Torchlight Infinite Leveling Gear

When it comes to leveling gear in Torchlight Infinite, the key is balancing efficiency with power progression. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Early Game:

  • Focus on stats that offer immediate benefits: Prioritize things like increased damage, attack speed, movement speed, and maximum energy/mana for smoother clearing and easier exploration.
  • Utilize common and uncommon gear: Don’t get too attached to low-level rares or epics. Regularly replace your equipment with higher-level common and uncommon drops as you progress.
  • Craft simple gear: Crafting can be a decent way to fill in gaps and get some stat boosts early on, especially with easily obtainable crafting materials.
  • Don’t overspend: Resist the urge to dump valuable resources like Festering Ember on low-level upgrades. Save those for higher-level gear and endgame crafting.

Mid Game:

  • Start incorporating rare and epic gear: When you reach level 40-50, start looking for rares and epics with good synergies for your build. Prioritize stats that complement your core skills and damage types.
  • Consider resistances: As you encounter tougher enemies, some resistances become important. Look for gear that offers relevant resistances to mitigate incoming damage from specific enemy types.
  • Utilize the Auction House: Check the Auction House for decent leveling gear deals before investing resources in crafting. You might find bargains that boost your power significantly.
  • Balance stat optimization with level requirements: Don’t get hung up on finding the perfect piece of gear for your level. It’s better to move on and equip higher-level items with slightly less optimal stats, as the level boost often outweighs the stat difference.

Late Game:

  • Invest in crafting and enchanting: By the time you reach level 80-100, crafting and enchanting become vital for acquiring endgame-viable gear. Focus on maximizing synergy between your chosen build and crafting recipes.
  • Target specific affixes and modifiers: Look for gear with affixes and modifiers that directly enhance your core skills, damage types, and critical mechanics.
  • Utilize Path of the Brave rewards: Gear acquired through Path of the Brave runs offers excellent endgame options. Prioritize these rewards for further power progression.
  • Trade strategically: The Auction House becomes even more important here. Look for valuable drops to sell and use the earnings to acquire desirable high-level gear for your build.

General Tips:

  • Set your loot filter: Filter out useless items to make navigating your inventory and identifying potential upgrades easier.
  • Regularly update your gear: Don’t get too attached to any one piece of gear. Replace outdated items with better options whenever available.
  • Remember, it’s not just about stats: Consider the unique effects and abilities of certain gear pieces and how they can synergize with your build or playstyle.
  • Have fun with the process!: Experimenting with different gear combinations and exploring the possibilities is part of the enjoyment in Torchlight Infinite.

By balancing efficiency and power progression, you can ensure your leveling journey in Torchlight Infinite is smooth, rewarding, and prepares you for the challenges of the endgame!

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

Guides & Tips