Grave Robber King Puru – Undecember

Grave Robber King Puru

✔ There is a chance of encountering Grave Robber King Puru carrying around a large sack while hunting out in the fields.
✔ When approached, the Grave Robber King will notice the player and start running away.
✔ Attack Puru to make it drop either Gold, Elements and Essences.
✔ If Puru is not defeated within a certain period of time after it notices the player, Puru will run away forever.

✔ Defeating Puru has a chance of opening a portal that leads to Puru’s Hideout.
– You can earn a massive amount of either Gold, Essence or Element from the Hideout.
– Defeating monsters or destroying objects in the Hideout drop rewards appropriate for the type of Hideout.
– Opening the Final Vault from the Hideout will automatically open up a Return Portal that will return you back to the original field.
– The Mission Progress is shared inside the Hideout if it was entered from a Chaos Dungeon.


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