160%
  • New: Deals 906 to 1683 Lightning Damage
  • Old: Deals 611 to 1134 Lightning Damage
Vortex Vortex
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 270%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 180%
  • New: Deals 1209 to 1813 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 833 to 1250 Cold Damage
  • New: Deals 2317.2 Base Cold Damage per second
  • Old: Deals 2315.1 Base Cold Damage per second
Wave of Conviction Wave of Conviction
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 330%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 240%
  • New: Deals 1476 to 2214 Physical Damage
  • Old: Deals 1057 to 1585 Physical Damage
Winter Orb Winter Orb
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 60%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 50%
  • New: Deals 270 to 337 Cold Damage
  • Old: Deals 232 to 291 Cold Damage
  • New: 150% more Projectile Frequency while Channelling
  • Old: 100% more Projectile Frequency while Channelling
Orb of Storms Divergent Orb of Storms
  • Penetrates 5% Lightning Resistance
  • Orb disappears after 24 Strikes
  • 20% less Skill Effect Duration
  • 20% increased Cast Speed
Spell Totem Support Spell Totem Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 40% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 24% less Damage
Added Cold Damage Support Added Cold Damage Support
  • New: Supported Skills have 152 to 228 added Cold Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills have 169 to 254 added Cold Damage
Cast On Critical Strike Support Cast On Critical Strike Support
  • Supported Skills deal 10% less Spell Damage
  • Supported Skills deal 29% more Spell Damage
Cluster Traps Support Cluster Traps Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 55% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 36% less Damage
Multiple Traps Support Multiple Traps Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 52% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 31% less Damage
Trap Support Trap Support
  • Supported Skills deal 6% less Trap Damage
  • Supported Skills deal 38% increased Trap Damage
Added Chaos Damage Support Added Chaos Damage Support
  • New: Supported Skills have 154 to 231 added Chaos Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills have 170 to 255 added Chaos Damage
Added Lightning Damage Support Added Lightning Damage Support
  • New: Supported Skills have 19 to 358 added Lightning Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills have 21 to 402 added Lightning Damage
Blastchain Mine Support Blastchain Mine Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 53% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 33% less Damage
Cast while Channelling Support Cast while Channelling Support
  • Supported Triggered Spells deal 30% less Damage
High-Impact Mine Support High-Impact Mine Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 28% less Damage
Impending Doom Support Impending Doom Support
  • New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 200%
  • Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 140%
  • New: Deals 868 to 1301 Chaos Damage
  • Old: Deals 602 to 903 Chaos Damage
Minefield Support Minefield Support
  • New: Supported Skills can have up to 3 additional Remote Mines placed at a time
  • Old: Supported Skills can have up to 4 additional Remote Mines placed at a time
  • New: Supported Skills have 46% less Mine Throwing Speed
  • Old: Supported Skills have 60% less Mine Throwing Speed
Unleash Support Unleash Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 41% less Damage when Reoccurring
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 21% less Damage when Reoccurring
Awakened Added Cold Damage Support Awakened Added Cold Damage Support
  • New: Supported Skills have 188 to 282 added Cold Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills have 227 to 341 added Cold Damage
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support
  • Supported Skills deal 7% less Spell Damage
  • Supported Skills deal 32% more Spell Damage
Awakened Added Chaos Damage Support Awakened Added Chaos Damage Support
  • New: Supported Skills have 189 to 284 added Chaos Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills have 234 to 352 added Chaos Damage
Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support
  • New: Supported Skills have 24 to 449 added Lightning Damage
  • Old: Supported Skills have 29 to 543 added Lightning Damage
Awakened Cast While Channelling Support Awakened Cast While Channelling Support
  • Supported Triggered Spells deal 30% less Damage
Awakened Unleash Support Awakened Unleash Support
  • New: Supported Skills deal 38% less Damage when Reoccurring
  • Old: Supported Skills deal 18% less Damage when Reoccurring

