Anomalous Glacial Cascade

1. Anomalous Glacial Cascade

Glacial Cascade Anomalous Glacial Cascade is an Alternate Quality gem of Glacial Cascade Glacial Cascade.

NameAdditional Effects From QualityWeight
Anomalous Glacial Cascade(0–10)% increased Area of Effect100

Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area and knocking them back in the direction of the next burst.

Spell, AoE, Cold, Physical. Level: 1–20. Cost: 10–20 Mana. Cast Time: 0.60 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%. Effectiveness of Added Damage: 65%. Requires Level 28.

  • Deals (21–300) to (32–450) Physical Damage
  • Knocks Enemies Back on Hit
  • 100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
  • Cannot Knockback Unique Enemies more than once per second
    Final Burst Deals 200% more Damage
    Final Burst has 100% more Area of Effect
    Final Burst cannot Knockback
  • Causes 4 Bursts

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

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2. Related Gems

Prime Regrading Lens Prime Regrading Lens currency changes the type of quality of a Anomalous Glacial Cascade skill gem to another random quality.

3. Level Effect

LevelRequires LevelIntelligenceCostDeals 21 to 32 Physical DamageExperience
128671021, 32199,345
231731026, 39285,815
334791132, 48401,344
437851239, 59554,379
540921248, 72477,437
642961355, 82583,786
7441001462, 93710,359
8461041471, 1061,355,511
9481091580, 1201,138,877
10501131591, 1361,368,233
115211716103, 1541,638,338
125412116116, 1741,956,648
135612517131, 1973,655,184
145813017148, 2223,017,327
156013418167, 2507,759,995
166213818188, 28215,138,193
176414218211, 31726,083,825
186614619238, 35762,620,247
196815119267, 401211,708,088
207015520300, 450
217220337, 505
227421378, 567
237621424, 636
247821475, 712
258022532, 798
268222595, 893
278423666, 999
288623745, 1117
298824832, 1249
309024930, 1395
319124983, 1474
3292251039, 1558
3393251098, 1646
3494251160, 1740
3595251225, 1838
3696251294, 1941
3797261367, 2051
3898261444, 2166
3999261525, 2288
40100261610, 2416

4. How to get Anomalous Glacial Cascade?

It can be dropped in the following Heist Blueprints:

Name Heist Target Area Level
 Blueprint: Tunnels Blueprint: Tunnels Unusual Gems 34 – 83
 Blueprint: Repository Blueprint: Repository Unusual Gems 35 – 83

Unusual Gems are Alternate Quality Gems. A gem can have up to three alternate quality: Anomalous, Divergent, Phantasmal.

The target item, inside a Curio Display, will be a selection of Unusual Gems. You can only take one before Lockdown begins.

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