Torchlight Infinite Whirlwind Blade

Whirlwind Blade

Casting this skill fires a permanently penetrating projectile in the designated direction, dealing damage every 0.25 seconds, with this interval benefiting from cast speed bonuses. Multiple projectiles can hit the same target, and the shotgun effect’s decay coefficient for this skill is 75%.

The projectile’s flight distance is fixed, but it will stop in place upon hitting an elite enemy.

After persisting for 3 seconds or upon recasting this skill, the projectiles are retracted, and new projectiles can only be fired once all existing ones have been retracted.

Here’s a breakdown with some insights and strategic approaches:

Key Features:

  • Permanently Penetrating Projectiles: Launches projectiles in a chosen direction that pierce through enemies, dealing damage every 0.25 seconds (affected by cast speed).
  • Multiple Hit and Damage Decay: Multiple projectiles can strike the same target, but their damage decreases progressively for subsequent hits (75% decay coefficient).
  • Elite Enemy Collision: Projectiles stop upon hitting elite enemies, focusing damage on them.
  • Duration and Retraction: Projectiles persist for 3 seconds or until recast, then retract before new ones can be fired.

Strategic Implications:

  • Sustained Damage and Focus Fire: The continuous projectile stream offers persistent damage against groups of enemies and can focus down elite enemies upon collision.
  • Positioning and Targeting: Choosing the optimal launch direction is crucial for maximizing AoE coverage and hitting valuable targets.
  • Cast Speed Optimization: Higher cast speed reduces the damage interval, increasing overall DPS and potentially mitigating shotgun effect reduction.
  • Retraction Management: Understanding the retraction timing can help optimize damage against specific targets or avoid accidentally triggering it early.

Potential Build Considerations:

  • Area of Effect Enhancement: Skills or equipment that expand the projectile’s spread or increase projectile count can boost AoE damage.
  • Elite Enemy Focus: Skills or gear that highlight elites or offer bonuses against them can synergize well with the collision mechanic.
  • Mobility Options: Maneuvering around the battlefield to optimize projectile direction and target selection can be crucial.
  • Cast Speed Enhancers: Skills, equipment, or talents that boost cast speed can significantly improve the damage output and efficiency of Whirlwind Blade.

Overall, Whirlwind Blade appears to be a versatile skill with both sustained AoE damage and elite-focused burst potential. By understanding its mechanics and employing strategic positioning and build synergies, you can unleash its full power and carve through enemies like a whirlwind of steel.

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

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