Throne and Liberty Daemonus Damage Reduction

Daemonus Damage Reduction: Decreases damage received from Daemoni.

Throne and Liberty’s "Daemonus Damage Reduction" sounds like a valuable defensive stat for specific situations. Here’s what I can gather based on the information you’ve provided:


This effect directly reduces the amount of damage you receive from Daemoni. Daemoni are likely specific enemy types within the game, possibly powerful demons, bosses, or unique foes.


The importance of this effect depends on several factors:

  • Prevalence of Daemoni: How often do you encounter Daemoni in your regular gameplay? If they are rare enemies, its value might be lower.
  • Damage output of Daemoni: Do Daemoni attacks deal significant damage, often posing a threat to your survival? If so, this reduction can be crucial.
  • Playing style and role: Tanks and melee characters facing Daemoni in close combat might benefit more than ranged characters or those focusing on other enemy types.

Additional Considerations:

  • Reduction percentage: Is it a small, medium, or substantial reduction? A larger percentage offers clearer defensive advantages.
  • Stacking potential: Can this effect be combined with other sources of Daemonus damage reduction for stronger protection?
  • Trade-offs: Does acquiring this effect require sacrificing other valuable stats or abilities? Evaluate the overall build impact.


"Daemonus Damage Reduction" can be a significant defensive tool depending on your gameplay context and the role you play. Evaluating its value requires considering the prevalence and threat level of Daemoni, your character’s role, and potential trade-offs involved in acquiring this protection.

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