Throne and Liberty Melee Defense

Melee Defense: Proportionally decreases damage taken from melee attacks.

Damage Reduction Mechanics:

  • Proportionality: "Proportionally" could imply either a linear reduction (each point in Melee Defense reduces damage by a fixed percentage) or a diminishing returns system (higher investment yields gradually smaller damage reduction benefits). Knowing the specific mechanic can help you optimize stat allocation.
  • Damage Type Specificity: Does Melee Defense only mitigate physical damage from melee attacks, or does it also reduce magical damage dealt through melee-range abilities? Understanding its scope of effectiveness is crucial.
  • Stacking with Other Defenses: Can Melee Defense stack with other defensive buffs or stats (e.g., armor, resistance)? Knowing if they synergize or have diminishing returns is important for build optimization.

Strategic Implications:

  • Target Selection and Positioning: If Melee Defense only mitigates physical damage, knowing enemy types and prioritizing those who deal physical melee damage can maximize its effectiveness.
  • Gear Choices: Equipment with inherent Melee Defense bonuses or stat conversion effects can synergize well with this stat.
  • Class Synergies: Some classes might have abilities or passives that further enhance the value of Melee Defense.

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