Torchlight Infinite Desperation



Hero Trait




For every 5 points of Murderous Intent, all units within the Holy Domain gain an additional +1% Attack and Cast Speed.

For every 5 points of Murderous Intent, deal an additional +2% Damage to enemies within the Holy Domain

The "Desperation" Hero Trait in Torchlight Infinite offers a potent playstyle built upon amplifying your own strength and that of your allies through the fuel of Murderous Intent. Let’s dive into its features and unlock its strategic potential:

Shared Power Through Intent:

  • Boosting Allies: For every 5 points of Murderous Intent you accumulate, all units within your Holy Domain, including yourself and your minions, gain a +1% increase in both Attack and Cast Speed. This creates a potent synergy where your offensive focus benefits not just you, but your entire entourage.
  • Escalating Damage: Additionally, every 5 points of Murderous Intent translate to a +2% Damage bonus for you against enemies within the Domain. This direct offensive boost synergizes beautifully with the shared speed buff, creating a snowball effect of escalating power for you and your allies.

Strategic Implications:

  • Murderous Intent Focus: Prioritize skills and equipment that generate Murderous Intent efficiently to quickly reach those key thresholds and unlock the full power of the trait. Consider abilities that benefit from the increased attack and cast speed you provide.
  • Team Composition: Build your team around classes that can capitalize on the speed and damage buffs, such as melee attackers who benefit from Attack Speed or spellcasters who leverage faster Cast Speed.
  • Offensive Synergy: Look for ways to further amplify the offensive potential of your allies. Skills that enhance critical hit chance, damage multiplier, or specific attack types can stack beautifully with the Desperation bonuses.

Potential Benefits:

  • Powerful team-oriented playstyle that boosts both your and your allies’ offensive capabilities.
  • Escalating damage and speed through efficient Murderous Intent management.
  • Synergizes well with a variety of offensive builds and team compositions.


  • Reliance on consistent Murderous Intent generation to maintain buffs.
  • May not be optimal for defensive or support-focused builds.
  • Requires awareness of ally positioning and maximizing their benefit from the Domain.

Overall, the "Desperation" Hero Trait offers a thrilling and strategic option for players seeking to become a force multiplier on the battlefield. By mastering the art of generating and utilizing Murderous Intent, you can transform this Hero into a beacon of shared power, leading your allies to a whirlwind of devastating attacks and relentless offensive pressure. Remember, the true strength lies in forging a team that thrives on Desperation, where unity and intent become the fuel for unstoppable victory.

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

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