WoW Classic SoD Void Touched

In the shadowy corners of WoW Classic Season of the Dragonflight, a mysterious power known as the Void has touched certain items, imbuing them with extraordinary abilities and a touch of darkness.

Here’s what you need to know about Void-Touched gear in SoD:

Crafted Epics:

  • Four distinct pieces of Void-Touched gear can be crafted by skilled artisans of Blacksmithing, Tailoring, and Leatherworking.

  • To create them, you’ll need:

    • A rare base item crafted by the respective profession.
    • A Shard of the Void, obtained through a quest chain involving Blackfathom Deeps.
    • An Elixir of Coalesced Regret, crafted by Alchemists.
  • These items boast exceptional stats and unique effects, often involving procs that drain life from enemies or enhance your own dark powers.

Visually Striking:

  • Void-Touched gear bears a distinct visual aesthetic, often featuring swirling void tendrils, haunting runes, or eerie glows.

  • They can add a touch of menace and mystery to your character’s appearance, setting you apart from the crowd.

Powerful but Chaotic:

  • The Void’s influence is not without its risks.
  • Some Void-Touched items may come with drawbacks or unpredictable effects, challenging you to harness their power while managing the risks.

Obtaining Void-Touched Gear:

  • Crafting the items yourself or acquiring them from other players through trade or the auction house are the primary ways to obtain Void-Touched gear.
  • Be prepared to invest time and resources into acquiring them, as their rarity and power make them highly sought-after.

If you dare to embrace the Void’s whispers and wield its power, Void-Touched gear can grant you remarkable strength in your SoD adventures. But remember, the Void is not to be trifled with. Tread carefully, adventurer.

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