Throne and Liberty Multiplayer — TL

Throne and Liberty Multiplayer

Throne and Liberty is a next-gen massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG), coming to the global market in the first half of 2023 on PC and consoles.

In the Director’s Preview, CCO Taekjin Kim declared that “TL is an MMORPG for all players across nationalities and generations.” Kim also added, “Developed under the slogan of ‘Play For All’, TL will be available on the best platforms for players to enjoy TL, and that is both PC and console.”

Further in the preview, producer Jongok Ahn and game design director Moonseop Lee revealed more about TL’s key features and details. They demonstrated how TL is a seamless living world and dungeons that change depending on the weather condition and surrounding environments. The MMORPG has an immersive narrative where the past, present, and future are connected. The game also features a “Free Class” system, where player roles are decided by the weapons of their choice, and a PvP (Player versus player) combat system that allows players to decide whether they want to engage or not.

Throne and Liberty Multiplayer

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Throne and Liberty