Throne and Liberty Melee Endurance

Melee Endurance: Increases the chance of evading critical hits and taking Min Damage from melee attacks. Chance increases 1% for every 10 Stats.

Evasion Mechanics:

  • Critical Hit Only: Does Melee Endurance only provide a chance to evade critical melee hits, or does it affect all melee attacks regardless of critical status? Clarifying this point helps evaluate its overall effectiveness.
  • Internal Cooldown: Are there any internal cooldowns on how frequently the evasion chance can trigger? Knowing this helps assess its reliability in combat.
  • Visual or Audio Cues: Does the game provide any visual or audio cues when Melee Endurance successfully evades an attack? This feedback loop can be crucial for understanding the stat’s impact in real-time.

Damage Reduction:

  • Minimum Damage: What constitutes "minimum damage" in Throne and Liberty? Is it a fixed value, a percentage reduction, or something else entirely? Understanding the specifics helps evaluate its defensive benefit.
  • Stacking with Other Mitigation: Does this minimum damage reduction stack with other forms of damage mitigation (e.g., armor, skills)? Knowing this helps determine its overall contribution to survivability.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Playstyle Synergy: Does your character benefit more from consistent damage reduction or the potential for complete evasion offered by Melee Endurance? Consider your class role and primary objectives in combat.
  • Enemy Composition: Knowing the types of enemies you’ll encounter and their reliance on critical hits can help determine the value of Melee Endurance against them.
  • Resource Management: If Melee Endurance relies on a specific resource, consider its availability and potential limitations in different combat scenarios.

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