There is no new class in Diablo 4 Season 2. The name of Diablo 4 season 2 is Season of Blood. It starts October 17.
Season 2 Class Balance Updates
Developer’s Note: The loot chase to find an item with ideal stats for your build is core to the Diablo experience. We want to encourage increased diversity in itemization and make creating your build more interesting. To achieve this, we are adding a variety of ways for Classes to scale with specific stats in interesting ways, particularly through using Key Passives and Paragon. For example, Barbarian’s Hemorrhage Legendary Paragon Node will now multiplicatively increase your Bleeding damage by a portion of your Damage to Vulnerable Enemies stat. The remainder of the Class changes were aimed at improving underused Skills, Legendary Aspects, and powers, as well as addressing other pressing issues. For example, we have reworked several Paragon Glyphs for the Sorcerer and Necromancer, who did not have appropriate places on their Paragon Boards to properly utilize these Glyphs.
1. Barbarian Class Season 2 Changes
The bonus damage granted while Berserking is active is now multiplicative instead of additive.
Enhanced Bash
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Damage increased from 0.7 to 0.77.
Furious Upheaval
Bonus damage per stack increased from 5% to 12%.
Maximum number of stacks reduced from 10 to 6.
Strategic Rallying Cry
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Strategic Iron Skin
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Mighty War Cry
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Supreme Wrath of the Berserker
Maximum damage bonus is now x100% bonus damage.
Enhanced Rupture
Additional functionality: This damage is increased by x10% for each 50 Strength you have.
Warrior’s Rupture
Attack Speed increased from 30% to 40%.
Fighter’s Rupture
Healing increased from 18% to 22% Maximum Life.
Endless Fury
Fury gain increased from 5/10/15% to 7/14/21%.
Imposing Presence
Maximum life amount increased from 5/10/15% to 6/12/18%.
Martial Vigor
Damage Reduction against Elites increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.
Thick Skin
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Previous: Two-Handed Slashing Weapon attacks have up to a 8% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
New: Each time you make an enemy Vulnerable, your damage is increased by 10% for 5 seconds. Overpowering a Vulnerable enemy grants an additional 10% bonus for 5 seconds.
Bone Breaker
Previous: Overpowers with your Two- Handed Bludgeoning Weapon Stun enemies for 1 second and grant you 20% of your Maximum Life (273) as Fortify.
New: Every 12 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.
Flawless Technique
Duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds.
Critical Strike Chance maximum amount increased from 5 to 8%.
Attack Speed maximum amount increased from 8% to 16%.
Fortify amount increased from 12% to 15% maximum Life.
Weapons Master
Previous: Swapping weapons grants you 3 Fury.
New: Swapping weapons grants you 4% of your Maximum Fury.
Previous: Enemies that have been affected by your Bleeding for 3 or more seconds take 12% (multiplicative damage) [x] increased damage from you.
New: Your Bleeding damage is increased by 15% [x] of the total amount of your Damage to Vulnerable Enemies bonus.
Blood Rage
Additional Functionality: Your damage dealt is increased by 25% [x] of the total amount of your Damage while Berserking bonus.
Legendary Aspects
Of Ancestral Force
Previous: Hammer of the Ancients quakes outwards, dealing 32-50% of its damage to enemies.
New: Hammer of the Ancients quakes outward and its damage is increased by 5-15%.
Developer’s Note: Instead of containing a separate source of damage, this aspect now directly increases the total damage and Area of Effect of Hammer of the Ancients.
Earthstriker’s Aspect
Weapon Swap requirement for Overpower attack reduced from 10 to 8.
Adjusted functionality: Overpower proc now happens on your next non-Basic Attack.
Unique Items
Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus
Damage to Vulnerable Enemies affix replaced with Maximum Fury at 150% of normal value.
Damage per Fury increased from 0.1-0.3% to 0.2-0.4%.
Non-Physical Damage affix increased by 120%.
Critical Strike Damage affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of Upheaval.
Damage to Burning Enemies affix increased by 150%.
Ancient’s Oath
Damage to Slowed Enemies affix replaced with Damage to Close Enemies.
The Unique Power Has been Adjusted
Previous: Steel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies hit by Steel Grasp are slowed by 55-65% for 3 seconds.
New: Steel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies that have been pulled by Steel Grasp take x30-x50% bonus damage from you for 3 seconds.
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies affix replaced with Ranks of Death Blow.
