Throne and Liberty Shield Block Chance

Shield Block Chance: Chance of blocking an enemy attack with your shield. With a successful shield block, damage received is reduced and new CC effects are not inflicted.

The Throne and Liberty stat "Shield Block Chance" is incredibly important for shield-wielding classes, directly influencing their defensive capabilities. Let’s break down its impact and strategic considerations:


  • This stat represents the probability of successfully blocking an enemy attack with your shield. Higher chance means more frequent blocks.
  • A successful block reduces the damage you receive and prevents the application of new crowd control (CC) effects. This significantly enhances your survivability and resistance to control attempts.

Strategic Value:

  • Improved Defense: Higher Shield Block Chance directly translates to more frequent damage mitigation and CC immunity, making you tougher in combat.
  • Synergy with Other Stats: It works synergistically with other defensive stats like Reduce Damage: Shield (amount of damage blocked) and Perfect Block Chance (perfect blocks negate all damage and apply CC counters).
  • Playstyle and Content: If your class and preferred content focus on close-quarters combat with frequent enemy attacks, prioritizing Shield Block Chance can be crucial.


  • Class Synergy: Analyze how this stat aligns with your chosen class’s strengths and weaknesses. Some classes have innate bonuses to block chance or specialize in shield defense.
  • Opportunity Cost: Investing in this stat might mean sacrificing points in other potentially valuable stats like damage, stamina, or utility.
  • Diminishing Returns: Be aware that there might be diminishing returns on the effectiveness of this stat as you invest heavily in it.
  • Alternative Defense Measures: Consider if dodge chance, evasion, or specific resistances might be more valuable depending on the enemies you face.

Further Information:

  • Are there different shield types or qualities that offer varying base block chance?
  • Do specific skills or consumables temporarily increase your block chance?
  • Are there enemy attacks or mechanics that cannot be blocked?
  • What are the typical attack speeds and CC types of enemies you encounter in your preferred content?

By understanding these details and analyzing how Shield Block Chance fits into your overall defensive strategy, you can make informed decisions about its importance in your Throne and Liberty build. Remember, the optimal approach depends on your specific class, goals, and preferred playstyle. Feel free to share more information about these aspects for a more tailored response!

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