Torchlight Infinite Harmonious Field

Harmonious Field

This skill requires channeling to cast.

After channeling ends, sentries within a certain area around the caster gain Euphoria: an additional +20% (at level 20) damage, lasting for 3 seconds. For every channeled stack, this skill gains an additional +33% to its Empower effect.

If the channeling stacks reach the upper limit when channeling ends, the affected sentries also gain +3 seconds to their duration.

I can help you analyze the "Harmonious Field" skill in Torchlight Infinite! Here’s a breakdown of its key features and strategic implications:

Key Features:

  • Channeled Casting: Requires holding down the skill button to activate, building up stacks based on the duration.
  • Euphoria Buff for Sentries: After channeling ends, nearby sentries (likely your summoned companions) gain Euphoria, a temporary damage boost (+20% at level 20) for 3 seconds.
  • Stack-Based Empower: The skill’s effect scales with the number of channeled stacks. Each stack grants an additional +33% to the Empower effect (specific effect unclear without more information).
  • Duration Extension Bonus: Reaching the maximum channeling stack at the end grants the affected sentries a 3-second extension to their duration.

Strategic Implications:

  • Channeling Optimization: Maximizing the channeling duration within the comfortable window before enemies interrupt you is crucial to build up stacks and enhance the buff.
  • Sentry Positioning: Place your sentries strategically within the area of effect to ensure they benefit from the Euphoria buff after channeling ends.
  • Stack-Dependent Playstyle: Adapt your combat approach to maintain channeling for as long as possible to stack the Empower effect and potentially extend sentry duration.
  • Synergy with Sentry Builds: This skill shines in builds that heavily rely on sentries and benefit from both their damage boost and extended duration.

Potential Build Considerations:

  • Sentry Focus: Skills and equipment that enhance sentry summoning, survivability, and damage output can synergize well with Harmonious Field’s buffs.
  • Channeling Support: Skills or passives that reduce incoming damage or provide crowd control while channeling can help maintain the stacking process.
  • Empower Interaction: Understanding the specific effect of "Empower" is crucial for tailoring your build and maximizing the skill’s benefits.
  • Mana Management: Channeling skills often consume mana, so consider skills or equipment that manage mana regeneration to sustain extended use.

Overall, Harmonious Field seems like a powerful tool for sentry-focused builds, offering temporary damage boosts and potential duration extension. By understanding its channeling mechanics, maximizing stack buildup, and building synergies with other skills, you can turn your sentries into temporary powerhouses on the battlefield.

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

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