Throne and Liberty Double PvP Petrification Evasion

Double PvP Petrification Evasion: Increases the chance of inflicting Double Petrification which grants doubled duration period of such effect during PvP.

"Throne and Liberty Double PvP Petrification Evasion: Increases the chance of inflicting Double Petrification which grants doubled duration period of such effect during PvP" sounds intriguing, as it combines two strong effects (Petrification and Evasion) into one ability. Here’s what I can gather and the questions that arise:

Potential Effects:

  • Double Petrification: Doubles the duration of any other Petrification effects applied to a target in PvP, significantly extending their immobility.
  • Double Evasion: Grants the target temporary increased evasion, making them harder to hit. This raises some questions:
    • Does it affect your attacks/abilities in any way?
    • Does it stack with other evasion effects?
    • Does it affect the duration of existing evasion effects, or just grant a separate buff?

Possible Benefits:

  • Enhanced Crowd Control: Combining petrification and evasion can create more disruptive effects, potentially locking down enemies while making them harder to damage.
  • Strategic Versatility: You can use this ability for both offensive (immobilizing key targets) and defensive (buying time or escaping attacks) purposes.
  • Combo Opportunities: The double petrification can set up opportunities for teammates to land other CC or burst damage.

Important Considerations:

  • Trade-offs: Acquiring this effect might require sacrificing valuable points in other stats or abilities. Evaluate the overall build impact.
  • Playstyle and Class Synergy: This might be more valuable for characters who focus on controlling enemies or disrupting their actions, like tanks or support classes.
  • Clarity on Evasion Interaction: Understanding how Double Evasion interacts with existing evasion mechanics is crucial to assess its usefulness.
  • PvP Focus: This effect seems primarily beneficial for PvP situations. Consider your regular PvP activities and if this aligns with your goals.

Additional Questions:

  • What class are you playing, and what is your primary role in PvP?
  • What other CC or defensive abilities do you have?
  • What kind of PvP activities do you participate in most often?
  • Are there specific challenges you face in PvP that this effect could address?

Further Thoughts:

  • Stacking Potential: Can this effect stack with other sources of increased Double Petrification chance?
  • Diminishing Returns: Do consecutive applications of Double Petrification have diminishing effects on duration?
  • Enemy Cleanse Abilities: Are there common enemy abilities that can remove Petrification or Evasion effects?

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