Throne and Liberty Special Item Chance

Special Item Chance: Find special items when gathering materials.

Throne and Liberty Sollant Bonus:

  • Function: This stat appears to be a self-reinforcing loop. Unfortunately, without knowing what "Sollant Bonus" refers to, it’s impossible to say how increasing it benefits you.
  • Possible Interpretations: It could increase the amount of Sollant obtained from various activities, grant bonus effects based on Sollant acquisition, or even unlock additional features related to Sollant.
  • Recommendations: If you encounter this stat, try researching the term "Sollant Bonus" within the game or through community resources to understand its specific effects and how increasing it benefits you.

Throne and Liberty Special Item Chance:

  • Function: This stat clearly increases your chance of finding special items while gathering materials.
  • Strategic Value: The value of this stat depends on the rarity and usefulness of the special items you can find. If these items are crucial for crafting high-end gear or valuable consumables, prioritizing this stat can be beneficial.
  • Considerations: Remember that this stat only affects gathering activities, so its importance depends on how much time you spend gathering compared to other gameplay aspects.

Remember, both these stats operate in different parts of the game and provide distinct benefits. Analyzing them in the context of your goals and playstyle will help you decide if investing in them is worthwhile.

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