Throne and Liberty Search Party’s Resistance Necklace

While the Rare "Search Party’s Resistance Necklace" in Throne and Liberty might not be as powerful as Epic items, its unique stat combination of Magic Defense, Enfeeble Resistance, and Mana Cost Efficiency offers intriguing possibilities for specific classes and playstyles. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Rare Rarity: Decent power and value for mid-game content.
  • Magic Defense 120: Moderate protection against magical attacks.
  • Enfeeble Resistance 75: A significant resistance against the "Enfeeble" debuff, which reduces your damage output.
  • Mana Cost Efficiency +3%: Reduces the mana cost of your skills by 3%, allowing you to cast them more often for the same mana expenditure.


The necklace caters particularly to classes whose damage output is heavily affected by the Enfeeble debuff and those reliant on frequent skill usage.

Suitable Classes:

  • Warriors: They often face Enfeeble from magic-wielding enemies, and the resistance can help maintain their damage potential.
  • Slayers: Similar to Warriors, they can benefit from resisting Enfeeble and utilize the Mana Cost Efficiency for more aggressive skill-based play.
  • Sorcerers: While not directly affected by Enfeeble, they rely heavily on mana management, and the Mana Cost Efficiency can significantly improve their spellcasting sustainability.


  • Content and Matchups: The value of Enfeeble Resistance depends on the content you’re facing and the enemy types you encounter. If Enfeeble isn’t prevalent, other necklaces might offer better overall benefits.
  • Alternative Stats: Consider if other Rare necklaces with different stat combinations (e.g., Attack Power, Critical Hit) might better synergize with your overall build and playstyle.


The Search Party’s Resistance Necklace is a niche, yet valuable, option for specific classes and situations. Its Enfeeble Resistance and Mana Cost Efficiency can provide situational defense and offensive potential, particularly for warrior-like fighters and mana-hungry casters. Carefully weigh its strengths and weaknesses against other options to determine if it fits your character’s needs in the context of Throne and Liberty’s combat and environment.

I hope this analysis helps you make an informed decision about utilizing the Search Party’s Resistance Necklace! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

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