Throne and Liberty Spiritus Damage Reduction

Spiritus Damage Reduction: Decreases damage received from Spiritus.

The Throne and Liberty stats "Spiritus Damage Bonus" and "Spiritus Damage Reduction" seem specifically designed for encounters with powerful entities or bosses named Spiritus. Here’s what we can analyze:


  • Spiritus Damage Bonus: Boosts your damage output specifically against Spiritus, potentially making you a valuable asset in groups tackling this challenge.
  • Spiritus Damage Reduction: Makes you more resilient against Spiritus’ attacks, increasing your survivability in the encounter.

Strategic Value:

  • Content-Specific: These stats offer targeted benefits and are less universally applicable than stats boosting general damage or defense.
  • Group Synergy: If you frequently participate in content involving Spiritus, investing in these stats can significantly contribute to your team’s success. You’ll deal more damage and potentially require less healing, enabling your group to be more efficient.
  • Opportunity Cost: Remember that investing in these stats might mean sacrificing points in other potentially valuable stats for general combat or other bosses/enemies.


  • Spiritus Encounter Frequency: How often do you encounter Spiritus compared to other enemies in your typical gameplay?
  • Group Composition: If you often play with groups specifically targeting Spiritus, having some members focus on these stats can be highly beneficial.
  • Difficulty of Spiritus Encounter: If Spiritus is particularly challenging, prioritizing damage reduction might be crucial for group success.

Further Information:

  • Is Spiritus a solo encounter, a raid boss, or part of another type of content?
  • What are the typical damage ranges and attack patterns of Spiritus?
  • Are there other bosses or enemies with specific damage bonuses or reductions available?

By understanding these details and analyzing how these stats fit into your gameplay habits and goals, you can decide if investing in them is worthwhile for your Throne and Liberty character.

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