Feed the Coven is a Vampiric Power. It requires 1 Eternity.
There are three Pact types in total: Ferocity, Divinity, and Eternity. Keep your eyes peeled for Chest armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots, and Helms containing Pacts that drop during Season of Blood because they are needed to activate your Vampiric Powers. Once you have both Pact Armor and Vampiric Powers equipped, you’ll need to ensure that the armor you’re wearing provides Pacts that match the activation cost listed on the power.
All Classes can wield any Vampiric Power, and in doing so, they will sculpt your character into a vampire-killing machine.
Driving a stake into the heart of the Dark Master’s plan will require you to wield their same savagery—Vampiric Powers. What was once a forbidden art shall become Sanctuary’s salvation. But to wield it, you’re going to need blood, Potent Blood. Acquired from fallen adversaries, Potent Blood can be spent in the Vampiric Powers tab within the Character menu to unlock a random power or power upgrade. Vampiric Powers can also be unlocked by completing the Seasonal Questline and from the Blood Harvest Seasonal Event.
After learning a Vampiric Power, you can spend Potent Blood in the powers tab to take its might to the next Level. Each power can be upgraded to a maximum of Level 3 and up to five powers can be equipped to your character at a time. When you hover over a Vampiric Power, you’ll notice it displays anywhere between 1–3 symbols and numbers—these are called Pacts and the number is their associated cost. This is where Pact Armor comes into play.