Torchlight Infinite Joystick


The question of joystick support in Torchlight Infinite depends on your platform:


  • Torchlight Infinite does not currently have official controller support on PC. However, some players use third-party tools like Steam’s controller mapping or programs like AntiMicroX to map controller buttons to keyboard and mouse inputs. This can be a workaround, but with potential limitations and adjustments needed.


  • Torchlight Infinite supports controllers on mobile devices that offer controller compatibility like the Backbone One. Gameplay is designed for touch controls, but controller support allows for a different control scheme for those who prefer it.

General Considerations:

  • Even with controller support on mobile, some UI elements and menus might still require touch interaction.
  • The game’s design and skill targeting might be more optimized for mouse and keyboard on PC, especially for aiming certain skills.
  • Keep in mind that controller support on PC is unofficial and might not be fully optimized or supported by the developers.


  • If you prefer playing with a controller on PC, explore third-party mapping tools and experiment to find settings that work for you.
  • Consider the potential limitations of controller support on PC and whether it aligns with your desired control scheme.
  • On mobile, utilize controller support if available, but be prepared for potential limitations and the advantage of touch controls for specific menu interactions.

Remember, the developers might offer official controller support on PC in the future, so keep an eye out for updates and announcements. I hope this clarifies the current situation regarding joystick support in Torchlight Infinite!

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

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