Throne and Liberty Crude Wind Necklace

The Throne and Liberty Crude Wind Necklace, despite its Uncommon rarity, offers an interesting blend of defensive stats and offensive utility through potential traits, making it a viable option for early-game adventurers or specific class focuses. Let’s dissect its details:


  • Uncommon Rarity: Provides basic power and value for early-game content.
  • Magic Defense 60: Offers basic protection against magical attacks.
  • Mana Regen 18.75: Provides the highest passive mana regeneration among the Crude necklaces, significantly beneficial for classes reliant on frequent skill usage.
  • Ranged Evasion 20: Increases your chance of dodging ranged attacks, valuable for classes like Archers and Sorcerers who might be targeted from afar.

Possible Traits:

  • +20 Skill Damage Boost: A strong offensive option, significantly increasing your overall skill damage.
  • +2% Buff Duration: Enhances the effectiveness of buffs you receive, keeping them active for longer.
  • Mana Regen +15: Further boosts your already impressive passive mana regeneration, ideal for mana-hungry classes.
  • Max Mana +150: Adds more raw mana pool, allowing you to cast more skills before running out.
  • Petrification Chance +25: A powerful crowd control effect, potentially turning enemies to stone for a duration, offering strong offensive utility.
  • Stun Chance +25: Another great crowd control option, interrupting enemy actions and making them vulnerable.


This necklace shines in its high Mana Regen and Ranged Evasion, catering to:

  • Mana-reliant classes: Sorcerers, Mystics, and other classes that heavily utilize skills will benefit tremendously from the constant mana regeneration, allowing them to cast more frequently and sustain their offense or support roles.
  • Ranged-focused classes: Archers and Lancers who often face ranged attacks can utilize the evasion to improve their survivability and avoid getting pinned down.

Trait Flexibility:

  • Damage-focused players: +20 Skill Damage Boost or Petrification Chance can significantly enhance your offensive impact.
  • Sustain-focused players: Mana Regen +15 or Max Mana +150 can further solidify your mana management and skill usage.
  • Control-focused players: Stun Chance or Petrification Chance can provide unique crowd control tools to shut down enemies.


  • Uncommon Rarity: Remember, like other Crude necklaces, it will eventually be outclassed by higher-rarity gear. Upgrade as you progress.
  • Limited Focus: Its strengths are specific. Consider if other Uncommon necklaces with different stat combinations (e.g., Attack Power, Critical Hit) might better synergize with your overall build.


The Throne and Liberty Crude Wind Necklace is a valuable option for early-game players seeking high mana regeneration, ranged evasion, and offensive utility through potential traits. Its strengths cater particularly to mana-reliant and ranged-focused classes. However, keep its Uncommon rarity in mind and prioritize upgrading to more powerful gear as you progress.

I hope this analysis helps you decide whether the Crude Wind Necklace suits your needs in Throne and Liberty! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about the game or its equipment.

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