Throne and Liberty Boss Ranged Critical Hit

Boss Ranged Critical Hit: Increases the chance of ranged attacks landing as critical hits and dealing Max Damage against bosses. Critical Hit Rate increases 1% for every 10 Stats.

Based on what we’ve discussed and this new information, here’s what we know about "Boss Ranged Critical Hit":

What it does:

  • Increases the chance of ranged attacks landing as critical hits and dealing maximum damage against bosses.
  • Critical Hit Rate increases by 1% for every 10 "Stats."

Key Questions:

  1. Base Chance: Does this mechanic have a base chance for triggering a critical hit before the stat increase? Or does it start at 0% and rely solely on "Stats"?
  2. Stat Type: What specific "Stat" influences the Critical Hit Rate increase? Is it Ranged Accuracy, Critical Hit Rating, Attack Power, or something else?
  3. Class/Weapon Specificity: Is this mechanic available to all ranged classes or specific ones? Does it depend on the equipped weapon type (bow, crossbow, staff, etc.)?
  4. Max Damage Confirmation: Does this mechanic guarantee maximum damage on all critical hits against bosses, or does it just increase the base damage dealt by critical hits?
  5. Interaction with other mechanics: Does this mechanic interact with other mechanics like critical damage modifiers, boss-specific debuffs, or skills that increase critical hit chance?
  6. Source: Where did you find this information? Knowing the source helps verify its accuracy and ensure it aligns with official game mechanics.


  • This mechanic is likely beneficial for ranged DPS characters, improving their critical hit chance and damage output against bosses.
  • Understanding the specific stat involved is crucial for optimizing builds and maximizing the benefits.
  • Knowing class or weapon specificity helps players understand its applicability and potential benefits.
  • Confirming the exact effect on critical damage helps clarify its impact on overall damage potential.


  • Search for official sources like the game website, developer interviews, or patch notes for more details and verification.
  • If possible, share the source of this information for further research and accuracy analysis.
  • With more context, I can provide a more accurate and helpful response about "Boss Ranged Critical Hit" and its effectiveness within the game’s mechanics.

I hope this helps!

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