List of PoE Scourge 3.16 All New Gems

Level Skill Name Description Build Guide Tag
12 Poisonous Concoction Poisonous Concoction Throws an explosive bottle that deals unarmed attack damage in an area and has a chance to poison. Can consume charges from a Life flask to add further damage. Requires an empty main hand, and no off-hand weapon. Unarmed skill. Scales its damage based on how much life the consumed flasks recover. Attack, AoE, Chaos, Projectile
24 Energy Blade Energy Blade Grants a buff which significantly lowers your maximum Energy Shield to transform your equipped weapons into Swords formed from that energy. Casting the spell again removes the buff. Requires a Non-Bow weapon. This skill cannot be triggered. Stack as much energy shield as possible. Spell, Lightning
34 Temporal Rift Temporal Rift Reserves mana to apply a buff and leave afterimages of your recent past. Cast the spell again to return to the oldest afterimage, teleporting to that location as well as resetting your Life, Mana and Energy Shield to the values they had then. It is incredibly useful in hardcore mode, or while exploring maps efficiently. Spell
34 Tornado Tornado Create a Tornado that hinders and repeatedly damages enemies around it. It will move forward for a duration, during which your projectiles can collide with it to deal damage as though it was an enemy. Then it will chase down enemies for a secondary duration, and reflect a portion of the damage it took from your projectiles to them in addition to its own damage.   Spell, Duration, Physical, AoE, Orb
34 Soul Link Soul Link Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, your Energy Shield will intercept some of the damage they would take. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. For party play.
you must build a tanky character with a lot of energy shield.
Spell, Duration, Link
34 Protective Link Protective Link Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, they copy your block chance and recover life when they block. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. For party play.
you must specialise in Block. Glancing Blows keystone passive doubles your block chance.
Spell, Duration, Link
34 Intuitive Link Intuitive Link Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, their hits can trigger your supported spells. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. For party play. Trigger, Spell, Duration, Link
34 Vampiric Link Vampiric Link Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, they get recovery from your life leech instead of you. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. For party play. Spell, Duration, Link
34 Flame Link Flame Link Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, they deal additional fire damage based on your life. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. For party play. Spell, Duration, Link, Fire
34 Destructive Link Destructive Link Targets an allied player to apply a buff which links you to them for a duration. While linked, they use your main hand critical strike chance. If the target dies while linked, you will also die. This skill cannot be triggered, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines. For party play. Critical, Spell, Duration, Link

List of PoE Expedition 3.15 All New Gems

Path of Exile: Expedition 3.15 league created 16 new skill gems and 3 support gems that are designed around the themes of each Ascendancy Class.

