Throne and Liberty Morph Stamina Cost Efficiency

Morph Stamina Cost Efficiency: Increases Stamina Cost Efficiency while dashing, swimming, and gliding.

Throne and Liberty’s Morph Stamina Cost Efficiency sounds like a valuable stat for players who rely heavily on movement options like dashing, swimming, and gliding. Here’s what we can uncover about its potential impact:


  • This stat reduces the Stamina cost of specific movement abilities: dashing, swimming, and gliding.
  • Each point invested likely gives a percentage decrease in Stamina consumption for these actions.

Strategic Implications:

  • Improved Maneuverability: For classes that utilize these movement abilities frequently, the stat can significantly extend their duration and range, allowing for better positioning, chasing enemies, or escaping danger.
  • Exploration Efficiency: If you enjoy exploring the world freely, this stat can help you cover vast distances underwater or in the air without depleting your Stamina quickly.
  • Strategic Optimization: For some classes, it could be crucial for utilizing specific mechanics or combos that rely heavily on these movement abilities.


  • Base Costs: Knowing the base Stamina costs of each movement action helps evaluate the relative impact of the stat. Reducing a high cost by 10% might be more impactful than reducing a low cost by the same amount.
  • Diminishing Returns: Understanding if there are diminishing returns on the stat’s effectiveness can help you decide on the optimal investment level.
  • Alternative Sources: Explore if other equipment, consumables, or class skills offer additional Stamina regeneration or cost reduction to synergize with this stat.

Further Questions:

  • Are there any class-specific passives or talents that interact with Morph Stamina Cost Efficiency?
  • Does the stat also affect any other movement abilities beyond the mentioned ones?
  • How does the stat compare to other Stamina-related stats like Max Stamina or Stamina Regeneration in terms of overall mobility and survivability for your class?

By diving deeper into these details and understanding the stat’s strategic value for your class and playstyle, you can make informed decisions about its usefulness in your Throne and Liberty build.

Remember, the optimal approach often depends on your specific goals and preferences. Feel free to share additional information about your class and desired playstyle for more tailored advice!

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