WoW SoD Spirit of the Alpha

Spirit of the Alpha Shaman Rune

Spirit of the Alpha is almost the opposite of Blessing of Salvation and casts a 30-minute buff on a friendly target to increase the threat generated by that target.

Requires Shaman
Requires level 1
Gain the Spirit of the Alpha ability:
Infuses the target with the spirit of an alpha wolf, increasing all threat generated by the target by 45% for 30 min. Limit 1 target.

Spirit of the Alpha Shaman Rune in WoW SoD

The Spirit of the Alpha rune for Shamans in WoW SoD is indeed the opposite of Blessing of Salvation. Instead of reducing threat on a target, it significantly increases the threat generated by the target for 30 minutes. This makes it a valuable tool for tanks and DPS warriors to ensure they hold aggro on enemies and prevent them from attacking the healer or other damage dealers.

Here’s a breakdown of the rune’s effects:

  • Effect: Infuses the target with the spirit of an alpha wolf, increasing all threat generated by the target by 45% for 30 minutes.
  • Target: Can be used on any friendly target, but is primarily used on tanks and DPS warriors.
  • Cooldown: None, can be used as often as needed.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Limit: Can only be applied to one target at a time.


  • Improves tank aggro: This rune is especially helpful for tanks who are struggling to hold aggro on multiple enemies or against bosses with high threat drops.
  • Reduces threat management burden: By applying Spirit of the Alpha to the tank, healers and other DPS can focus on their roles without worrying about stealing aggro.
  • Increases DPS potential: With the tank securely holding aggro, DPS can unleash their full potential without fear of pulling aggro.


  • Target selection: Choose the target carefully to ensure the threat boost goes to the player who needs it most.
  • Overaggro: While increased threat is generally beneficial, too much threat can lead to the tank being focused by the enemy, so use the rune cautiously.
  • Alternative runes: Other runes like Focused Power and Totemic Projection might be more beneficial depending on the specific encounter and raid composition.

Overall, the Spirit of the Alpha rune is a powerful tool for Enhancement Shamans in SoD. It can significantly improve tank aggro and make raid encounters smoother for the entire group. However, it’s important to use it strategically and consider the potential drawbacks before applying it.

I hope this information helps!

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