Fields of Crimson
Bonus Ranks of Rupture affix replaced with Rupture Cooldown Reduction at 200% of normal value.
Battle Trance
Bonus Ranks of Frenzy affix increased by 100%.
Damage Reduction While Injured affix replaced with bonus Maximum Fury.
100,000 Steps
Dexterity affix increased by 100%.
Damage with Skills That Swap to New Weapons affix increased by 50%.
Cooldown for free Ground Stomp reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.
Rage of Harrogath
Damage Reduction From Bleeding Enemies affix increased by 15%.
Gohr’s Devastating Grips
Non-Physical Damage affix replaced with Damage.
Attack Speed affix replaced with Critical Strike Chance Against Close Enemies.
Developer’s Note: Improving the Attack Speed of Whirlwind is a fantasy we want players to be able to chase. However, the interaction between the stat and Skill is inconsistent. We are replacing the Affix so it is more functional.
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Poison Damage affix replaced with Damage at 140% of normal value.
Physical Damage affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
Insatiable Fury
Overpower Damage affix increased by 100%.
Total Armor while in Werebear Form affix increased by 180%.
Storm’s Companion
Ranks of Wolves affix increased by 66%.
Companion Skill Damage affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
Potion Drop Rate affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
Damage While Shapeshifted Affix increased by 100%.
Damage While Healthy Affix replaced with Core Skill Damage.
The damage dealt to Poisoned enemies from Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl is now increased by x10% for each 100 Willpower you have.
Hunter’s Zenith
Damage While Shapeshifted affix increased by 60%.
Bonus Ranks of the Quickshift Passive affix increased by 200%.
Critical Strike Damage with Wolf Skills affix replaced with Critical Strike Chance.
Overpower Damage with Bear Skills affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of the Heightened Senses Passive.
Fierce Earth Spike
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Enhanced Maul
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Passive damage increased from .2 to .24.
Active Damage increased from 1.6 to 2.5.
Enhanced Ravens
Bonus Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 8%.
Damage increased from 1.1 to 1.4.
Spread speed increased by 50%.
Natural Rabies
Spread Speed bonus reduced from 100% to 50%.
Developer’s Note: Actual spread speed remains unchanged due to base spread speed increase for Rabies.
Preserving Earthen Bulwark
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Enhanced Debilitating Roar
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Ferocious Wolf Pack
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Knockback distance reduced by 10%.
Natural Trample
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Supreme Grizzly Rage
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Ancestral Fortitude
You gain +5/10/15% Resistance to All Elements.
Charged Atmosphere
Interval for Lightning Bolts reduced from 18/15/12 seconds to 14/11/8 seconds.
Electric Shock
Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize increased from 5/10/15% to 8/16/24%.
Bonus damage to Immobilized enemies increased from 6/12/18% to 7/14/21%.
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Thick Hide
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Nature’s Resolve
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Natural Fortitude
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Nature’s Fury
Casting an Earth Skill has a 30% chance to trigger a free Storm Skill of the same category, and vice versa. These free Skills count as both Earth and Storm Skills.
Ursine Strength
While Healthy, deal 25% (multiplicative damage) [x] increased damage, and 25%[x] increased Overpower damage.
Lupine Ferocity
The guaranteed Critical Strike’s bonus damage is increased to 140% [x] against Injured enemies.
Legendary Aspects
Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast
Critical Strike Damage bonus amount now has a maximum of 200%.
Earthen Devastation
Previous: Your Earth Skills deal 30% [x] increased damage to enemies afflicted by Crowd Control.
New: Earth Skills deal 10%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage, increased by 25%[x] of the total amount of your Bonus Damage to Crowd Controlled up to 40%[x].
Previous: Storm Skills deal 30%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage against Vulnerable or Immobilized enemies.
New: Storm Skills deal bonus damage equal to 50%[x] of the total amount of your Damage to Close and Damage to Distant bonuses.
3. Necromancer Class Season 2 Changes
The Skeletal Warriors Inherit Thorns, Skeletal Mages Inherit Thorns, and Golem Inherits Thorns affixes have been combined into a single Affix: Minions Inherit Thorns.
A new Affix has been added: Minions Inherit Critical Strike Chance.
Cooldown Reduction can now appear on Shields.
Shields now have an Armor Value determined by their Item Power.
Blood Orbs now also heal your Minions for 15% of your Maximum Life when picked up.
