WoW SoD Hyperconductive Robe

Binds when picked up
Chest Cloth
145 Armor
+10 Stamina
+7 Intellect
+8 Spirit
Durability 80 / 80
Requires Level 40
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 18.

Hyperconductive Wizard’s Attire (0/3)
Hyperconductive Robe
Hyperconductive Walkers
Hyperconductive Skirt

(2) Set : Improves your chance to hit with spells and with melee and ranged attacks by 1%.
(2) Set : +100 Armor.
(3) Set : Chance on spell cast to increase your damage and healing by up to 40 for 10 sec. (Proc chance: 10%)

Ah, the Hyperconductive Robe in WoW SoD! This electrifying garment crackles with potential, promising a surge in spellpower and a chance for explosive bursts of offensive and defensive power. Let’s delve into its magical depths:

Stats and Abilities:

  • Binds when picked up: Once claimed, it becomes your loyal current-carrying companion, amplifying your magical prowess.
  • Chest Cloth: Slots neatly over your torso, ready to channel electrical energies into potent spells and empowering buffs.
  • 145 Armor: Offers decent physical protection, ensuring you’re not a glass cannon despite your focus on magic.
  • +10 Stamina & +7 Intellect & +8 Spirit: Valuable stat boosts for spellcasters, enhancing your survivability, mana pool, and spellpower, respectively.
  • Requires Level 40: Accessible at a pivotal point in your character’s journey, offering a timely upgrade.
  • Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 18. This is the robe’s core power! A potential 18% boost to both your offensive and supportive spells is significant, turning you into a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, whether incinerating foes or mending wounds with newfound potency.

Hyperconductive Synergy:

  • The robe is just one piece of the Hyperconductive Wizard’s Attire, and collecting the full set unlocks even greater potential:
    • (2) Set: Improves your chance to hit with spells and with melee and ranged attacks by 1%. This ensures your spells land more consistently, maximizing the impact of your amplified spellpower.
    • (2) Set: +100 Armor. An additional layer of protection balances your offensive focus with survivability.
    • (3) Set: Chance on spell cast to increase your damage and healing by up to 40 for 10 sec. (Proc chance: 10%). This electrifying bonus adds a layer of randomness and potential for devastating power spikes. Imagine landing a critical heal with this buff active, saving your party at the brink of defeat!

Who are the Hyperconductive Heroes?

  • This robe caters primarily to magic-wielding classes like Mages, Warlocks, and Priests who want to maximize their spell damage and healing output.
  • If you crave the thrill of unleashed magical energies and the potential for explosive power surges, then the Hyperconductive Wizard’s Attire, with the robe as its heart, is definitely worth pursuing.


The Hyperconductive Robe is a potent piece of magical gear in WoW SoD. Its direct spellpower increase, combined with the set bonuses and exciting proc effect, make it a compelling choice for those who want to push their magical abilities to the limit. So, channel your inner conduit, embrace the electrical potential, and prepare to unleash powerful spells and electrifying surges of energy as you illuminate the battlefield with your arcane prowess!

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