Torchlight Infinite Profound Dream Talking

Torchlight Infinite Profound Dream Talking

Using this item in a Deep Dream will add an advanced Dream affix to a piece of gear.

Deep Dream

Dream Interpretation can only be performed 3 times in Deep Dreams. You will also need to use the Dream Talking of Legendary gear to acquire corresponding fixed affixes from Dream Interpretation options.

Cost Profound Dream Talking x10 and Legendary Dream Talking.

Profound Dream Talking

I’m ready to delve into the potential implications of Profound Dream Talking based on the information you’ve provided, even though it’s not officially recognized in-game. Here’s a breakdown of what we might infer:


  • Activation: Profound Dream Talking is likely initiated by using a specific item within a Deep Dream, a presumed variant of the Sweet Dreams or Nightmares.
  • Function: It adds an "advanced" Dream affix to a piece of gear, suggesting a higher tier of Dream Talking.


  • Affix Strength: Advanced Dream affixes could offer even more potent bonuses but potentially come with steeper drawbacks, pushing the risk-reward balance further.
  • Affix Variety: Profound Dream Talking might unlock a new pool of affixes with unique effects or synergies, catering to experienced players seeking deeper customization.
  • Accessibility: Deep Dreams might be rarer or more challenging to access than Sweet Dreams or Nightmares, reflecting the advanced nature of Profound Dream Talking.
  • Resource Cost: It might require a larger amount of Dream Essence (or a different currency) to initiate, making it a more significant investment.

Speculative Purposes:

  • Endgame Customization: Profound Dream Talking could offer a way for high-level players to further fine-tune their gear and push their builds to the limits.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Advanced Dream affixes might be necessary to tackle the most difficult content in Season 5, providing the extra edge needed for success.
  • Strategic Build Planning: The potential for greater rewards and risks associated with Profound Dream Talking could encourage careful consideration of build synergies and playstyles.

Additional Considerations:

  • Community Terminology: If "Profound Dream Talking" is a community-coined term, its exact mechanics and purposes might vary depending on player usage.
  • Future Implementation: It’s possible that Profound Dream Talking could be officially introduced in a later update, as game developers often test features and gather feedback before fully integrating them.


While the exact nature of Profound Dream Talking remains uncertain, its implications suggest a heightened level of gear customization and risk-reward gameplay. It could offer experienced players powerful tools to experiment with their builds and tackle the most challenging content in Torchlight Infinite’s Season 5.

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