Throne and Liberty Double PvP Bind Evasion

Double PvP Bind Evasion: Increases the chance of inflicting Double Evasion which grants doubled duration period of such effect during PvP.

"Throne and Liberty Double PvP Bind Evasion: Increases the chance of inflicting Double Evasion which grants doubled duration period of such effect during PvP" sounds like an interesting effect for characters who want to enhance their survivability and outmaneuver opponents in Player vs. Player combat. Here’s what I can tell you:

What it does:

  • This effect increases your chance of triggering the "Double Evasion" status effect on enemy players in PvP.
  • When applied, "Double Evasion" doubles the duration of any other evasion effects the target has, making them harder to hit for a longer period.

Potential benefits:

  • Increased survivability: This can be valuable for characters who rely on dodging enemy attacks to stay alive, especially in burst damage situations.
  • Tactical retreats: Extended evasion windows can create opportunities to reposition, heal yourself, or wait for cooldowns to recharge.
  • Combo setups: Combining Double Evasion with other defensive abilities or CC (crowd control) can make you even more slippery and difficult to pin down.

Factors to consider:

  • Baseline chance of Double Evasion: Knowing the original chance of inflicting Double Evasion helps understand the actual magnitude of the increase.
  • Duration of other evasion effects: If commonly used evasion abilities have short durations, doubling them might not result in a significant difference.
  • Trade-offs: Acquiring this effect might require sacrificing points in other valuable stats or abilities. Evaluate the overall build impact.
  • Playstyle and class synergy: This effect might be more valuable for classes that benefit from high mobility and dodging attacks, like melee DPS or ranged skirmishers.

Additional questions:

  • What class are you playing, and what is your preferred playstyle in PvP?
  • What other defensive abilities or evasion skills do you have in your repertoire?
  • Do you face many situations where extended evasion would be helpful (e.g., burst damage attacks, heavy AoE)?

By answering these questions, I can give you a more tailored analysis of how "Double PvP Bind Evasion" fits your PvP strategy and suggest ways to leverage it effectively in Throne and Liberty.

Further considerations:

  • Stacking potential: Can this effect stack with other sources of increased Double Evasion chance?
  • Diminishing returns: Do consecutive applications of Double Evasion have diminishing effects on duration?
  • Enemy dispel abilities: Are there common enemy abilities that can remove evasion effects?

Understanding these nuances will help you make an informed decision about whether "Double PvP Bind Evasion" is a valuable addition to your PvP build in Throne and Liberty.

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