Torchlight Infinite Shadow Dance

Shadow Dance New Legendary Gear

Legendary Gear



Shadow Dance


+ (60 – 75)% Movement Speed
Gain a stack of Wilt every 0.1 seconds with a base damage of (30 – 30) when an Elite is nearby.

The "Shadow Dance" Legendary Shoes in Torchlight Infinite offer a potent combination of mobility and DoT damage focused specifically on Elite enemies. Let’s dive into their features and unlock their strategic potential:

Supercharged Speed:

  • Provides a massive +60-75% Movement Speed boost. This significantly enhances your agility and maneuverability, allowing you to zip around the battlefield, dodge enemy attacks, reposition strategically, and chase down Elite targets with ease.

Elite-Triggered DoT:

  • You gain a stack of Wilt every 0.1 seconds with a base damage of 30 when an Elite enemy is nearby. This translates to rapid application of DoT damage specifically against your most challenging adversaries, potentially stacking up significant damage over time.

Strategic Implications:

  • Elite Hunter: These shoes encourage an aggressive playstyle focused on seeking out and engaging Elite enemies. The movement speed boost helps you close the gap and the Wilt DoT ticks away at their health, making you a potent threat to even the toughest foes.
  • DoT Synergy: Consider skills and equipment that further enhance DoT effects, like increasing Wilt damage, duration, or stacking, to maximize the benefit of the rapid poison application against Elites.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: The agility offered by the movement speed boost facilitates hit-and-run tactics. Apply Wilt with quick attacks or DoT-inflicting skills, dodge away to avoid retaliation, and let the poison do its work while you reposition for the next strike.

Potential Benefits and Drawbacks:


  • Unmatched mobility for dodging attacks and engaging Elites.
  • Rapid DoT application against high-value targets.
  • Versatility for various DoT-focused builds.


  • Limited effectiveness against non-Elite enemies.
  • Requires strategic positioning and target selection.
  • May not be optimal for builds not focused on DoT or Elite encounters.

Overall, the "Shadow Dance" Legendary Shoes offer a thrilling and empowering option for Elite-slaying adventurers in Torchlight Infinite. By understanding their mechanics and tailoring your build and tactics around their strengths, you can become a swift and deadly poisoner, weaving through the battlefield and leaving a trail of DoT-ridden Elites in your wake.

Remember, experimentation is key! Don’t hesitate to try different DoT skills, tactics, and equipment combinations to find the optimal way to unleash the Shadow Dance’s potential and dance through the ranks of your enemies with poisonous agility.

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

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