Prime Army of the Dead
Chance to leave behind a Corpse increased from 15% to 100%.
Initiate’s Hemorrhage
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Supernatural Blood Surge
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Dreadful Blood Mist
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Dreadful Bone Prison
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Decompose time to make a Corpse reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.
Death’s Defense
Previous: Your minions cannot lose more than 60/45/30% of their Maximum Life from a single Damage Instance.
New Functionality: Your Minions gain +4/8/12% Armor and 8/16/24% Resistance to All Elements.
Developer’s Note: We’ve redesigned the Death’s Defense passive, and its previous functionality, when at max Rank, now serves as a baseline for all Minions.
Now applies to your Shadow damage, rather than Darkness skills.
The first bonus now applies to Chilled enemies, and its second bonus applies to Frozen enemies.
Stand Alone
The description for this Passive has been updated to: Increases Damage Reduction by 6/12/18% when you have no minions. Each active minion reduces this bonus by 2%.
Drain Vitality
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Necrotic Carapace
Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
Rathma’s Vigor
Previous: Increase your Maximum Life by 10% [x]. After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood skill Overpowers.
New: After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood Skill Overpowers. This timer is reduced by 2 seconds each time Blood Orbs Heal or Overheal you for an amount greater than or equal to your base Life.
Previous: Shadow Damage infects enemies with Shadowblight for 2 seconds. You and your minions deal 10% [x] bonus damage to enemies with Shadowblight. Every 10th time an enemy receives Shadow damage from you or your Minions while they are affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 22% Shadow Damage.
New: Shadow damage infects enemies with Shadowblight for 2 seconds. Every 10th time an enemy receives Shadow damage from you or your Minions while they are affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 22% Shadow damage. Shadowblight’s damage is increased by 100% [x] of your Shadow Damage over Time bonus.
Previous: Blood Orbs also Heal your Minions for 20%/40%/60% of their heal amount.
New: Lucky Hit: Blood Skills have a 3/6/9% chance on hit to spawn a Blood Orb. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. This chance is doubled against bosses.
Developer’s Note: We’ve reworked the Transfusion passive. Its previous functionality is now the default effect of blood orbs.
Gruesome Mending
Previous: While below 50% life, you receive 10%/20%/30% Healing from all sources.
New: Receive 10/20/30%+ more Healing from all sources.
Inspiring Leader
Healthy duration requirement reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.
Ossified Essence
Damage % per Essence past 50 reduced from 1.0% to 0.5%.
Bonded in Essence
Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds.
Developer’s Note: This is an adjustment to match the update to Skeletal Priests, which can be seen below.
Book of the Dead
Skeletal Warrior’s Defenders Sacrifice Bonus has been updated to: You gain +20% Resistance to All Elements, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Warriors.
Skeletal Warrior
Base damage increased from 0.11 to 0.14.
Base damage increased from 0.11 to 0.14.
Basic attack damage increased by 100%.
Blood Golem
Active damage increased from 0.9 to 1.4.
Iron Golem
Active damage increased from 1.75 to 2.
Raise Skeleton
Skeleton Priest duration increased from 5 to 8 seconds, total healing increased from 15% to 25%.
Bone Mage Sacrifice
Overpower Bonus reduced from 40% to 25%.
Mage Paragon Glyph’s Additional Bonus
Previous: Skeletal Mages gain 25% Resistance to All Elements.
New: Minions gain +35% Resistance to All Elements.
Warrior Paragon Glyph’s Additional Bonus
Previous: Skeletal Warriors gain 20% increased Armor.
New: Minions gain +30% increased Armor.
Infused Caster Rare Node
Previous: Skeletal Mages Resistance to All Elements.
New: Minion Resistance to All Elements.
Flesh-horror Rare Node
Previous: Golems Resistance to All Elements.
New: Minion Resistance to All Elements.
"+% Minion Armor" on Paragon Nodes has been increased from +4% to +8% on Rare Nodes and +2% to +4% on Magic Nodes.
+% Skeletal Warriors Armor on Paragon Nodes has been increased from +6.5% to +14% on Rare Nodes and +3.2% to 7% on Magic Nodes.
+% Golems Armor on Paragon Nodes have been increased from +6.5% to +14% on Rare Nodes and +3.2% to 7% Magic Nodes.
+% Total Armor while Golems are Active on Paragon Nodes have been increased from +2% to +6%% on Rare Nodes and +1% to +3% on Magic Nodes.
