PoE Treats Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

Treats Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

Family ElementalPenetration
Domains Item (1)
GenerationType Unique (3)
Req. level 1
  • local treat enemy resistances as negated on elemental damage hit Min: 1 Max: 1 Local
  • Craft Tags elemental_damage damage elemental
    • Most modifiers simply convert a positive value into a negative one.
      • Minimum Charge modifiers such as +1 to Minimum Frenzy Charges Reflect into -1 to Minimum Frenzy Charges, which functionally have no downsides as long as you do not have other sources of Minimum Charges.
    • Certain modifiers cannot have negative versions, and instead have a thematically similar modifier. For example, modifiers that add flat damage to your Attacks instead add flat damage to Attacks against You, rather than reducing flat damage to your Attacks.
      • Life loss modifiers (inverted Life Regen) cannot be converted into ES loss via Zealot’s Oath or Pious Path as loss is fundamentally different from regen.
    • Some negative mod can be beneficial.
      • -#% to Lightning Resistance allows characters to cap -200% Lightning Resistance for Doryani’s Prototype, even in combination with Lightning Resistance reductions like Tempered by War.
      • #% increased Effect of Curses on you is strong for self-cursing builds that use Temporal Chains to prolong buff effect on yourself.
      • #% reduced Projectile Speed is strong for skills like Rolling Magma for repeated hits on an enemy, or Spectral Helix to make the projectile last (and hit) for an extremely long duration (as projectile duration is based on distance, but the skill can hit at fixed time intervals).
      • #% reduced Area of Effect is strong for skills that hit randomly in an area like Rain of Arrows and Toxic Rain as it allows more area overlaps to hit the same target.
      • Shock yourself for # Seconds when you Focus can be used together with Lethe Shade to self-shock with full uptime.
      • -#% of Physical Damage converted to X Damage functions as a #% more Damage multiplier to skills that only deal Physical Damage.
      • Small amounts of Life or ES loss allows a character to benefit fully from "while Leeching" mechanics.
      • Increased mana cost modifiers can be useful for mana-stacking builds, Archmage Support, or Kitava’s Thirst
    • Certain modifiers do not have a negative counterpart:
      • Aspect Skills e.g. Grants Level 20 Aspect of the Avian Skill
      • Metamod crafts e.g. Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
      • Trigger Level 10 Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill – Crafted amulet mod Jorgin’s
      • Warcries cannot Exert Travel Skills – Crafted ring/amulet mod of Control
      • Light Radius is based on Energy Shield instead of Life – Crafted ring mod of Craft
      • Cannot be Shocked or Ignited while moving – Legacy Delve ring mod of the Underground
      • Cannot be Chilled or Frozen while moving – Legacy Delve amulet mod of the Underground

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