Throne and Liberty or Project E — TL

NC has finally showcased an original story with < Throne and Liberty > after a long time, which we cannot talk about without < Project E >. When the teaser was released in February, you announced that < Throne and Liberty > shares the same worldview with < Project E >. We wonder where this idea first started.

LIGHTBOX House   The worldview of   < Throne and Liberty >  was created by LIGHTBOX House. When a new IP is planned, LIGHTBOX House is asked to build a worldview through discussions with the development team based on its basic concept. Of course it would be great if we could deliver more stories. Unfortunately though, only a few of the tens or hundreds of projects are actually developed into an actual game. I just hope you to know that there is this team of LIGHTBOX House at NC and we strive to identify an interesting story and exchange ideas to create a more solid worldview and fun game.

Throne and Liberty or Project E

(Left) < Project E >  , (Right)  < Throne and Liberty >

From the early days of building the worldview of  < Throne and Liberty >  , we imagined a scenario where many different stories derive from the same worldview and are applied to other IPs. For this reason, we carefully designed its major pillars. Starting from Genesis, which we are pretty sure will be seen as the too distant past for today’s players, we meticulously organized major events, making the map of the entire planet in consideration of time, space, and climate.

It is very interesting to see the two games share the same worldview. Still it is not easy to imagine that.

LIGHTBOX House   The backgrounds of < Throne and Liberty >  and < Project E >  are two different continents on the same planet. < Throne and Liberty > is set in Solisium which looks like the Western medieval period while < Project E > is set in Laisak (TBD) which is a Eastern medieval period-themed continent.

Throne and Liberty or Project E

A map of Novcrea World where the worlds of  < Throne and Liberty >  and < Project E >  unfold

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Please explain how they share the same worldview in more detail.

LIGHTBOX House   Since < Throne and Liberty > and < Project E >  are based on the same planet, they will be in the same time zone. They will share not only the same gravitational and ecological characteristics but also the same origin of magical and fantastical elements. Still the characteristics of each civilization and history will not be the same because they are set in different continents. In addition, important events that take place on the planet are interpreted in a totally different way in the two games, making them more interesting and fun.

What is the major epic of the two games?

LIGHTBOX House   There were two major events. To begin with, there was an attempt to seal away the God, Silaves, into a magic stone named the Star of Silaves but to no avail during the War between the Old Gods. As a result, the powerful magic stone was broken into small pieces and scattered around the planet, triggering a war to secure the pieces. In , several pieces of Sillack, which is equal to the Star of Silaves in < Throne and Liberty >, fell on the continent, giving birth to four Sky Islands, a Mystery Lake and sacred beasts and trees, etc.

Throne and Liberty or Project E

(Left) < Project E >  , (Right)  < Throne and Liberty > 

And there were wars. Humans waged a war against elves after learning magic from them while orcs started a large-scale war to unite different tribes. Due to these wars, some races were forced to leave their home and settled down in a new area (in the process, elves changed their names to “Nirva” and orcs to “Yaksha” in Laisak of Project E). These events are connected to other historical events running through the two projects.

Throne and Liberty or Project E

(Clockwise from the top left)  < Throne and Liberty >  Wisp Island tree, < Project E >  Divine tree concept original painting,  < Project E >  Divine tree concept original painting,  < Throne and Liberty >  River wetland

< Project E > has attracted a lot of attention due to the fact that it shares the same worldview with < Throne and Liberty >. Please introduce < Project E > briefly before we further dig into the game.

LIGHTBOX House   NC chose a project with the concept of orientalism as the second IP to share the same worldview with < Throne and Liberty >. We originally aimed to establish a worldview by focusing on the beauty and mysticism of the East. This is why its name is Project E and E here stands for the East.

Although the recently released video highlights Korean elements, we will ultimately create 16 countries to show different historical, ecological, and visual references of the East. This does not mean that we exclude Western elements. We strive to beautifully harmonize various cultures in the fantasy world of .

Throne and Liberty or Project E

Last but not least, please say a word to the players who look forward to the release of the games.

Jong-ok Ahn   We have put our best efforts to develop fresh and new MMO games. The videos we have recently released show the actual playing of the games. I would like to say that I am always ready to have a candid, open-minded communication with players and continue to develop a fresh game.

Moon-young Choi   Increasing communication with our players from the planning stage, I realized that that their needs are becoming more concrete and diversified. Considering that the gaming market evolves faster than any other markets, I think we need to actively collect and reflect their opinions in our games. We are now trying to come up with something new. I hope that you will continue to look forward to NC’s projects including < Throne and Liberty > and < Project E > with strong support.

Throne and Liberty