Throne and Liberty Magic Heavy Attack Evasion

Magic Heavy Attack Evasion: Getting hit by Magic Heavy Attack decreases the chance to take double damage. Chance is reduced by 1% for every 10 Stats.

Throne and Liberty’s Magic Heavy Attack Evasion presents a unique and interesting mechanic. However, based on the description alone, there are some potential interpretations and further questions to consider:

Possible Interpretations:

  1. Direct Chance Reduction: After getting hit by a magic heavy attack, your chance to take double damage from subsequent magic heavy attacks decreases by 1% for every 10 stats invested in the stat. This could incentivize avoiding heavy attacks initially but ultimately make them less dangerous later in the encounter.
  2. Internal Cooldown Trigger: Getting hit by a magic heavy attack triggers an internal cooldown, reducing the chance of future heavy attacks dealing double damage for a set duration. Higher investment in the stat could shorten this cooldown, making heavy attacks more reliable sources of double damage over time.
  3. Debuff Application: After taking a magic heavy attack, you gain a debuff that reduces the chance of being critically hit by subsequent heavy attacks. This debuff might have a duration and potentially interact with other defensive buffs or debuffs.

Questions for Further Clarification:

  • Which interpretation best aligns with the actual mechanic in Throne and Liberty?
  • What is the specific duration of the chance reduction or internal cooldown effect?
  • Does the effect stack with itself or have diminishing returns?
  • Are there any visual or audio cues indicating the active state of the reduced double damage chance?
  • Does this stat interact with other defensive or offensive mechanics related to magic heavy attacks?

Strategic Implications:

  • Depending on the interpretation, this stat could encourage aggressive play against magic-heavy enemies, making you less vulnerable to double damage later in the fight.
  • It might also promote strategic use of defensive skills or consumables to negate the initial heavy attack hit and minimize the penalty to double damage chance.
  • Understanding the stat’s interaction with other mechanics and enemy attack patterns is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness and mitigating double damage risk.

Additional Information:

  • Are there any class-specific talents or skills that further influence how Heavy Attack Evasion works?
  • How does this stat compare to other defensive options available for your class?
  • What are typical situations where maximizing Heavy Attack Evasion would be beneficial?

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