Throne and Liberty Sollant

Throne and Liberty Sollant

Sollant is the common currency in Throne and Liberty. Acquried from Hunting, Contracts. The marketplace Tax Rate is 35%.

Throne and Liberty Sollant

How to farm more Sollant in Throne and Liberty?

  1. It can be obtained from killing monsters.Throne and Liberty Sollant Farming
  2. Sell items in the marketplace for exchanging Sollant items. The Tax Rate is 35%.
  3. Contracts reward you with Sollant currency items.
  4. Purchase Season Pass in the game with real money. It will reward you with 5,000 Sollant.
  5. Buy Throne and Liberty Sollant at U4GM with a 5% coupon TL. U4GM is the best Throne and Liberty Sollant site.

Buy Throne and Liberty Lucent

Sollant in Throne and Liberty serves as the game's primary currency. It's the lifeblood of your in-game economy, used for a wide range of activities and transactions. Here's a breakdown of its significance:

Essential for Purchases:

  • Sollant is used to purchase various items and services, including:
    • Equipment: Gear, weapons, armor, and other enhancements for your character.
    • Consumables: Potions, scrolls, and other temporary power-ups.
    • Materials: Resources needed for crafting and upgrading items.
    • Travel: Transportation between different areas of the world.
    • Services: Repairs, training, and other character-related benefits.

Trading and Auction House:

  • Sollant facilitates trade between players, allowing you to:
    • Purchase desired items from other players directly.
    • Sell unwanted items and earn Sollant to fund your needs.
    • Utilize the Auction House to list and bid on various items.

Character Progression:

  • Sollant plays a role in character progression:
    • Unlocking certain skills and abilities for your class.
    • Accessing additional content and challenges in the game.
    • Upgrading your skills and attributes.

Earning Sollant:

  • There are numerous ways to earn Sollant in Throne and Liberty:
    • Completing quests and defeating monsters.
    • Gathering resources and selling them.
    • Participating in daily and weekly activities.
    • Joining guilds and completing guild-related tasks.
    • Trading effectively with other players.

Overall Importance:

  • Sollant is vital for experiencing the full range of Throne and Liberty. It grants you access to better equipment, progression opportunities, and various other conveniences. While free-to-play players can acquire Sollant through regular gameplay, dedicated players or those seeking faster progress might consider purchasing Sollant packages or utilizing in-game microtransactions.

Remember, while Sollant is essential, it's just one element of the game. Skill, strategy, and exploration are equally important for success in Throne and Liberty.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about Sollant or other aspects of the game!

Sollant, alongside Lucent and Adena, is one of the three main currencies in Throne and Liberty. Here's a breakdown of its role and importance:

Primary Currency for In-Game Activities:

  • Sollant is the primary currency earned through various in-game activities, including defeating monsters, completing quests, and participating in events.
  • It's used for a wide range of purchases and actions within the game, making it essential for everyday gameplay.

Functions of Sollant:

  • Buying Consumables: Sollant is used to purchase potions, scrolls, food, and other consumables that are crucial for combat and survival.
  • Upgrading Equipment: You can use Sollant to upgrade your gear at blacksmiths and other vendors, enhancing your character's stats and abilities.
  • Trading with Players: Sollant is the primary currency used for trading items and services with other players on the auction house and in-person.
  • Unlocking Content: Certain game features and areas might require Sollant to access, such as dungeons or exclusive crafting recipes.

Earning Sollant:

  • The main way to earn Sollant is through regular gameplay activities like monster hunting, completing quests, and participating in events.
  • Higher-level content and challenges generally reward more Sollant, making them lucrative options for dedicated players.
  • Daily and weekly quests offer a consistent source of Sollant income.
  • Trading and selling items to other players can also be a way to acquire more Sollant.

Importance of Sollant:

  • Sollant is crucial for progressing in Throne and Liberty. It's used for almost everything from basic survival to upgrading your character and unlocking new content.
  • While Lucent offers an alternative path for progression, Sollant remains the essential currency earned solely through gameplay.
  • Efficiently managing your Sollant income and spending it wisely is key to success in Throne and Liberty.

Additional Notes:

  • The in-game economy of Throne and Liberty is still evolving, so the importance and uses of Sollant might change over time.
  • Some players raise concerns about the potential influence of real-money purchases through Lucent on the value and importance of Sollant. However, the developers have stated their commitment to maintaining a balanced economy where in-game earned currency remains relevant.

I hope this information provides a comprehensive understanding of Sollant's role and importance in Throne and Liberty. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!

Sollant, unlike Lucent, is the main in-game currency in Throne and Liberty. It plays a vital role in various aspects of your journey through Arcadia:


  • Sollant is primarily earned through gameplay activities, including:
    • Completing quests and objectives.
    • Defeating monsters and bosses.
    • Participating in events and challenges.
    • Crafting and selling items.
    • Trading with other players.

Key Functions:

  • Sollant is used for a wide range of purchases and transactions within the game, including:
    • Buying gear, equipment, and consumables.
    • Upgrading and enchanting your existing equipment.
    • Repairing damaged gear.
    • Paying for travel and transportation.
    • Accessing specific areas or services.
    • Participating in certain PvP activities.


  • Sollant is crucial for progressing in Throne and Liberty. It allows you to:
    • Gear up your character and become more powerful.
    • Access new content and challenges.
    • Enhance your overall gameplay experience.

Farming Tips:

  • Efficiently acquiring Sollant can be a challenge, but here are some tips:
    • Focus on completing quests that offer significant rewards.
    • Find areas with high monster density and slay them efficiently.
    • Participate in regular events and challenges that provide Sollant bonuses.
    • Learn crafting and sell valuable items on the marketplace.
    • Consider trading with other players to acquire needed items.

Additional Points:

  • Sollant is not directly purchasable with real money, making it a truly grindable currency.
  • Its value can fluctuate depending on market demand and server economy.
  • Managing your Sollant wisely is essential for success in Throne and Liberty.

I hope this comprehensive explanation clarifies the importance and functions of Sollant in Throne and Liberty. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about this crucial currency or other aspects of the game!

Related Currency

Lucent is the main currency item in Throne and Liberty. It is a paid currency used in the Lucent Shop and the Marketplace.

Throne and Liberty