Hulking Monstrosity Legendary Node
Golem damage increased from 40% to 100%.
Infused Warrior Rare Node
Skeleton Warrior Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
Infused Caster Rare Node
Skeleton Mage Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
Frenzied Golem Rare Node
Golem Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
Mutation’s Golem Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
Infused Golem Rare Node
Golem Damage increased 17% to 25%.
Corporeal Rare Glyph
Previous: Paragon nodes within range gain +40.0% bonus to their Physical damage and damage reduction modifiers.
New: All Magic nodes within range have their effects increased by 150%.
Wither Legendary Node
The description now displays your current chance to trigger and the current value of bonus damage.
Previous: Attacks that are guaranteed to Overpower deal 50% [x] increased Overpower damage.
New: All Overpowered attacks deal 35% [x] increased Overpower damage.
Bone Graft
Maximum Essence per stack reduced from 3 to 2, total Maximum Essence reduced from 24 to 16.
Changed Wither Legendary Node scaling from Willpower to Intelligence.
Changes Darkness Glyph scaling from Willpower to Intelligence.
Change Scourge Glyph scaling from Willpower to Intelligence.
Unique Items
Blood Artisan’s Cuirass
Total Armor affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
Deathless Visage
Total Armor affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
The Echoes left behind by Bone Spear from the Unique power now deal 5% [x] increased damage for every +30% of your Critical Strike Bonus Damage stat.
Damage reduced from 0.28-0.38 to 0.25-0.35.
Bloodless Scream
Damage to Frozen Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Intelligence.
Chill amount for Darkness skills increased from 40 to 100.
The Unique Power has had the following effect added: Darkness Skills deal x20-x50% bonus damage to Frozen enemies.
Deathspeaker’s Pendant
Summoning Skill Damage affix increased by 100%.
Overpower Damage affix replaced with Essence Cost Reduction.
Damage increased from 0.1-0.15 to 0.15-0.2.
Black River
Damage to Healthy Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of All Corpse Skills at up to 1 Rank above normal value.
Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of the Hewed Flesh Passive.
Lidless Wall
Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
Ring of Mendeln
The unique power no longer requires 7 or more minions to be active.
Legendary Aspects
Hulking Aspect
Hulking Aspect will no longer appear on Rings. Instead, it will appear on Helmets, Chest Armor, Boots, Gloves, Amulets, and Shields.
Tidal Aspect
Damage penalty reduced from 60-50% to 50-40%.
Aspect of Empowering Reaper
Blight bonus damage increased from 20-60% to 40-80%.
Aspect of Hardened Bones
No longer requires 7 or more minions.
Aspect of Reanimation
Now affects your Golem as well as your Skeletons.
Coldbringer’s Aspect
Any Skeletal Mages can cast Blizzard, rather than just Cold Skeletal Mages.
Aspect of Potent Blood
Previous: While at Full life, Blood Orbs grant 10-20 Essence.
New: While Healthy, Blood Orbs grant 10-20 Essence.
4. Rogue Class Season 2 Changes
Unique Items
Grasp of Shadow
Bonus Ranks of all Core Skills affix increased by 100%.
Shadow Clone Damage affix increased by 150%.
Damage to Vulnerable Enemies affix replaced with bonus Dexterity.
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies affix replaced with Critical Strike Damage.
Core Skill Damage affix increased by 40%.
Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with bonus Ranks of the Concussive Passive.
Lucky Hit Chance to deal double damage and Knock Back enemies increased from 10-20% to 20-30%.
Previous: The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you had maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast the Skill, gain 20-30 energy. This can only happen once per cast.
New: The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you have the maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast a Core Skill, then that skill gains 10-20% bonus Critical Strike Damage and you gain 5-10 Energy.
Cowl of the Nameless
Maximum Energy affix replaced with bonus Ranks of Imbuement Skills at up to 1 Rank above normal value.
Dexterity affix replaced with Damage Reduction from Close Enemies.
Previous: Penetrating Shot has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Hitting enemies from behind with Penetrating Shot will make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
New: Penetrating Shot has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Damaging 5 enemies with Penetrating Shot will cause your next cast to make enemies hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Eyes in the Dark
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills increased by 150%.
Damage to Elites affix replaced with Maximum Life.
Dodge Chance affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
The Unique Power now additionally increases the damage of Death Trap by 30-50%.
