Throne and Liberty Magic Evasion

Magic Evasion: Increases the chance of evading magic attacks. Chance increases 1% for every 10 Stats.

Here are some points to consider:

Types of Magic Evasion:

  • Base Evasion: This is the inherent chance to dodge magic attacks determined by your character’s base stats and class.
  • Magic Evasion Stat Bonus: This refers to the specific % increase in evasion chance gained from each point invested in the Magic Evasion stat (as you mentioned, 1% per 10 stats).
  • Other sources of Evasion: There might be other skills, equipment, or buffs that contribute to your overall magic evasion chance.

Important notes:

  • Evasion is typically a binary chance – either you completely dodge the attack or take full damage. It doesn’t affect the damage you receive directly like mitigation stats.
  • While high evasion can be powerful, it can also be unreliable compared to consistent damage reduction offered by Magic Defense.
  • Some attacks might be unevadable altogether, so consider this limitation when evaluating this stat.

Additional information:

  • Does Throne and Liberty have any mechanics like diminishing returns on evasion stats?
  • Are there any special interactions or mechanics related to dodging magic attacks (e.g., gaining buffs after a successful dodge)?
  • How does magic evasion compare to other defensive stats in terms of overall effectiveness?

Understanding these details will provide a more comprehensive picture of how Magic Evasion functions and its relative value in your gameplay strategy.

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