Throne and Liberty Gigantrithe — TL

'Gigantrite' is in the shape of a flying whale. Since the back of 'Gigantrite' is treated as terrain, all battles, including PVP, take place on it.

Gigantrite (Flying Islands)

The giant flying object named Gigantrithe is a moving terrain that moves along a set route like a subway line. Using this, it is possible to go to a place that is inaccessible by normal methods, and even on top of it, you can fight, so competition between forces can unfold. Gigantrite comes out every few hours and works for 30 minutes.

  • Moving terrain that moves along a set route like a subway line
  • Allows you to get to places you normally cannot get to
  • On top of this flying island you can fight
  • Every few hours, up for 30 minutes

Throne and Liberty Gigantrithe

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Throne and Liberty