Level Skill Name Description Tag Inspired by
12 Manabond Manabond Creates a rune that explodes, dealing more damage or having more area of effect, based on the current state of your mana pool. Spell, AoE, Lightning, Arcane Hierophant
8 Earthbreaker Support Earthbreaker Support Summons an Ancestral Totem that uses any supported Slam Skill. Attack, Melee, Slam, AoE, Support, Totem Chieftain
28 Rage Vortex Rage Vortex Consumes your Rage to unleash a whirling vortex that rapidly hits enemies within its range. Attack, AoE, Duration, Melee Berserker
28 Boneshatter Boneshatter Strikes enemies with a forceful blow. If this attack stuns an enemy, it releases a powerful shockwave with area based on the stun’s duration. As you use  Boneshatter more, it deals more and more damage to enemies and to yourself. Attack, Melee, Strike, AoE, Duration, Physical Juggernaut
16 Defiance Banner Defiance Banner Can be used to increase your armour and evasion while reducing the critical strike chance of nearby enemies. AoE, Spell, Duration, Aura, Physical Champion
1 Shield Crush Shield Crush Swipes your shield towards your enemies and sends out forceful waves of damage based on the stats of your shield. Attack, AoE, Melee Gladiator
38 Behead Support Behead Support Can only support Strike skills and is basically like a mini- Headhunter. When your supported Strike slays a rare enemy, you’ll steal one of its modifiers at random for 20 seconds. Support, Melee, Attack, Strike Slayer
28 Storm Rain Storm Rain Fires arrows that stick into the ground. These arrows periodically pulse with lightning damage that arcs to nearby arrows. Attack, AoE, Lightning, Projectile, Bow Raider
31 Focused Ballista Support Focused Ballista Support Causes your Ballistas to focus fire on your target and only fire when you do. Support, Totem Deadeye
28 Explosive Concoction Explosive Concoction Must be used unarmed and throws an explosive projectile at your target. You can enhance this explosion by consuming charges from Ruby, Sapphire or Topaz flasks. Attack, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Projectile Pathfinder
34 Ambush Ambush It is a new Blink skill which teleports you to an enemy, blinds them and exerts your next one-handed melee attack. Spell, Movement, Duration, Travel Assassin
12 Voltaxic Burst Voltaxic Burst Grants a buff which counts down to zero, at which point it detonates, sending out a damaging lightning and chaos explosion. Enemies slain by this explosion will also explode dealing lightning and chaos damage based on a portion of their life. Spell, AoE, Chaos, Lightning, Nova, Duration Trickster
12 Blade Trap Blade Trap You throw out a mechanical device with two copies of your weapon attached. These blades spin rapidly in a circle a set number of times, dealing damage to anything they pass through. Trap, Attack, AoE Saboteur
28 Summon Reaper Summon Reaper It is a new minion that feeds off your other minions (literally). It inflicts bleed on enemies and can be commanded to attack specific locations. Physical, Minion, Spell Necromancer
16 Forbidden Rite Forbidden Rite Fires a barrage of exploding chaos projectiles at nearby enemies while also inflicting damage on you. Spell, AoE, Chaos, Projectile Occultist
28 Eye of Winter Eye of Winter It is a large projectile that fires out a torrent of cold projectiles in a spiral formation as it travels. Spell, Projectile, Cold Elementalist
24 Battlemage’s Cry Battlemage’s Cry Taunts nearby enemies and exerts subsequent attacks, causing them to trigger a linked spell on your next melee hit. Warcry, AoE, Duration Inquisitor
12 Absolution Absolution When  Absolution’s damaging shockwave kills an enemy, it creates a Sentinel of Absolution which also casts its own shockwaves. Spell, Minion, Duration, AoE, Physical, Lightning Hierophant
12 Spectral Helix Spectral Helix Throws out a spectral copy of your weapon which spirals outwards from you. Attack, Projectile Ascendant

PoE 3.14 New Gems

In Path of Exile: Ultimatum, it cotains four new skill gems and four support gems. In line with Ultimatum's Vaal theme, these gems focus on blood - the idea of spending life rather than mana to use your skills. Alongside the new skill and support gems, GGG also made some adjustments to the low life mechanic. Low life, Low Mana and Low Energy Shield now all count as being on 50% or below. This makes it much easier and safer to stay on low life for builds where it matters.

Skill Name Requires Description
Exsanguinate Exsanguinate Level 12 Release several tendrils of blood from your character, targeting enemies in a narrow angle in front of you. The beams deal physical damage and inflict a physical damage over time debuff to enemies, which can stack up to 3 times. Effects which allow skills to chain can apply to these tendrils.
Corrupting Fever Corrupting Fever Level 16 Draw out your own blood to power a buff, lefting you inflict the corrupting blood debuff on enemies you hit, dealing physical damage over time for a shorter secondary duration. The buff’s duration will be refreshed if you spend enough life before it expires.
Petrified Blood Petrified Blood Level 24 Apply a buff that protects the lower half of your life, preventing some of the immediate life loss when damaged by hits and applying the loss over time instead. Your life cannot be raised above low life other than by flasks, and while above low life, skills will cost life as well as mana.
Reap Reap Level 28 A bloody scythe swipes across a selected area, applying a physical damage over time debuff in addition to hitting enemies with physical damage. If enemies survive you gain a blood charge, which raises the damage and cost of the skill.
Lifetap Support Lifetap Support Level 8 Cause supported skills to cost life instead of mana. Once the skill has spent enough life, you gain Lifetap, which multiplies the skill’s damage for a short time.
Cruelty Support Cruelty Support Level 18 Grant a buff which increases the damage over time you deal with supported skills. It also boosts the hit damage from supported skills, and the Cruelty buff gets stronger the harder you hit.
Arrogance Support Arrogance Support Level 31 Cause supported skills to reserve life instead of mana and also provides an increase to the effect of auras that it supports.
Bloodthirst Support Bloodthirst Support Level 31 Add a percentage of your life as physical weapon damage while you’re on low life.

