Throne and Liberty Debuff Duration

Debuff Duration: Decreases the duration of incoming debuff effects.

Throne and Liberty’s "Debuff Duration: Decreases the duration of incoming debuff effects" sounds like a helpful stat for mitigating negative effects on your character. Here’s what I can tell you about it:

What it Does:

This effect reduces the amount of time you are affected by negative status effects applied by enemies or the environment. These effects can include things like stuns, slows, silences, DoTs (damage over time), and more.


The value of this stat depends on several factors:

  • Frequency of Debuffs: Do you frequently encounter enemies or situations that apply debuffs? If not, the stat might not be as useful.
  • Impact of Debuffs: How disruptive are the debuffs you face? Do they significantly hinder your mobility, damage output, or survival?
  • Playstyle and Role: As a support or tank, debuff duration might be less critical than for damage dealers who rely on uninterrupted attacks.

Additional Considerations:

  • Magnitude of Reduction: Is it a small, moderate, or substantial reduction? A larger reduction offers clearer benefits.
  • Stacking Potential: Can this effect be combined with other sources of debuff duration reduction for even shorter debuffs?
  • Trade-offs: Does acquiring this effect require sacrificing other valuable stats or abilities?


"Debuff Duration: Decreases the duration of incoming debuff effects" can be a helpful stat for many situations in Throne and Liberty. Evaluating its value requires considering the prevalence and impact of debuffs you face, your playstyle and role, and potential trade-offs involved in acquiring this reduction.

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