Word of Hakan
Ultimate Skill Damage affix increased by 200%.
Cooldown Reduction affix replaced with Rain of Arrows Cooldown Reduction at 300% of normal value.
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills affix replaced with Movement Speed.
Primary Blade Shift Upgrade
Description has been updated to: While Blade Shift is active, you gain +15% Resistance to All Elements and reduce the duration of incoming Control Impairing effects by 20%."
Blade Shift
Lucky Hit Chance increased from 35% to 50%.
Enhanced Blade Shift now gives the full 20% Movement Speed bonus immediately.
Critical Strike Chance bonus effect increased from 3% to 5% per stack. The cap is still 15%.
Forceful Arrow
Lucky Hit Chance increased from 40% to 50%.
Countering Dark Shroud
Now requires at least 2 active shadows, down from 4, to gain its Critical Strike Chance increase.
Duration increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
Enhanced Smoke Grenade
Damage taken increased from 20% to 25%.
Distance for Damage buff reduced from 15 to 12 meters.
Now increases the damage of your next non-Basic attack.
Victimize’s damage is increased by 120% of your Damage vs Vulnerable bonus.
Close Quarters Combat
Damage Calculation Updated.
Previous: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 10% (additive damage) [+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, you deal 30% [x] increased damage against Crowd Controlled enemies.
New: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 10% [+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, your damage dealt is increased by 40%[x] of the total amount of your Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus.
Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node
Previous: When you attack with an Imbued Skill, you gain 20% Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement’s element for 9 seconds.
New: When you attack with an Imbued Skill, you gain +3% Maximum Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement’s element for 9 seconds.
Pride Rare Glyph
Previous: Paragon nodes within range gain +40.0% bonus to their Physical damage and Damage Reduction modifiers.
New: +125% bonus to all Rare nodes within range.
No Witnesses Legendary Node
Previous: Your Ultimate Skills deal 30% [x] increased damage and grant you 10% [x] increased damage for 20 seconds when cast.
New: Your Ultimate Skills gain an additional 10% [x] damage from your Damage with Ultimate bonus and grant this bonus to all Skills for 8 seconds when cast.
Legendary Aspects
Energizing Aspect
Energy gain when hitting an Elite with a Basic Skill increased from 3-7 to 5-9.
Icy Alchemist’s Aspect
Damage increased from 0.22-0.4 to 0.3-0.48.
Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect
Damage increased from 0.11-0.16 to 0.15-0.2.
Aspect of Volatile Shadows
Damage increased from 0.22-0.27 to 0.3-0.35.
Aspect of Synergy
Agility Skill damage increased from 10-30% to 30-50%.
Aspect of Bursting Venom
No longer requires a Critical Strike.
Lucky Hit chance increased from 10% to 15%.
Toxic pool damage increased from 1.08-1.35 to 1.25-1.52.
5. Sorcerer Class Season 2 Changes
Glinting Fire Bolt
Previous: Critical strikes with Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by 20% for 4 seconds.
New: Fire Bolt increases the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by 25% for 3 seconds.
Bonus damage dealt ramp-up time reduced from 4 to 2 seconds. Total damage remains unchanged.
Enhanced Frozen Orb
Threshold for bonus damage reduced from 50 to 40 Mana.
Maximum distance reduced from 6 to 4.
Additional functionality: Bonus explosion damage is increased to x45% against Elites.
Effect radius increased by 10%.
Wizard’s Ball Lightning
Adjusted the maximum number of Crackling Energy generated per cast from 1 to 2.
Summoned Hydra damage increased from 12% to 60%.
Supreme Currents
Additional Functionality: Crackling Energy pulses 25% faster while Unstable Currents is active.
Potent Warding
Previous: After casting a Non-Basic Skill, you gain 2/4/6% Resistance to All Elements and 1/2/3% additional Resistance to that Skill’s element from 9 seconds.
New: After casting a Non-Basic Skill, you gain +3/6/9% Resistance to All Elements and +1/2/3% Maximum Resistance to that Skill’s element for 9 seconds.
Align the Elements
Additional Functionality: This bonus persists for 2 seconds after taking damage.
Enchanter Glyph
Previous: For each Skill equipped in your Enchantment Slots, gain 13% Resistance to that Skills’ element.
New: For each Skill equipped in your Enchantment Slots, gain +5% Maximum Resistance to that Skill’s element.