PoE 3.13 New Gems

In Path of Exile: Ritual 3.13 league, it introduces two new gems that provide versatile ways for you to build powerful new characters. These are the Hydrosphere Hydrosphere Skill Gem and the Trinity Support Trinity Support Gem.

Hydrosphere Skill

Hydrosphere Hydrosphere creates a sphere of water, or moves an existing sphere and resets its duration. The sphere continually applies a drenched debuff with a short duration to enemies in its area or those it moves through. You can hit the sphere with other skills to inflict Cold and Lightning Ailments (other than Chill). The sphere pulses when created, at regular intervals while afflicted by an Ailment, and after moving, damaging all drenched enemies in a large area.

PoE Hydrosphere Skill

Trinity Support

Trinity Support Trinity Support gem supports skills that hit enemies, causing them to gain bonuses while you have resonance of all three elements, and to grant resonance of elements other than the highest one in a hit. Cannot support triggered skills, instant skills, orb skills, brands, skills which reserve mana, or skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

PoE Trinity Support

PoE Heist 3.12 New Skills

Path of Exile 3.12 contains new Skills and Support Gems, revamps of Curses, Steel Skills, and some Spells.

Level New Skill Tag Description
Level 1 Splitting Steel Splitting Steel Attack, Projectile, AoE, Physical Consume a Steel Shard to fire a single projectile that splits on impact or at the targeted location, dealing area damage when it splits and again when the split projectiles explode at the end of their flight. Requires a Sword or Axe. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.
Level 4, 16 Int Flame Wall Flame Wall Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire Create a wall of fire for a duration, which deals burning damage to everything in its area. Each enemy that enters the wall also receives a secondary burning debuff which persists for a short duration after leaving the wall. Any projectiles fired through the wall by you and allies deal added fire damage and apply the wall's secondary debuff on hit.
Level 12, 33 Int Blazing Salvo Blazing Salvo Spell, AoE, Fire, Projectile Fires projectiles which fly in an arc, exploding on impact with either enemies or the ground near where you target. Targeting farther away causes the projectiles to spread out and land over a wider area.
Level 12, 14 Str, 21 Dex Shattering Steel Shattering Steel Attack, Projectile, AoE, Physical Swing an Axe or Sword, consuming Steel Shards to gain a Steel Ward that protects you for a duration, and fire projectiles which shatter on impact or soon after being launched, dealing area damage in front of where they shatter. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.
Level 28, 29 Str, 42 Dex Lancing Steel Lancing Steel Attack, Projectile, Physical Thrust an Axe or Sword forward, consuming your Steel Shards to form a cluster of shards in front of you. The cluster will fire a number of projectiles in sequence, aiming at enemies in front of or close to it. Steel Shards are gained with the Call of Steel Skill.
Level 28, 67 Int Firestorm Firestorm Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire Flaming bolts rain down over the targeted area. They explode when landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Level 28, 67 Int Glacial Cascade Glacial Cascade Spell, AoE, Cold, Physical Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area and knocking them back in the direction of the next burst.
Level 28, 67 Int Crackling Lance Crackling Lance Spell, AoE, Lightning Release a beam which deals lightning damage to enemies in a long area in front of you, and has several smaller beams branch off from it at an angle, hitting more enemies to the sides.
Level 28, 67 Int Hexblast Hexblast Spell, AoE, Chaos, Hex Deals chaos damage to a single enemy, dealing more damage if they are Hexed, then removes the Hex with the highest Doom. If a Hex was removed this way, also deals area damage to other enemies around the target, boosting damage and removing Hexes from those enemies in the same way.
Level 31, 52 Int Impending Doom Support Impending Doom Support Support, Hex, Spell, AoE, Chaos Supports hex curse skills, causing them to trigger Doom Blast when the hex ends. Cannot support curse skills which are triggered or applied as an aura.
Level 31, 23 Dex, 33 Int Pinpoint Support Pinpoint Support Support, Projectile, Spell Supports projectile spells you cast yourself. Cannot support triggered skills, Vaal skills, instant skills, channelling skills, skills which reserve mana, or skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.
Level 31, 52 Int Elemental Penetration Support Elemental Penetration Support Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy elemental resistances.
Level 34, 35 Dex, 50 Int Frost Shield Frost Shield Spell, AoE, Duration, Cold Place a Frost Shield that drains your energy shield for one second or until you run out, gaining stages while this drain occurs. The Frost Shield takes some damage from hits in place of you and allies while in its area. Enemies in the area are Chilled. You can only have one Frost Shield active at once.
Level 34, 79 Int Void Sphere Void Sphere Spell, AoE, Duration, Physical, Chaos Creates a Void Sphere which Hinders enemies in an area around it, with the debuff being stronger on enemies closer to the sphere. It also regularly releases pulses of area damage. The Void Sphere will consume the corpses of any enemies which die in its area. Can only have one Void Sphere at a time.
Level 34, 79 Int Sigil of Power Sigil of Power Spell, AoE, Duration, Lightning Places a Sigil on the ground, which grants a buff to you and allies in the area around it for a duration. The Sigil gains stages as you spend mana in its area, making the buff more powerful. You can only have one Sigil of Power at a time.

Skill Gems Starter Guide

In Path of Exile, all of your skills (other than your default attack) come from items called ‘skill gems’. Skill gems must be socketed into your equipped weapons and armour in order for you to be able to use the skill they grant. It doesn’t matter which item the gem is socketed into, but the socket has to match the colour of the gem. In other words, red skill gems can go in red sockets, and can’t go in blue or green sockets.

PoE Skill Gems Beginner

Support gems work very similarly to skill gems, except they don’t grant you a skill by themselves. Instead, support gems can augment the skill gems they are linked to. Not all skill and support gems work together; You can’t use a ‘Melee Physical Damage Support Melee Physical Damage Support’ with a spell, for example.

For a support gem to properly augment a skill gem, both the skill and support gems must be socketed in linked sockets. If they aren’t linked, the support will have no effect.

You can tell whether or not your support gem is affecting your skill gem by looking at the on-screen skill icon. Properly linked support gems add a little letter to the skill icon on the user interface. Most support gems also change the mana cost of the skills they’re supporting.

PoE Skill Gems Beginner Guide

PoE Skill Gems Guide

You can add or remove your skill and support gems at any time, so don’t be afraid to experiment with strange gem combinations.

Skill Gems Requirements and Restrictions

Support and skill gems, like other items, have level and attribute requirements. Unlike other items, gems can level up, and when a gem levels up, its level and attribute requirements can change. If you level a gem past the point that you can use it, or if your attributes change and disable a gem, the entire item the gem is socketed in will also be disabled. That means it’s worth checking whether or not you should level up gems that don’t require your primary attributes. Sometimes it’s better not to level up a gem!

Skill Gems Requirements

A skill gem’s features can change when it levels up, including the requirements to use it.

You may find that you want to use the same support gem for multiple skills. Simply socket that support in the same item as the skills you wish to support and make sure they are all linked. The support gem doesn’t have to be adjacent to the skill gems you want to support; they just have to all be part of the same group of linked sockets. You may also find that you want the same skill to be supported by multiple support gems. The requirements for this are the same.

Supports That Change Skill Source

Some support gems will significantly change the way the supported skills behave. A spell supported by the ‘Spell Totem’ support will now summon a totem to cast the spell for you, and you won’t be able to cast the spell yourself. The same is true for the ‘Trap’ and ‘Remote Mine Remote Mine’ supports.

Supports That Change Skill Source

Triggerable Supports

Some support gems can be used to trigger a skill automatically. The ‘Cast on Critical Strike Support’ gem casts the spells it is supporting whenever you get a critical strike with an attack it is also supporting. Any spell supported this way can only be triggered and can no longer be cast manually, similar to how the Spell Totem Support Spell Totem Support works. Skills being supported by multiple trigger gems won’t work at all. Keep this in mind when deciding which skills and supports you want to use.

PoE Triggerable Supports

Path of Exile Guides & Tips