Galvanic Catalyst Rare Node
+17% Crackling Energy Damage changed to +10% Lightning Damage.
Surrounding Crackling Energy Damage Magic Nodes changed to +5% Lightning Damage.
Winter Rare Glyph
Previous Bonus: Paragon nodes within range gain +15.0% bonus to their Cold damage and damage reduction modifiers.
New Bonus: Rare Paragon nodes within range gain +125% bonus to their effects.
Searing Heat Legendary Node
Previous: Casting Fireball or Meteor increases the Critical Strike Chance of further casts of that Skill by 5% (additive damage) [+] for 5 seconds, up to 15% [+]. Additional stacks do not refresh this timer.
New: Your Fire skills have their Critical Strike Chance increased by +10% and their Direct Damage is increased by an amount equal to x10% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Fire, up to a maximum of x30%.
Burning Instinct Legendary Node
Previous: Your Burning damage is increased by 40% of your Critical Strike Damage, further increased by 5% for every 20 Intelligence you have.
New: Your Burning damage deals bonus damage equal to x10% of the total amount of your Critical Strike Damage bonus, plus x1% for every 75 Intelligence you have.
Static Surge Legendary Node
Previous: Stunning Close enemies restores 10 mana.
New: After spending 100 Mana, your next cast of Chain Lightning or Charged Bolts makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds and grants you 10% of your maximum Mana. This Mana cost requirement is reduced by Mana Cost Reduction bonuses.
Elemental Summoner Legendary Node
Previous: Your Conjuration Skills have a 5% reduced Cooldown or Mana cost per Conjuration Skill you have equipped.
New: Your Conjuration Skills have 10% reduced Cooldown or Mana cost. They also deal bonus Damage equal to x3% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Cold, Fire, and Lightning.
Frigid Fate Legendary Node
Previous: Dealing Cold damage to Vulnerable enemies increases your Lucky Hit Chance by 1% [+] for 5 seconds up to 15%[+].
New: You deal bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies equal to x10% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Cold, up to a maximum of x30%.
Icefall Legendary Node
Previous: Killing a Frozen enemy grants you 15% of your Maximum Life as a Barrier (236) for 5 seconds.
New: Your Frost skills deal x15% bonus Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable enemies. This bonus is doubled against Frozen enemies who are Vulnerable.
Legendary Aspects
Of Piercing Static (previously Of Static Cling)
The Legendary Power has been swapped with the Staff of Lam Essen.
Previous Power: Your casts of Charged Bolts have a 15-25% chance to be attracted to enemies and last 300% longer.
New Power: Charged Bolts pierce, but deal 60-40% less damage to targets hit after the first.
The Aspect’s name has been changed to Of Piercing Static to reflect its new power.
Of Engulfing Flames
Previous: While enemies are affected by more Damage Over Time than their total life, you deal 30-40% increased burning damage to them.
New: You deal 10-30% bonus Burning damage to enemies who are below 50% of their total Life or 80-100% if they are affected by more Damage Over Time than their total Life.
Unique Items
Staff of Endless Rage
Lucky Hit: Chance to Slow affix replaced with Fire Damage.
The Unique Power now also gives each 3rd cast of Fireball 20-40% bonus damage.
Iceheart Brais
Damage to Injured Enemies affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
Intelligence affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
Esu’s Heirloom
Slow Duration Reduction affix replaced with Critical Strike Damage.
Evade Grants Movement Speed inherent affix duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
Staff of Lam Essen
The Unique Power has been swapped with the Of Static Cling Legendary Aspect.
Previous Power: Charged Bolts pierce but deal 35-25% less damage to targets hit after the first.
New Power: Your cast of Charged Bolts have a 30-50% chance to be attracted to enemies and last 300% longer.
Damage to Injured Enemies replaced with Critical Strike Damage.
Gloves of the Illuminator
Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Resource affix restoration value increased by 50%.
Damage penalty reduced from 45-35% to 35-25%.
Esadora’s Overflowing Cameo
Non-Physical Damage affix replaced with Cooldown Reduction.
Crackling Energy Damage affix increased by 50%.
Lightning Nova’s base damage increased by 100%.
The Lightning Nova deals 50% (multiplicative damage) [x] increased damage for every 100 Intelligence you have.
Ranks of Incinerate affix increased by 50%.
Non-Physical Damage affix replaced with Mana Cost Reduction.
The Oculus
Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Resource affix replaced with Damage at 315% of normal value.